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^_^ my house!
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student at NHS!
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just call me Kerurie ^_~
ummm... i don't know.. i passed my first year of high school with all A's
Anime Fan Since
before i can remember o.o;;;
Favorite Anime
Card Captors, Lain, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Chobits, Fushigi Yugi, Gravitation, Ceres, X, DNAngel, Sonic Underground, Sonic X, Inuyasha, Angelic Layer, Ranma 1/2, and sooo many others!
to finish high school with out a break down
reading, writing, playing my guitar, piano, and random other things
o.o; i dont know...piano i guess
| Kerurie-dono
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Sunday, November 7, 2004
20 random people, 5 boxes of Mountain Dew, 1 confused Keruri = one big yaoi fest!
lol wow where should i start with my weird night. Well it all started when my dad left town to see my big bro i guess, my mom had to work and my sister lives everyong in this town but home (aka she parites a lot ) Well, one of my friends named Amy called and asked if i wanted to go to the fair with her. I told her no becuase i was going Wensday anyway and plus i wasn't feeling well. Well my friend Amy is most famous for her obsession with Yoai. I like Gravi and stuff but this girl takes it to the extream. She has tons of Yaoi mangas and dvds. She says nothing is better than two bishies making out. Well anyway i was home alone when she ended up coming over with her new anime dvds and some Mountain Dew to keep me company for a while. So we were sitting watch tv when the someone knoced on the door. I went to answer finding two girls that i only really know from the mall and Wired (a hang out place here) they said Amy called them so i figured sense i was home alone there was no harm in it. So i let them in to come watch the dvds with us. Soon after some car pulled up with my friend Sam and like three other girls i know. The brought cds and all this stuff and me being my stupid self let them in thinking they only came to hang out. Well this little pattern went on for a while untill next thing i know there are like 20 girls in my house. Finally asked Amy what the hell was going on. She said sense she couldn't go to some anime convention this year she was going to hold her own. Turns out they all had this planned!!! They were just waiting for the first person to be home alone. I was kind of mad at first but ended up having fun. We watched anime dvd, listened to cds, played karaoke. A good just girl hand out party. Well then my mom called saying she closing up at her work and she would be home soon. My mom doesn't get off work till around 1 in the morning and i couldn't believe it was already so late! So next thing i know all of us girls are running around cleaning up and they all left. My mom came home and the den was still a mess (we only cleaned the kitchen and computer room). Amy was still there so my mom thought it was just us being our weird selves and told us to clean up the room. Amy ended up staying the night but man that was so weird. Im use to my friend doing really weird stuff but nothing like this. Its kind of like something off of a tv show or something. Oh well the point is now i learned my lesson and next time ill make sure i don't have a big yaoi convention in my own home with out my knowing. ^^;
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Saturday, November 6, 2004
Kick ass Sonic blinkie
Yay!! who like the cool blinkie?! ^_^ Kosunina made it for me! She is such a sweetie! everyone should go to her site and sign her guest book! Thank you so much Kosunina! i love it so much! oh yeah did i ever say how much i love Sonic the Hedgehog to anyone? lol well i do... ^_^ ive liked it sense i was little, ive seen every anime of it, read pretty much all the comics, and just about own all the games... all but the one for Dreamcast.. but i have it for gamecube.. o.o does that count? oh well! ^_^ im off to do random things! ja!
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Friday, November 5, 2004
Chessy Techno Whore! WHAT!
XD lol okay i bet you are all like what the hell?! Tonight at the foot ball game me and four other people made up a song and dance about cheese! XD then we made up a dance too! lol so next thing we know we are being called the Cheesy Techno Whores. lol that song is like do do do da do Chesse! Do do do da do Swiss! Do do do da do Jack! Do do do da do American! Do do do da do Cheese! XD its funnier if you hear the beat. well im off to do random things! Chessy Techno Whore out!
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Okay i took the stick man off cus i he got boring to me XD He was only up for one day too.. thats sad.. oh well. Does anyones parents like yell at you for dumb reasons? Mine do i got yelled at this morning for "waiting till the last minute" to give my mom a paper saying i made a D on my last math test. One i got it yesterday and two my mom didnt get home till after midnight and i was asleep. Then my dad yelled at me like just now cus he asked what time i need to be at the football game (he asks this every damn time!) and all i said was normal time and he got mad and yelled at me for being smart with him. ¬.¬ ugh.... i can't wait till i move out.
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Thursday, November 4, 2004
Who likes the stick man?!
Hey guys im testing out Mr. Stick Man! We made him in class one day and i saved him on a floopy just because he is so cool! XD im testing him out. So should he stay or should he just go find a cardboard box to live in?
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Isn't this pic so kwaii!? ^_^ My friend sent it to me today during class to cheer me up for making a bad grade, it cheered me up right away! ^_^ well if anyone was having a bad day i hoped this cheers you up! ( i know it will cheer you gravi fans up!) okay im off to do random things!
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
new dvds!
Yay! ^_^ i got the 2nd and 3rd Gravitation dvds!! woot woot! i still haven't watched them yet but i will sooner or later. As much as i love gravi i still like the subbed better than the dubbed. Mainly cus i dont like the english voices of Ryuichi and Su-chan... i dont know when i think of them i think of a kawaii almost childlike voice. But in the english version they both have a deep kind of voice. nope don't really like it that much. I love their Japanese voices though! oh i have one thing left to say about Gravi...
Hiro-chan is soooo sexy! ^_^
lol ^_^ well im off to do random things now! ja!
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Otaku Guardians and Manga Series!!!
Hey I'm an Otaku Guardian now! ^_^ yay!!! Oh has anyone read the manga Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne? I have ^_^ i really like it a lot. I'm checking out new mangas cus a lot of the ones i like are sadly coming to an end. I heard one called "Until the Full Moon" was really good, by the same lady who wrote FAKE. Well if anyone has any good mangas they know of please tell me ^^ i wanna get into a new manga series! until next time ja! (that sounded so lame XD )
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Hey for like the past two days I have gotten out of school like in the middle of the day! Yesterday for that evil dentist and today cus my nephew was really sick and had to leave his school and of coure my mom or my sister couldnt miss work so i got to leave school today to watch him ^^- i wish this could happen more.. even though i really shouldn't miss math. oh well! i have a nice quite time to read my mangas now! lol i'll talk to you peeps later! ja!
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Monday, November 1, 2004
Yuck! i hate the dentist! i had to go today and one side of my face is numb! The worst part was instead of going home i had to go right to piano with my numbed face! ugh! oh well... ^_^ hope you guys had a better afternoon than me. Now i have to do my homework... with my still numbed face! ><
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