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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
WOOT WOOT!!! ^_^ I have reached 300 hits!! Thank you everyone for coming to my site! -^^- it makes me feel so loved!! Sake all around!! lol okay now we must look toward the future! let hit for 400!!! come one everyone i know you can do it! ^_^
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Only Three Days Left Till Christmas!!!
Can anyone believe it?! Only three days left! Wow, Christmas really snuck up on up this year. In fact only did all my christmas shopping over this past weekend and on Monday. It hit me and i was like "oh my god! theres only a week left!" So i had to rush out and finish all my christmas shopping. ^_^ Which i did and its a new record for me this year. Finished my Christmas shopping in two days!! Well anyway i think im going to get a little more into the Christmas mood! ^_^ So i thought "well i have a few anime christmas pic and i don't know if everyone has seen these before so what the heck!" i'll post up my top favs these last few days of Christmas! ^_^ Here is the first one! This only one of my top favs because it is Hana-Kimi and right now this is my fav manga. lol so yeah its only right it gets a slot! number four slot! A Hana-Kimi Christmas!

I'll post more pics each day! ^_^ Number one will be put up Christmas Day! So look out for them!
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
 Your a dog.
What animal are your? (with anime pics!!) brought to you by Quizilla
¬.¬ are they calling me a bitch? XD no im j/k! ^_^ its a really kawaii pic though, dont you think?
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Ah... the first monday of break...
It felt so good this morning! My alarm went off for me to get ready for school and i just turned it off and rolled over and went right back to sleep. I only slept for about 45 more minutes cus for some weird reason i can't sleep in unless im sick. But it was a good 45 minutes. The only bad thing is im trying to stay stress free so i don't get sick again but my sister is stressin me out. She has a job interveiw at 10:30 and it now 9:51. She still has to get ready and everything too... she is going to be late and i know it. Normally i would say whatever her problem, its just if she gets a job that mean she will be out of the house more! Oh i want that sooo bad. Changing subject! You know the worst thing happend yesterday! I asked if i could buy The Used new cd and my mom said yes and when i went to open it in the car she say "No thats a christmas present, im going to wrap it" Oh it not fair i want to listen to it sooo bad! lol oh well i guess i only have like six days to wait so its not that bad. OKay im off to do random things now! ja!
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
New fav song!
lol this is my fav song right now and im bored so here are the english translations to it.
The day I met you, I knew you were the one.
It was on that day so much happiness came to me.
We acted the same as couples around,
and we locked our arms and walked down the path ahead.
Together we are under the same blue heavens.
Having the same heart and oh the same feelings
It shows that we are together our hearts are as one.
Always, Forever.
I only need you.
And the love that i want to have.
is the love that we share.
Lost are painful and sorrowful wounds.
Just because you are near me, and that sets me free.
Lonely despair and hardships ahead.
The cold winter wind had become the warm, warm spring.
The very first snow left me feeling alone.
But i didn't cry, i just kept smiling true.
The love that i feared more than anything near me.
The CD that keeps playing on and on for me,
was simply a letter of love from your heart to my own.
Always, Forever
this love has escaped me
and i thought of this night and day,
of the love i once knew.
Always, Forever
i wanted to say
"You were always the one for me, and for that i thank you."
The road where the white and pure snow keeps on falling,
That's where you made your sweet promise to me.
You told me our love should be whiter,
than the snow and that would help get us through.
Always, i knew that
i was missing something.
But your love is still filling up,
the empty cold spots.
Snowflakes the gift that the heavens bring down.
And it's you, your the one for me,
and your all that i need.
The soft, white snows falling now.
I wish on our pure kiss.
^_^ Well there it is! its called Meri Kuri and i like it a lot. XD im going to try to get it to play on my page. well im off to do random things now! ja!
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Friday, December 17, 2004
YAY! ^_^ Today was my last day at school! I only stayed till about 9:30! lol i went and took my english Exam (which my teacher graded and said i made a 96 on!) and then i went to a friends house where we gave another friend a surprise party ^_^ it was fun. Oh by the way i got one of my friends to join myotaku. Her Name is Kamikaze Breeze. She is real cool so go check out her site and sign her guest book please! ^^- Anyone who is into yaoi or shonen-ai will get along with her great! thanks! im off to do random things now! ja!
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
I've already seen Series of Unfortunate Events!
Haha! ^_^ i already saw the movie! i wont tell you guys too much about it cus i dont want to mess it up! So here is a nice summary.
Violet, Klaus, and Sunny......... Mr. Poe........train......oh my god!......Olaf...... leeches........ and then Violet...... smart ass....... but luckly........ sadly then......Klaus climbed...... the end ^_^ nice eidited verson for you all! Free from Spoilers! Don't you all just love me now?! lol ja matta ne!
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Yay! ^_^ Only two more days of school! I leave school tomorrow at 1:30 as soon as my math exam is over and Friday at 9:30 after my english one! Friday all day we are throwing my friend a surprise party. On her 16th bday no one did anything for her! Her parents got her a few gifts a few days before but the day of her bday no one wished her a happy bday. i did the day before cus her bday was on the weekend and i got her a cd. But someone is baking a cake and we are getting it all set up thursday night and after school on friday we are going to take her to the house we are having it at. Its not weird cus after exams we all pile into one car normally and got out to eat and then hang out at someones house. ^_^ i cant wait. I have a Christmas party to go to on Saturday.. XD So much for going to bed early and sleeping in! I havent been sleeping much from all my school work but thats okay. im stil lgoing strong. o.o; i have a New Years Eve party to go too on New Years Eve. ^_^ I think there is going to be a bond fire. Well i need to go study for my exams now! Wish me luck everyone! ja!
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Monday, December 13, 2004
I love my teacher!!!
OMG! i love my english teacher so much!!! You see lately i have been sick cus of stress and i have this portfolio due tomorrow. It really isnt due till April to get the 10,000 for collage but cus i have english this term and all honors english class grade the portfolio i would have to turn it in tomorrow. Well cus my teacher noticed how much stress everyone was going through she said we can turn it in imcompleate just put a note what we plan on putting there. Then she will give it back to us to finish to turn in in april. im sooo happy. im still going to work on it a lot tonight. i mean who would want it to be full of post it notes? lol. ^_^ Some more good news! i have piano today after school! (lol im in 4th block, which is band right now ) Oh i can't wait! ^_^ After the winter break my mom said i may get to go back to my full schudule at my music school. Some kids got me mad cus they thought i just gave up but a few noticed how badly i miss it. ^_^ But no worries ill be back in there in no time. So has anyone gotten those cool Sonic games from McDonalds? ^_^ lol i have! i whinned to go there and get a happy meal even thought i hate the food. it was kind of funny, you see this group of teenagers walk in and i begged for a happy meal. If anyone has see Kare Kano i'm like Tsubasa. My friends carry me around on their backs and call me cute. Well you see some little girl on the back of some guy going "i wanna happy meal!!!" lol we scared the people. Well im getting kicked off the computer again cus the guys want to play some online game. ja! ^_^
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
Yay! ^_^ i just got the new DNAngel manga! ;-; i wanted the Kendainchi Case Files one but the book store was out! i told my dad i wanted to go to the one in the mall cus they have a better manga selection than Books-A-Million. But nooo my dad said he didnt feel like going to the mall. Oh well at least i got the DNAngel one. ^_^ the cover is pretty! Dark is on on it and he is all sexy like. lol well im off to do random things! ja!
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