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student at NHS!
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just call me Kerurie ^_~
ummm... i don't know.. i passed my first year of high school with all A's
Anime Fan Since
before i can remember o.o;;;
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Card Captors, Lain, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Chobits, Fushigi Yugi, Gravitation, Ceres, X, DNAngel, Sonic Underground, Sonic X, Inuyasha, Angelic Layer, Ranma 1/2, and sooo many others!
to finish high school with out a break down
reading, writing, playing my guitar, piano, and random other things
o.o; i dont know...piano i guess
| Kerurie-dono
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
lol can you all believe it? Yes i really am still alive. Sorry i haven't posted in forever so much has been going on.
Right now i have work on Mondays, Band and piano on Tuesdays, work on wensdays, debate and band on thursdays, games on fridays, work on saturdays, and by the time Sunday comes around im too tired to do anything! X.x;;; Ah well i'll live. But i dont think i will update much more untill football season is over or till the next break. I'm not sure.
Ummm... Well not to much is going on right now besides all that. ^_^ I got a boyfriend now. He is really sweet to me too!! He goes to a different school than me though which im not sure if thats good or bad. Bad cus i don't get to see him as much as i would like too and good because at school i don't have to really worry about my guy friends and a jealous boyfriend. yah know? lol. I work with him and we work together alot. Sep tomorrow ;-; He had to go out of town so he won't be there. Ah well... ^_^ i'll see him Monday.
Ummmmm.... Well i guess thats about all for now. I'll try to update soon. Oh and for my fanfic readers I'm so sorry i died like that. ^_^ As soon as i get time i'll work twice as hard to make up for all that lost time. I have sooooooooooo many ideas now! ^_^ Well thats all for now my lovely people!
Ja ne!!!
Random pic~

Ah!! ^^- Kawaii pic of Seto and Jou, ne?!?! ^______^
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
lol guess what peeps! My school won the first foot ball game of the season!! That not mean much to you guys but its alot to us. our school was 0 and 40 before we won a game.. sad i know but we are gonna rock this year! woot woot! ^__^
lol i went to the mall today with Breeze! ^__^ i got the 12th Gravitation, 7th Hana-Kimi, and the 6th From Far Away!! Woot! I can't wait to read them! ^__^ Breeze got Yellow! I can't wait to read that one either! XD The picture for the author in it is a hamster!! lol.
^_^ Oh my birthday was this past thursday! Can you believe it?! XD i sorda can't... ^^- my guy friend gave me 20 red roses!! He is so sweet i love him to death! (just not in that way guys) lol.
ummm... well thats about all for now. ^___^ Sorry so short... I'm gonna try to get to everyone today! ;-; i feel so bad i haven't had time to get to everyones lately
!! Anyway here is a pic for you guys!!!
Random pic~

Ah! -^^- It's Chibi Draco!!! Kawai!!!!!
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
OMG i have so much going on right now it's nuts!!! Monday's i have work, Tuesdays i have band and piano, Wensdays work, Thursday debate (some weeks) and band, Fridays foot ball games, Saturdays work, and Sundays i'm just too tired to do much. But oh well i'll live... i think...
OH my bday is in four days!! Woot!! lol thats right Thursday, August 25th is my 17th birthday! ^_^ WOOT WOOT!!
lol i had my birthday party friday and i had alot of fun. We had DDR and karaoke. We froced all the guys to sing "I'm to Secy" XD it was sooo funny!!
Well i'm super tired right now.. i may get on and post some more about it later. Ja!
Random pic~

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Sunday, August 7, 2005
Woot woot!! XD you heard right! There are only 18 days until my 17th bday! ^_^ So start shopping! lol j/k!
After having that happy note i will move onto a sadder one. Back to school... sadly, we go back tomorrow.. ;-; can you believe it?! Summer is already over! I swear it gets shorter and shorter every year!! Ah well.. i'm just happy i get to see my friends again.. XD i just don't want to do that work. lol.
I'm going shopping with my mom today to get school supplies for me and my nephew who is starting kindergarden. ;-; I can't believe he is already going into kindergarden!! omg i feel so old! My mom and my sister are going to take him the first week cus he may be nervous. But after he gets use to it some i'm gonna drop him off on my way to school.
Well thats it for now i guess. XD i'm off to go do random things! ja!
Random pic~

KAWAII! ^____^
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
busy busy!!!
Oh dear lord! This past week has been so busy for me!! ;-; Sad thing is i still have a lot more to go and then right after this week school starts again!!!
Monday i had to get up about 6 and go to work, right after work i had to go to school for band then stay for this little pep rally thing we have for the new freshmen. then right after that i had to go to piano! Then after that i had to baby sit for a while finally i got to go out ot eat with my parents.
Tuesday: I spend most of the day babysitting my nephew, and five other kids. all between the ages of 2 and 7 >< omg. it was horrible. Then i had to go to band only about an hour after they left!
Today: Today isn't so bad right now though. I'm only babysitting on kid right now but i may have to baby sit two little girls i baby sat yesterday. which will be okay cus i don;t mind those two. Then i have to go to work at 4.
Tomorrow: XD You guys getting bored with all this yet? I have to get up at 5 in the morning because we are going out of town to visit my brother 4 hour car ride! yay! and thats if we dont hit any red lights or stop...
Friday: i get home from my brothers around lunch time my mom said (another long car ride) then i'm going to a pool party with my friends. which i can't wait for.
Satuday: XD i gotta get up bright and early to go to work and i dont get off until 4 in the afternoon! woot! ¬.¬ after that my parents are more than likely gonna make me go to walmart and stuff for them.,
Sunday: is my only free day this week!!! but sadly im gonna havet o spend the day getting school supplies because i haven't gotten any yet. Then of course Monday school starts back up...
Ugh.... im gonna be so tired Sunday XD i may make my mom get the stuff for me sometime and just sleep all Sunday. Well thats all for now peeps! i'm outties!
Ja Matta Ne!!
Random pic~

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Saturday, July 30, 2005
Wow, sorry i haven't been around for a loooong time guys. I got really really busy.
Well the Harry Potter thing was so much fun. I met new friends there and everything, ^_^ very fun.
I had band camp this past week. so that means sun, sweat, and opening sets. I love band but band camp is always the worst where i live cus its soooo hott. One of the days we had four people pass out, three throw up(i was one ^^; ) and then we had a few people get so dizy the couldn't stand up. And for the rest of the days random people would get dizy or sick. But it's over! woot! Now all we have is night practices!
Can any of you believe summer is almost over?! I only have one more week left after this!!! ;-; it's so sad! Part of me wants to go back just so i can talk to all my friends but the rest of me doesn't want to go back yet. All i have been doing all summer is working and stuff. Ah well...
^_^ My mom did say because next week is my last week of summer she is gonna take me to this huge mall in a city a few hours away from us. we are going to spend the whole day shopping and tons of girls stuff. ^_^ I can't wait. XD Plus we don't have an Olive Garden where i live so i will get to eat there when we go. @___@ i love that place!
Lets see.. XD oh! Two of my friends are coming home this weekend! ^_^ i havn't seen them all summer so i'm happy they are coming back. I missed them!! and then Sunday i get to go to the lake with a whole bunch of people from my work. I'm still not sure if im gonna go but i may end up going. lol.
Well thats all for now! ^_^ I'll try to get to everyone's sites today! Ja!!!
Random pic~

^_^ look its Harry Potter anime sytle! cool huh?!
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Friday, July 29, 2005
Wow, sorry i haven't been around for a loooong time guys. I got really really busy.
Well the Harry Potter thing was so much fun. I met new friends there and everything, ^_^ very fun.
I had band camp this past week. so that means sun, sweat, and opening sets. I love band but band camp is always the worst where i live cus its soooo hott. One of the days we had four people pass out, three throw up(i was one ^^; ) and then we had a few people get so dizy the couldn't stand up. And for the rest of the days random people would get dizy or sick. But it's over! woot! Now all we have is night practices!
Can any of you believe summer is almost over?! I only have one more week left after this!!! ;-; it's so sad! Part of me wants to go back just so i can talk to all my friends but the rest of me doesn't want to go back yet. All i have been doing all summer is working and stuff. Ah well...
^_^ My mom did say because next week is my last week of summer she is gonna take me to this huge mall in a city a few hours away from us. we are going to spend the whole day shopping and tons of girls stuff. ^_^ I can't wait. XD Plus we don't have an Olive Garden where i live so i will get to eat there when we go. @___@ i love that place!
Lets see.. XD oh! Two of my friends are coming home this weekend! ^_^ i havn't seen them all summer so i'm happy they are coming back. I missed them!! and then Sunday i get to go to the lake with a whole bunch of people from my work. I'm still not sure if im gonna go but i may end up going. lol.
Well thats all for now! ^_^ I'll try to get to everyone's sites today! Ja!!!
Random pic~

^_^ look its Harry Potter anime sytle! cool huh?!
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Band time once again!
lol So i started band yesterday. Lots of fun. ^__^ I got to see alot of people i haven't seen all summer! That was nice, i didn't relise i missed some of them until i saw them today. lol the coolest thing is one of my friends is my section leader this year! It's going to be sooo much fun! ^__^ She even told me last year she wants me to be section leader after her so she may start putting in good words for me. lol. I can only hope right?
Oh i found another person to come to the Harry Potter thing with me! Riruri-chan was supposed to go but couldn't make it. ( ;-; I really wish you could come Ri-chan! ) So a friend of mine is taking her place. ^_^ Which i would still be going with breeze but the more the marrier right?
Well thats all for today. Ja Matta Ne everyone!!!
Random quote~ "The things that's depressing about tennis is no matter how good you get, You will never be as good as a wall. They're relentless!"
Random pic~

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
New Music and Harry Potter!!
Hey People whats up! If you look up under my shout box you will see i put up a new song. ^__^ Just press play. It's called Let Me Fall and it's by Alexz Johnson. Some of you may know it already but i love it. ^__^ i hope you all like it too!!
Only a few more days before the new Harry Potter book comes out. I can't wait. sadly Riruri-chan won't be joing me to wait for the book. Its just me and Breeze right now. The Hurricane came through (which it wasnt even bad where i live) but they closed the most of the roads for a while so she couldn't have come. Maybe some other time i guess...
Oh i start band tomorrow! Part of me is happy cus i get to see a lot of my friends again that i haven't seen over the summer... then part of me is upset cus that means Summer is ending, school is about to start, and i have to see a few people i really really don't want too... ::sigh:: Ah well life goes on, right?
Well thats about all i have to say for now! ^__^ I'll talk to you peeps later! Ja!
Random pic~

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Thursday, July 7, 2005
Whats up everyone?!
Nothing much going on here. My Uncle and Aunt are in town. They came in last week and stopped by then left for the beach. Then the stopped by again on their way back up north. Which I don't mind too much. Everyone says i get all my love for music from him and i get my sarcasm from him too. ^^;;
So Riruri-chan may come and visit me! ^__^ I really hope so! I called her yesterday to see what the plan was but i just missed her. And when i left work last night i checked my cell phone and i saw she called me. And it was too late to call back. ;-; I felt bad... ^_^ but no worries though! I'm going to call her back later today.
So the 15th is coming up! ^_^ For all you HP fans you know that means the 6th book is going to be sold at 12:01 that night! lol ^__^ Me, Kamikaze Breeze, and Riruri-chan(hopefully) are going to go to it! XD We have a whole day planned already and i can't wait! We are going to go see a movie, go out to lunch, have dinner at Breeze's house and i guess crash at my house. ^__^ But it starts at 9 and goes on until midnight. We are going to be like the oldest people there. XD lol. it's gonna be fun.
Oh! ^_^ I just got the coolest Gravitation shirt! AH! i love it! It has the members of Bad luck on it but they are chibis and it says "Bad Luck" across it. Then on the back it says "Gravy Tour" then a list of all the places where they have sung. It's so cool it looks like a read band shirt! X3 I love it!!
Well thats all for now!! ^__^ Here is a pic for the road!
Random pic~

XD Yay! Hope everyone likes the pic of Shu-chan and Yuki! ^__^ They are awsome!!
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