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Kira Himura
Kera Rei
Lost in the Shadows
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High school student
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Kurai Eymru
Master Drawer
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FullMetal Alchemist ,DNAngel, and Rurouni Kenshin
mastering the Violin and becoming a writer
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Playing the Violin and drawing
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, May 30, 2005
Something just for fun -insert evil laughter here-
But WHY is the rum gone? - Captain Jack Sparrow
Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest... Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly...stupid. - Captain Jack Sparrow
Weddings? I love weddings! Drinks all round. - Captain Jack Sparrow
So we're all men of our word really... except for Elizabeth, who is in fact, a woman. - Captain Jack Sparrow
I didnt memorize all of these I got them from a quiz...believe me I was bored and my friend was with me. So...yeah buddie!
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
When people Get bored ( Like me!!)
I did this when I was bored alright?

A red Feather for Daisuke!
I cant make a black one for Dark sadly...
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Kawaii Picture!

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Monday, May 23, 2005
Happy Birthday Onee-Chan!
A Birthday only comes once a year...but every year i have trouble when I shop for her birthday...her that is my Sister.
Today is my Sister's 17th birthday it is a special day because its on her name sake day (Vicotria Day) and it hasnt been on this day sense the Day she was born. So Happy Birthday Onee-Chan!
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
You know how someone feels really down and you want to help them but they refuse the help your trying to offer them? Its hard to see friends go though ruff times alone so even if they try to push you away try and help them anyways they might be gratefull that you did.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

One of me favorite DNAngel pictures!
If you havent noticed I am seriously going into DNAngel obession mode XD sence FMA wont be on for awhile i decided hey why not DNAngel even though I seen every episode it would be nice to watch them again *nods* well Cya guys later!
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Wow who knew the last episode would be so sad T_T Im going to watch it again! Its awesome yet sad....whee Xx well cya later guys!
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Friday, May 13, 2005
100 e cards and on firday the 13th!
Hey everyone I have reached one hundred e cards! yes I know its friday the 13th and I wanted to make my 100th one a speical one and I think it is! So I think its very speical! ^^ w00t im just so happy!
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Happiness is a luxury we can no longer afford,
The sand slips easily though my fingers like everything we have lost,
We may have gained a few things but nothing can truly afford for what has been done except by the things we have given up,
Like an eternal flame our hopes keeps burning,
Our bravery flows like the rivers,
And our power never disappears like the coming storm,
The sacrifices we have made is beyond anyone’s imagination,
We move forward and try no to look upon the past for strength,
Because the memories we have will only hold us back,
And our goal will never be reached if we linger,
We out distance the sky,
In a Journey that might end in a way that we have never thought of,
Time moves on and we will be forgotten but hopefully no one will never follow our path and no one will pay the ultimate price like I had to.
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Monday, May 9, 2005
The Sacrifice of the Lost

Ed’s Poem
I almost lost everything and this time I will,
The gates open one last time to my pleas as I walk forward hoping
it would be enough,
Your voice enters my head as I try to forget,
Tears run down my face as I remember your smile,
Its hard for me to do this but it makes it harder to still hear your voice,
I cant bare this feeling so I try to walk a bit faster only to be stopped in my tracks,
I turn around and see you right there with a confused look on your face,
I almost collapse where I stand, seeing you like your old self almost tears me apart,
You walk up to me smiling at my reaction,
Still the door behind me calls forth,
The feeling begins to grow of the things I have done and what I have to do,
The scars become my wounds again as I begin to cry harder and hug you one last time as I begin to disappear.

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