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Barlow Girlxxxx
Florida....Too Many Old People
Member Since
Does..Sitting here count?
Real Name
I don't have any
Anime Fan Since
Like...2 months..When my brothers showed me some...I dont really like it though.
Favorite Anime
Trigun, Dot Hack sign ( is that even one?)
Too Graduate
Twirling the Golf Club!!
| Kerry ish weird
() ()
(.....) <~~ Mr. Bunny Foo Foo
Hi. I'm Kerry. Ker-ry. Yesh. Me. Well, I'm in 8th grade in Florida(Yay.)....I only have a few friends...Not that popular or anything. Im not cool or....Hawt *cough*Im Sexy*cough* Just KIDDING!
<3 Kerry

give Kerry more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
Sunday, May 1, 2005
Owwie. I got a Sun burn from sitting in the sun waiting for the stupid trolly...SHEESH. It Burns... Hense the name Sun-Burn. Rofl. Anyways I had to go to go to the beach and walked all over it estimateing 10 miles. Great.Anyways. I have to do my Tm explor. Project with Katie. Her mommy is not home. So she doesnt know. Pervert Lyndon is Iming me again. SORRY I HAVNT TALKED TO PEOPLE IN A COUPLE OF DAYS.
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
Urg. Im so tired. Chelsea one of my best friends,was all like " Hey Kerry come to the mall with me to pick out a dress." OH MY GOSH. Every singal fansy dress was either to small ( I couldnt zip it up) or didn't look good on her. Urg. Finally she picked one out asfter like 30 dresses. For $104. I just wanna sleep. Because Ive been walking around a mall allday and I went to sleep at 5 last night.
^_^ I tryed on a dress. I Looked Hawt.ROFL. Just kidding.
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Hello. I'm.....Thats not important at the moment. All you need to know is that in the box over there", I Shift my curious over to the small black box in the corner," is an explosive object.1:40", I drop my mouth open with a dumb-struck look. A BOMB? Everything suddenly got quiet and all you heard was a soft, tick tock tick tock, and it hit me. That was the bomb ticking silent as to say Ha.Ha.Ha. Why? Why did I have to hang out with this stupid no good DITCHER. I snapped out of it and finally gazed back at the square television.
"Yah, and?"I felt like I was being rude, but I didn't care anymore.
"So you need to cut the red wire..Now you have 60 seconds."He said clutching on to his seat...So HE got a front row seat if I got blown up. Great. I looked around..Nothing there to snap the red wire with. Yes. A rock would work. I got on my knees and started searching.OW. I got stabed by something on the cold rock floor. A sharp rock would be even better. So i picked it up and hurryed to the box with wires hanging out of this little hole in the side. I heard a voice from the television.
" 25 seconds Miss." I Stabed the red wire. It didn't work. So I Hit it again. "Peace of --"
"10 seconds MISS." I slammed the rock hard on it. Over and over again. I started to freaking panic.
" 5 FREAKING SECONDS" He said...If Joel didn't ditch me I wouldnt have been locked in this room alone with a bomb and....
All of the sudden Joel burst in with a Huge knife and a Black outfit ....Wow...He looked..nevermind the looks.
He Screamed "Get Back Katie!" And I jumped into the corner as he sniped the Red wire. We heard a loud ...Whhhh...And Obviously the Bomb had been diconnected. He slowly walked over to me and put his arm around me and smiled at me and we got ..Closer and Closer..And..
DINNGGGG!!!! ...Morning. I can't belive I was dreaming about Joel, AGAIN. You see, Joel Madden ( Yes from GC) was my best friend from before I can even Remeber! We are super close and today he is coming to visit! I'm so excited that words can't even explain. I slowly rose from my bed and looked at the time. Eight O'clock.Great, only four more hours until Joel gets here! I flung my legs over the side of the bed and walked to the bathroom. I looked my face over in the mirror. I needed to take a shower, brush my teeth, put on my make up, wash my face, and get dressed. All of this before Joel got here? It seemed Impossible! I got undressed and turned on the hot water. Ahh. It felt so good. I washed my hair , face and body, and then I got out. I Ran to my room. I was holding stuff out of my closet and pressed it agenst me. Nothing seem good enough for this wonderful day. Everything was either "not fun enough" for him, or not ....Me. I finally had the perfect outfit on. I thought I looked original. Me. I slowly put on everything making sure everything was on perfect. I looked my self in the mirror again. The girl looking at me in the mirror was wearing a Denim Skirt with Knee socks that has Green and Pink Strips, a Green Shirt with writing "Billabong" Across the chest in pink. I had green hoops on my ears. I smiled. Not bad. I thought to myself. I glanced at the clock. 9 O'clock. Only three more hours!! Then, I practically sprinted the the Bathroom and looked at my face. Im so disgusting without my make up on! I put my "Face" on. I put some of this "Extra Freshing" Tooth Paste on my tooth brush.
Shurrsh Shrrush.The tooth brush ran acorss my teeth. I thought about my dream of Joel. How Handsom he looked. Ahh...I felt crazy right then...I sighed. Spit. I looked at myself in the mirror and checked every singal detail on my at least three times. Breath Check. Mmm. Wintery Freshness. I Put these absolutely to die for sandals on. I was ready! I ran down the stairs to the kitchen. My mother, father, and two little brothers where sitting there. Stareing.
"Hello" I said akwardly as all eight eyes were on me.
"Hi," Everyone said back...Almost all at once. I walked over to my littlest brother James.Hes only two..and a half.
"Hey James!"I said looking at him.
"Kat, me wantttt color." He said in his funny voice.
"James not today."He looked at me and screamed.I stared at mom.
"Mother..." I whined
"Hunny, go COLOR with your brother"He said .. Talk about De-man-ding.I took James hand as we walked into the playroom. I sat down on the chair. So unfair. I always get stuck babysiting.Or babywatching. I dont even get paid. My other brother, Nick, whose five, waddled in sucking on his thumb.
"Katie?" He asked in a soft voice
"Yah" I was now coloring with James in a Barny book. I looked over at Nick and I looked at him.
"Joels here." I didn't even have time to breath before Joel walked into the Play room. I stared at him, so, blank.
"Hey Sexy" He Joked around with me. I stared into his big gorgeous brown eyes."Are you into the whole Barny thing again? Now I thought we grew out of that stage." I Laughed, and put down the purple crayon.
"Just coloring with James." I said getting up from my spot on the chair. I walked over and hugged him.
"Im so Happy you came Joel!" I said Smiling.
"Me too. My flight came in here earler than I expected" He said now studying James color.
"I've kinda noticed" His cell phone rang. Life styles of the rich and the famous there allways complaining ..always complaining. If money He Picked up.
"Hello...Yes....NO.........MmMHmm....Billy...Shut u.... Wait.....Yah..Yah...Ok...Yah she'll come.....No I didnt Ask her.....Yah...OK..." He Put the phone up to his chest.
"Katie wanna come to my concert tomarrow? Its just at the Mayers Autotorium."
"Sure!" I said Not even asking my parents.He brought the phone back to his ear.
"Yah shes coming.....Ok...OK...yah....Bye...Yah Yah Yah...Stupid" Click. He smiled goofy.
"Are you ready to goo??????" He said tugging at my arm. I Couldnt help but laugh.
"Lets Go th---" My parents walked into my room.
"when will you two be home?" My father asked us. Joel always had a way with my Dad. Its the only guy my Dad has ever trusted. Maybe because hes my best friend, but I have no Idea.Joel always thought of something smart and dareing to say.
"We'll have her home at least by the crack of dawn." He was acting serious, but then he and my dad at the same exact time bursted out laughing. I didn't find it funny. But whatever floats there boats. He walked outside and of course the whole neighborhood was outside your yelling to there parents to get a camra. We slid into his car.
We were speeding along this road called "Mannalukee".What a stupid name for a street.I glared off to the car next to me. Eww some creepy man just winked at me. I decided to have some fun with it. I rolled down the window. He looked over at me.
"HEY." I smiled and waved at him. He looked at me like I was crazy. I kept waveing at him and he just stared at me. He looked like he understood me. He smiled and leaned out the window.
"Not you HUN. The guy next to you, hes hot." and the man drove off at the green light. Joel smiled and drove off. I just wanted to die right then and there and then. Please don't drive near that guy. Please dont mention anything about that again Joel. I Pleaded Silently.
"I guess the guys like me more than you" He turned right onto another road. He were going to the Happy Burger and in an hour his band will meet us there. I stared striaght ahead.
"Guess you'll have to pick some guys up for me, cause I can't any." I said Stareing striaght ahead.
"what?" He turned his head toward me."You' ve got to be kidding me, You know you have guys hanging all over you."
"Not...really." I said. He obviously didn't belive me. But whatever. We pulled into Happy Burger. I Grabed my Pink purse and we walked up to the door. Everyone dropped there forks and stared at Joel and me. It felt good to be in the spot light, just for once. This girl I don't even know came up to me.
"Hey Kat!" She gave me a hug. I pulled away giving her a look. NOW I remeber her. The girl from the cheerleading team that did not like me one bit. She went on," Mind if I join you two?" I was helpless.
"I'm sorry." Joels voice felt like the angels in heaven singing.Hallaluah, Hallalu--- Joel Interuputed my Victory."But if you want, I'll give you an Autograph." She sounded annoyed.
"Fine." So he signed her shirt but she made sure she got a close seat to us. I ordered a Happy Burger and a Diet Coke. Joel ordered like Half the menu. I sware hes lucky hes not fat. After we ate we were talking about "The good Old times". How we went to the Park everyday after school. By the time GC walked in we were cracking up......
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
I'm So Hyper right now. Words can't even explain it!!! Ask katie -Nods head-
ANYWAYS last night Katie spent the night at my house and It was fun. Yesssire. SLUPREES...MUAHAHAHAHAHA. Today My Aunt BEcky came over and then My Aunt Judy and Aunt Kathy And Uncle Marty and Grandma! YAYNESS.
X.X Im feel like ..Im Hyper..So.....................................................................Im Jellin Like a Fellin.
My brothers are playing "D.D" Whatever on earth that is. Do you Captilize the E on earth? I dunno.
Im drinking Lime coke. Its Yummy but people dont really like it but me.
I dont care as long as it has Caffine in it. Yum Yum Yum...
XxPsychoDCxX [9:45 PM]: Hello?
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:45 PM]: How was the Par-tah
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:45 PM]: =D
XxPsychoDCxX [9:46 PM]: Lol, a bunch of old people talking
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:46 PM]: Ha.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:46 PM]: I feel sorry for you.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:46 PM]: Rofl.
XxPsychoDCxX [9:46 PM]: And her little brothers literally tackled me to the floor screaming "I love you!"
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:46 PM]: Oh My Gosh.
XxPsychoDCxX [9:46 PM]: For wearing my "Anime Freak" shirt
XxPsychoDCxX [9:46 PM]: *Grins*
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:46 PM]: ROFL.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:46 PM]: =D
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:46 PM]:
XxPsychoDCxX [9:46 PM]: Haha.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:47 PM]: Im just sitting.
XxPsychoDCxX [9:47 PM]: Poor you.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:47 PM]: and drinking lime coke.
XxPsychoDCxX [9:47 PM]: Eew.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:47 PM]: -Crys-
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:47 PM]: ITS HORRIBLE
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:47 PM]: Im full.
XxPsychoDCxX [9:47 PM]: That's... nice.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:47 PM]: I have "Raseberry sours"
XxPsychoDCxX [9:47 PM]: M'hmmm
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:47 PM]: -Burps-
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:48 PM]: Much better
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:48 PM]: I'm not full anymore.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:48 PM]: XD
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:48 PM]: Im so hyper
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:48 PM]: because Ive dranken like 3 LIME COKES
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:48 PM]: Muahahahahahghaha
XxPsychoDCxX [9:48 PM]: "GC, Sum, and Blink, and MxP is rocking my room..."
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:48 PM]: -Beams at the can-
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:48 PM]: It has CAFFINE in it.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:49 PM]: Muahahaahhahaha.
XxPsychoDCxX [9:49 PM]: "If you're looking for me I'll be at the show, 'cause I could never find a better place to goooo
XxPsychoDCxX [9:49 PM]: SO?
XxPsychoDCxX [9:49 PM]: I'm tired.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:49 PM]: Write a Billy Romance thigny.
XxPsychoDCxX [9:49 PM]: I need some caffience.
XxPsychoDCxX [9:49 PM]: Nah.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:49 PM]: **Caffine
XxPsychoDCxX [9:49 PM]: caffiene, whatever
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:49 PM]: Please?
XxPsychoDCxX [9:49 PM]: Told you I was tired.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:49 PM]: So.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:49 PM]: Drink the coffe.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:49 PM]: *Coffe
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:50 PM]: Cofffe
XxPsychoDCxX [9:50 PM]: I can't think of ANYTHING to put in the damn story!
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:50 PM]: Urhm.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:50 PM]: Put about how the fall in love, Durf!
XxPsychoDCxX [9:50 PM]: >.>
XxPsychoDCxX [9:50 PM]: BAKA.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:50 PM]: What?
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:50 PM]: Whaaaaaaaat
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:51 PM]: What
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:51 PM]: What
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:51 PM]: WHATTT
XxPsychoDCxX [9:51 PM]: -IDIOT-\
XxPsychoDCxX [9:51 PM]: Stupid.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:51 PM]: How am I the idiot/
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:51 PM]: Your the one
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:51 PM]: Who can;t think of anything to put in the story
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:51 PM]: You stupid
XxPsychoDCxX [9:51 PM]: *Grins*
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:51 PM]: Hiness
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:51 PM]: Howdagow
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:51 PM]: Aredaree
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:51 PM]: Youdooduu
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:52 PM]: I Farted
XxPsychoDCxX [9:52 PM]: Riiight
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:52 PM]: It smells
XxPsychoDCxX [9:52 PM]: ...Ew.
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:52 PM]: Im about to,
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:52 PM]: Pass out from the smell
XxPsychoDCxX [9:52 PM]: Too much information!!!
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:52 PM]: Do I fart in my sleep?
XxPsychoDCxX [9:52 PM]: MUCH too much!
XxPsychoDCxX [9:52 PM]: Uhm...
XxPsychoDCxX [9:52 PM]: I don't KNOW!
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:55 PM]: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
BaRLow GiRLxxxx [9:55 PM]: Oopsies
XxPsychoDCxX [9:55 PM]: EVER*
Totally Randomness...
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
Todays My grandpas Birthday, whom died last year. Everything is quiet at my house....We are having a cake to honor him.
I just drooled on myself while eating cheese and crackers. ROFL.
i cant wait for school next year. It will be soooooo fun! We can wear flipy floppies. And CHEW GUM. YAY!!!!! Well.....More Laters..
<3 Kerry
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
I just relized last night. I am so alone.No one loves me. Whatever. >.>
I got accepted to my high school! YAY! I had to pick out of a whole bunch of classes and I picked Acting and Sign Language....Sign language counts as a language!!!
If I dont get them I have alternate choices.....Gutair 1, Typing class,Spanish, and Shop.
I DONT WANNA TAKE SPANISH THOUGH. I'd Practically die if I had to.
Love yah,( not that anyone loves me back)
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