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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Last Day

Hey everyone!
Today is the last day before I head off for Tour! so I wanted to post and let you know how everything is doing. Second Chapter of Holding Out For a Hero is getting underway, yay! and hopefully when I come back there will be (or more) comments on the first chapter! and thats about it, anyways. Happy St. Whites Day! (that would be today) and have a great St. Patricks Day! (that would be... Friday!), Well I have to go sadly T_T by guys and have a great week!!
Love from your Friend,
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
Mood : -sigh-
I was hoping to get some comments on the first chapter of Holding out for a Hero...there's only two explinations! One: It sucked... or Two: None of you have read it, and/or ever come here anymore -sniff- oh well...maybe I'll get SOME comments after I come back form my trip. Remember guys Im counting on you ! T_T
(3 more days)
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Saturday, March 11, 2006
Chapter One: Fai Seirvita
~“Lost and broken, that’s how he was found, but what they found, wasn’t just a broken person, the person was smiling weakly, he was given the greatest gift,
the moon was finally out and the fireflies lighting the dark grass,
That’s how it should be,
He received the greatest gift,
Something that could shatter the chains that bond him to the earth,
His Father had given him wings,
Now he could go home,”~
Rain fell to the ground making a rhythmic sound against the trees and grass. Walking though the forest with only the trees to shield it from the rain was a young man about the age of 17. The rain fell into the black mane and made it stick to his skin. Blue green eyes shun with determination underneath the wet hair. His navy blue hooded sweat shirt stuck to his thin frame and his jeans just mad it to the bottom of his heel. The only thing that made him different besides living alone in the forest was…in replacement of his human ears, he had sleek black cat ears. This odd person’s name? Well his name was Fai Seirvita. People have asked Fai about his ears so many times he lost count, and his answer was always the same.
“Does it matter? I know curiosity gets the best of everyone but…sometimes its best not to here the story…”
Still despite his mysterious life Fai was pretty well-known not just for his ears but how he treats people. He treats everyone equally, no matter who they are or what mood he’s in. He’ll say hello and goodbye being polite and mostly spoke in ‘riddles’ if he even talked that day. If anyone tried to talk to him normally he’ll just say one thing and leave to get home or to his class. One day a girl even asked him out but his reply scared everyone.
“I wont be around long like other people will be, so it’s best if you stay away…so you don’t go though what I have to.”
After that Fai was called the ‘Black Cat’ since it seemed that nothing but darkness followed him now. Ever since his father died, and his mother abandoning him years before his father’s death. Still, Fai had the biggest secret, the darkest trouble, Fai wasn’t just someone who spoke in riddles. It’s the only thing he could do so no one would get caught, it was the only way he could make people safe. From what? Not only his true self but from the people he worked for. The Forgotten, they where a group of people who had nothing to lose and was usually sent off to do missions that where life threatening. If anyone came to be involved they would surly end up dead. After all his father tried to stop Fai’s fate, but died trying. Fai’s worst memory, Fai’s worst Secret…he killed his father. The only way Fai remembered that his father was real, was the memories and pictures. Every time he saw his father’s smiling face and his warm cerulean blue eyes behind the almost square shaped glasses he wished that it was him that died, rather then his father. If only he stopped everything and got between his father and the crimson rain blade. Then his father would still be here, the doctor of this small town, and saving people’s lives and making his patients happy to see him at the market. Tears formed in Fai’s eyes but it mixed with the rain that beat so harshly on him. He soon broke into a run hoping to get home hoping to see his father’s smiling face welcoming him back home. He ran onto the porch and out of the rain, he turned and spotted a hawk sitting near the door. A smile formed on his face, it was the same hawk that his father and himself had saved. It was basically a rare kind, it was completely white except for its legs and eyes both where black.
“Hello Malarkey…” said Fai quietly as he opened the door. How they came up with that name they never knew. The hawk flew in and turned on the light switch easily, he never knew how the bird learned such a trick. Fai closed the door and looked up to find a note. Sighing he grabbed the paper and ripped it from the door. After reading it Fai closed his eyes and gave a weak smile.
“Tonight, is going to be a long night.”
~-Next Chapter : White Rain-~
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Holding out for a Hero
Hey everyone! I actully got Holding out for a Hero chapter one done. The only problem, as for the moment it's only three pages long... Dont worry, with you're comments and suggestions it should get longer right? Well I hope you Enjoy the First Chapter of Holding out for a Hero!
p.s 4 more days till Tour.
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Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Hey everyone!
I know I know,
Im grounded joy, but hey doesnt mean I cant sneak on, Well thats about it, and if you have question on my Tour look back a few entires.
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Sunday, March 5, 2006
Bad News....
Mood - Tired Out 
I wont be on for about a week or so...things have gotten sooo piled up! I have to take a break, and I am SOOO SORRY! the first chapter of Holding out For a Hero Is almost done but it wont be posted just yet...but I swear I'll try to make it on here before I leave for my tour! I have less then 10 days to complete it! I swear I will try my best to get it on!


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Monday, February 27, 2006

Im Soooo Sorry! I was hoping to post the first chapter of my story! but I'll introduce you to the main charcter to make up for it k?
so here he is! the main charcter of Holding Out For a Hero!

His name Is Fai Seirvita
Yes I know he looks like a bad boy evil emo person but he isnt!! I swear it! He's kind hearted and sometimes keeps to him self but he's a really good person!
This novel Im writing would be called a gothic novel, Good versus Evil and adnormal events happening so next time dont be freaked out in future chapters k? just a warning! Well I have to go and start writing becase I want to at least give you guys the first chapter before I go on my tour! just 17 more days!!
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Friday, February 24, 2006
To answer a few questions...
We are praticing for the School Orchestra Tour A small group of violins,violas,cellos,and bass's are going on tour for 5 days we have at least 2 rehearsls left we are going to play for Disney's festival of music or something like that and it's going to be GREAT! Aslo my story Holding out for a Hero, the first chapter is almost complete! and will be poseted here for reviews and comments k? So I'll work on that now. Bai Guys! -and thanks for liking the video whitenightmare did a great job!!-
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
Hey everyone! If you havent noticed, I got a new video! and I only have 3 more rehearsls and then Im off on Tour! scary no?? and Im sorry I havent updated latly just nothin to report! Well I'll cya all later k?
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
4 days of relaxation!
Mood: Just Myself

Hey Everyone!
We are getting nailed here in Michigan! Thunder Storm, Snow Warning, woo! the joy...and it's really dark not to mention the storms are one after another! Just waiting to get on the bus to get home had me thinking I would die of hypothermea before the bus even got out there! Talk about cold! (Yes I still ride the bus, because most of my friends do and I want to talk to them), Thank god we dont have school tomorrow or monday! so yay relaxation! I'll cya all later alright?
"Enjoy today Tomorrow will come soon enough"
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