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oldest city in america! eastern time zone.
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full time student. aka bump on a log.
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being accepted into college!!
Anime Fan Since
1998 maybe?
Favorite Anime
Flame of Recca. Naruto. M�R. Saiyuki. Trigun Maximum.
become an animator, been that since age 3. and stop falling over all the time.
drawing. anime. and drawing. animation in general. volunteering at a local children's museum, too (don't look at me like that).
drawing (mediocre), reading (does that count?), devil sticks!
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Friday, October 29, 2004
i ride the short bus! really!
if any of you are old enough to vote and aren't, i officially hate you. i will now kill you and steal your identity in order to vote with it.
in other news. i really need to get the Viz FoR dvd in order to pass judgement. i really hope toonami doesn't pick it up. it's a pervy anime, so the good bits and cussing would be cut out. and i would cry. Bottou-chan of the Flame of Recca museum did a review (clickit right here) and it seems they didn't butcher it! score!
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
tried to submit it seven times. gave up. inspired by Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. want opinion: do i make a finished version or abandon it?
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i wear a bowl of peanuts for a hat!
AAAAAH! guess what, guess what?!?! i get to do claymation for commercial art!!! wooo!!! score one for me!!! it's gonna be soooo awesome!!!!! everyone else is doing live action, but not me, as i rock! expect to see production art (production art! aaaah! XD)! contain your jealousy! know what, don't! i'm waaaaaay too ecstatic right now! also doing public service announcements, doing mine on domestic abuse.
in other news. school system changed comm art to 'advertising design.' pfft, whatever. claymation!!! also just got a nightmare before christmas messenger bag, and it kicks some serious arse.
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Monday, October 25, 2004
then do ye have... the ruby parrot?!
honestly just posting to use that subject line. i adore it. started drawing a ninja last night, as they rock the rock, so to speak. think i'll ink it later and post, as i'm cool. please, contain your joy. and... yup. my foot's asleep. one of these days i'll write something here that isn't just me rambling. really. <.<...>.> my leg itches.
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
i have penguin pajamas on. go me.
found a wallpaper i started for Rain Phantom waaay back in the day, before gov school even, of the movie Metropolis. not exactly happy with it still, but i went back, tweaked it a little, finished it up and am now going to submit. mostly for the sake of submitting. i dunno, it just isn't a very good paper i don't think. ah well.
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
oooo, i LOVE telemarketing! it's soo EVIL!
ACT done and over with. math killed me. and science gnawed on my soul till it was nice and rubbery, then spat it out and stuck it to the bottom of a desk for someone to later stick their knee into later. and because i luuurve you all:
here's what i've been up to! ^_^ yeah, i have wierd photoshop methods. not close to finished yet though. hair's kinda wonky and not done anyway, then i have another ear to do, and the coat, and some other shtuff. but being as i never finish these things, thought you might like to see it before i totally get bored and scamper off to finish reading Frankenstein (by Mary Shelley i hope you know) and doodle things i think up from that(i like this book. a lot, strangely enough. i normally hate school reading, simply because it's something i didn't pick to read. -_-)
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Friday, October 22, 2004
tests, tests, tests, what's with all the friggin tests?!
ACT in the morning. less than pleased about this. going to do horribly. poop. in other news started a naruto photoshop painting thingy. have gotten the skin tones mostly finished and have started hair. i normally loose interest after skin, so don't be surprised if i never finish. after all, when do i ever?
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Monday, October 18, 2004
behold the advent of the man in his basement
i adore machall simply for the links they provide. which informed me of this little happening.
we've all seen that end of the world thing, right? well, as the man said, they just got a shit ton richer. clickit. just like those Quizno's commercials with the crazy singing hamster/kittens. ...'cuz eating raw subs is barbaric!!! we are not the huns!
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crazy weather we're having
okay, this is nuts. yesterday? sky's as clear as anything. this morning? severe thunder and lightning storms with a little hail. by mid morning, tornado sirens are going off, and we're stuck under the desks with 4 other classes (nothing happened, don't worry, didn't come near my school, but another one lost part of its roof). afternoon? clear! sunny! crazy! i HATE weather!! O__o
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Friday, October 15, 2004
fingers cold--can't focus
la dee da updated my fanart. been getting really naruto happy lately. so it's a naruto. and not only do i have a calc test tomorrow, i have a psych test to go with it, and am about 7 weeks behind in comm art, and missing a studio homework. oooh, death is manifest. senioritis inDEED. and the sad thing is, i am fully aware of the consequences. really, i am. i know fully well i'm screwing myself over. and i don't give a flying rat's ass, right now. my g.p.a. will probably suffer a little this nine weeks, but my strong classes will keep it above 3.4 i believe. i'll just have to make sure i don't make this mistake again this year.
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