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Thursday, November 27, 2008
Turkey day! Woohoo! The glorious holiday where you can stuff your face. I'm in a happy good mood. I was on t.v. that was awesome. So awesome. I was holding one of those giant balloons that are in the parade! It was Spongebob! Little kids were screaming and waving. Jeez a lot of people sure like that sponge. The big gigantic yellow sponge of DOOM!! I'm still happy that I got to be on t.v.! The greatest moment ever! Zomg I saw the HEB bag guy. I wanted to hold the Nemo balloon. Nemo is better then that yellow fruity sponge people love. Emo Nemo!!! I found Nemo!! I wished they had Dory. Now theres an awesome fish. Dory is my favorite besides the turtle crash. I think that was his name. I don't remember at all. I haven't seen that movie in a long time. I still love that movie though. That all I have for today. Oh oh oh oh on Friday the day Twilight came out. I went to go see it. That movie wasn't what expected. It was horrible. Jasper looked like he was on something every time he sees Bella. That made me laugh a lot. I got mad though cause it sucked! The book was way better. If New Moon is going to be a movie it better be good and if not well lets just say I won't be happy at all. Someone is going to die. Ok now that is it for now. Til then. [.kero-chan.]
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
I got power back today! I've been without power for 2 weeks but I'm more happy that I didn't lose my home. And I'm glad that I am finally talking to my boyfriend!!!!!!!! I missed him so much. Right now I'm watching a movie. I love it. Jackie-chan and Jet Li are awesome. The forbidden kingdom is such an awesome movie. Its really funny and it has action in it. Anyways back to where I was oh yea the hurricane. It wasn't what I was expecting. It did a lot of damage and I haven't been to school. I just started this Tuesday. I wonder what days we have to make up. I hope they won't cut out holidays in half. If they do I would be mad. I don't want my Christmas Vacation to cut in half. Anyways I think they have their reasons to do that. Anyways here some pictures of what Hurricane Ike did. Til then.
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Friday, September 12, 2008
Hurricane is getting...
...even closer. My mom and dad went to the store and everything was gone from bread to batteries. Luckily we got water. Gas is something we really need. I've been watching the news lately. And Ike is getting closer and closer every second. The waves in Galveston are getting big and going over the sea wall. People are still there watching the waves. The news people say its going to be a category 3 when it makes land fall. Its really scary if its going to be a category 3. I stayed during Rita though. When Rita was going to hit Houston. It did hit but we got nothing but high winds I think but, the winds were really loud. Now we're getting hit by Ike and it might rain a lot. We might not or will flood. I think my house won't flood because of where I live. I'm just worried for my Aunt because where she lives.
It floods where she lives. I've seen that neighborhood flood. Also around the middle school I went too. The neighborhood around there also floods. I won't try to worry about what might happen. The waves are getting higher and higher at Galveston. Every time I see the news the hurricane is getting closer and closer. Well I'll post more about whats going on with me. Til then.
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Thursday, September 11, 2008
Hurricane Trouble
I can't believe that my town is going to get hit by Hurricane Ike. I kind of worried because I'm not going to be evacuating. I've seen on the news what a hurricane can do on the news. All those people that lost their homes. Anyways I can't leave because of my pets that I'm taking care of. And I don't know if there is any hotel that will take animals in. Oh well I guess. Still I hope everything turns out ok for me and my lovable animals. My ankle hurts a lot. I fell and I twisted it really badly. I couldn't run for my gym class. I mean I could but not as much or else it starts hurting. I hate when a hurricane hits because everyone starts going crazy. Everything ran out. Gas ran out too and everyone needs that. This morning at the gas station there was a long line of cars waiting for gas and they were arguing. Wood also ran out at the hardware stores. A lot of people needed those too so they can board up their houses. Anyways I'll post anything if my power doesn't go out. Til then.
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Sunday, September 7, 2008
Tommorrow is going to be...
...boring!!!!!!!!! Anyways I'm glad I finished my homework yesterday so I can have some free time today. I went shopping...no not clothes shopping but, video game shopping! Hey I am a gamer after all. You can't blame me for loving video games its in my blood. I can't live without it same for anime and mangas can't live without it! I would die! Anyways my mom bought a parrot. It looks like it wants to kill me. I told it if it bites my I'll make you my dinner but, I said it in Spanish. <.< >.> O.O I hope it didn't understand what I told it. I wouldn't want it to kill me. I mean its outside. We didn't buy a cage for it yet so its going to be in my house...free. Oh the horror XD ok enough of that get a hold of yourself woman!
Jeez I'm so scared of a bird O.O" its not like me. What have you done to me me! Okay now I'm losing it! Ok Ok anyways in other news. I have school tomorrow. Algebra II is so hard. I mean the teacher is very good but, I'm just not good at math. I wish I was so I can pass the exit level exams. Man oh man I'm really going to miss my Ken Ken! My love!!! Okay enough with the crying me! Anyways as I was saying about math. I really really stink at it. Gosh I really need to try hard if I want to pass the exit level exams. Til then.
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Saturday, September 6, 2008
I'm really bored right now. I finally got my classes fixed! yay right! Anyways school isn't so bad right now for me. Any ways I had homework yesterday and it was a big packet. I'm lucky I finished it today! I was just playing around with pain and did this.  I kinda like it. Anyways thats all I have. Til then.
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Sunday, August 31, 2008
Three Day Weekend...
Has been really boring. I haven't done anything spacial at all. Labor day is tomorrow. Yay no school for me! That is the good thing for me. I'm still trying to get my scheduled fixed. Its really frustrating when it happens. I hope they give my new scheduled by Tuesday or else I'm going to get really mad. Any ways I'm writing a story. Here it goes. I'm not really done with it though.
Chapter 1
Walking down the street. A young girl wearing her black jacket and her cargo pants. It was raining but she didn’t mind. She was heading towards her school. “I am going to be late again. I guess I’m going to stay after school again,” she thought. She was looking at the people passing by. Finally she arrived at school. “I see you’re late again Hikari,” said a young boy hiding in the shadows. Hikari glared at him. “Leave me alone!” she growled at him. He flinched. She headed towards her homeroom class. The teacher wasn’t in the classroom yet. Hikari sat down at the end of the classroom.
The teacher finally came in. He was a young man about in his early twenties. “Sorry I’m late,” he said “I had some matters to attend too.” Everybody that was talking stopped. He started to call the row. Then a young boy came in. “Sorry I’m late Mr. Raikatuji,” he said. “It’s alright but don’t be late again Yoshiaki.” said Mr. Raikatuji. Yoshiaki took a seat right next to Hikari. He turned and looked at her. Hikari didn’t say a word. She was ignoring him. He was about to say something but then was interrupted by her. “What are you looking at?” she asked him. He didn’t know what to say. “Well,” she said. “N-n-n-nothing. I’m not looking at you,” he said nervously. Hikari then looked away and said,” Okay then and don’t let me catch you doing it again understand.” Yoshiaki nods in agreement. Then the bell rang.
Hikari got up and walked into the hallway. She went upstairs to her first period class. Yoshiaki also left to his first period class. They both had class upstairs but different classrooms. He was afraid to see her again but then again he wanted to talk to her and hang out with her. He always knew she was different. When he first saw her. “I wonder if I will see her again. Maybe if I’m nice to her, she wouldn’t be mean.” though Yoshiaki. He was looking out the window. Then he heard her voice. “I was sent here because my teacher hasn’t arrived yet,” said Hikari”And while I’m here what shall I’ll be doing.” “You can just do the work your teacher had assigned you or read a book but, I don’t want you disrupting the class,” said the teacher. Hikari took her seat in the back where Yoshiaki was. She took out a book out of her messenger bag and began to read. The teacher started his lesson for today.
Yoshiaki wasn’t paying much attention to him but more on Hikari.
Tell me what you think of it. I think its ok but I want to know what you people think of it. Anyways that it that on my mind. Til then.
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Friday, August 22, 2008
Oh no...
School is almost here. I can't believe it at all. Anyways I beat Crisis Core again and the ending was sad that I wanted to cry. Hehe me crying. It was how I felt. I found out the name of the song in the ending. I really loved it. Anyways there is this guy I love his name is Ken and I really love him, but when school starts I'm really going to miss him. He is going to college. I hope he doesn't forget about me. Anyways I'll post more things once school starts and I made a forum I will post it tomorrow. I hope all you guys had a good summer and a great school year too! x3 PIEMAN!!! I got bored there I didn't know what to write cause I'm running out of things to write. Oh yea I got my passport today which means I can travel anywhere in the world! Muahahaha...hehe I will go and travel to where I always wanted to go Japan! Not to mention Beijing,China. That place is beautiful. Til then guys. Wait before I stop typing does anyone know how to change the avatar cause I don't and it making me mad! Til then!
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Tired! I had to wake up so early just to go to the doctor. It wasn't me going it was my brother. Then we had to go take pictures so we can get our passports. But I think getting a passport was a good thing cause then I get to travel where I want to in the world. I have finally chosen my theme for my otaku and its going to be. Final Fantasy Crisis Core! I loved that game so much I literally fell in love with it. Anyways I kinda hate it though I well me and my bro both, finished the game. The ending was so sad. I wanted to cry, but I already knew one part that I've figured out. Before we beat the game, but then again I already knew. What else can I write. Hmmm...oh yea schools almost here this is my last week of summer vacation. Waa why school why! Anyways that is it for now. Til then!
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Today is...
Raining and raining and raining like an never ending day. Why does it has to rain T.T oh yeah the tropical storm that hit. Edouard is the name of the storm gasp I watch to much news. And I don't know why. Anyways I need a new theme for my otaku site. Any one can give me any ideas. Cause I need some waaa. If you do pm me or leave a comment or something I really don't know. My mind is blank right now. Can't think of a new theme for my otaku site. Ahhh what I'm I going to do. Schools almost here too. On the 25th of August school starts for me. I can't believe it. I wish summer vacation was longer. Oh well I'm almost out of school. Then again I'm off to college when I graduate. Heh don't know why I'm talking about school. Til then.
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