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myOtaku.com: Kerostar

Thursday, October 7, 2004

   Crazy days.
Things have been crazy lately. I haven't had a lot of time for this site. I promise I'll do better.

Tonight I am going to see The Von Bondies at Call the Office!! Uber excited for that. Those of you that live in my area will know that Call the Office is the asskickenist bar around. That and the Von Bondies are a super cool band. I love strong female vocalists in all male bands.

Also, Finnally say episode 1 of Revolutionary Girl Utena! I've been trying to find it for months.

I've been having some boy troubles. I hate it when I choke and just can't say anything. Not only do I look really stupid but I can never get any furthur than a few akward sentances exchanged with him. Kris is frustrated!!!! If anyone can give me some good advice I would love to hear it.

To all of my Canadian friends Turky day is soon! I'm excited! I think I am the only person that gets excited for Thanksgiving. 2 days away!!! I'm going up to my Aunts, she lives by this realy cool lake and it' so beautiful around her house this time of year. Yea if you think this is bad, just wait till christmas comes.

Thats all for today so, see everyone after the holiday.

Also, check out www.rpgchat.com, my name is Kerostar there, join my thread.

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