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Thursday, December 8, 2005

Omg I was not awake this morning I had low blood pressure and low blood sugar I was in a daze for basically an hour and when I finally got out of my daze I freaked I was almost late to school! hence the comic except I dindt find my bed distroyed poor Daisuke. Also I have a concert tonight oh joy! oh well we are going to do great!!! I know we are as long as we have our heads in the game. So Woo! Well I see ya guys later!

-I really like that picture...^^'-
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Lost amoung that stars,
Falling with the snow,
Black Wings hidden by the dark sky,
My life never ending,
My death never forseen,
Here I am,
With you,
To help you back up
when you fall with the rain,
Your Darkened Angel,
Your Guardian,
Your Friend.
Snow again I swear we are going to be buried in the stuff! Joy, well sooner or later my school will care about their students and cancel school for a day. I would love that! Just one snow day thats all I ask! 2 hour delay would be nice if that cant be managed! sigh right...right okay I feel better now ^^' I'll see ya guys later!
Listening to - "Be my Escape" by Relaint K
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Monday, December 5, 2005

Just another winter day.....its beautiful though I really like it it gets me in a DNAngel mood if no one has notice but hey I have that right!! oh well ^^' I have nothing else to say but Stay warm everyone and see ya later!

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Sunday, November 27, 2005
A fallen angel,
but an angel non the less,
Despit all sins comitted,
despit the innocence lost,
Everyone has a chance,
to get their wings.
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Saturday, November 26, 2005

(pipsqueak where in the world do you find your pictures?!?)
Every time it rains I see your face,
Ever time it snows I hear your voice,
Every time I see blood spill you come back,
Your memory haunts me,
but your spirit forgives me,
How can I accept your kindness,
How can you forgive me so easily?
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Friday, November 25, 2005

Some days dont fade away,
even if the memory is gone,
the past remains,
I lived the life,
I lived my own life,
and I have the scars to prove it.
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Monday, November 21, 2005

-sigh- Today is monday, you know how I feel. My god I was so out of it you wouldnt believe it! so woo at least I have one more day then ThanksGiving VACATION! but I am also going to my fathers tomorrow Joy! So if I dont post tomorrow
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Friday, November 18, 2005
WOO! I got to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and OMG it was AMAZING! I want to see it again! it so great! I mean they left out alot of parts but the movie still lasted 2 1/2 hours! If they put everything in then it would hvae been almost 4/5 hours long. And more good news! I got Rurouni Kenshin 20!!! Oh I am sooo happy! ^^ I'll cya guys later alright?
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Its snowing today but hey thats Michigan. Everyone at school was like OMG is it snowing? I went No! the polar ice caps exploded and this debris from it! Here's your sign. Woo now I must look for Hot chocolate because I cant feel my fingers! So farwell for now my dear friends and visitors!
Random Picture of the Day!

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Sunday, November 13, 2005
All Work and No Play
Ah Autumn the leafs (sp not caring) turn call and fall off, then I rack up the decomposing lil ..... and so on and so forth so joy thats what i got to do this weekend while my friend went to yomocon and got to meet Vic the voice actor for Edward in FMA, THATS NOT FAIR IN MY BOOK! gah that was my punisment for a D in Lit. Oh I am soo sorry this lil bugger next to me is an A$$....yup joy..oh well thats out of my system ^^' I swear it is, but I soo cant wait for winter to arrive YES oh winter cold but revenge is so sweet for me in the winter so watch out for my killer aim and I bid you all Farewell for now!

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