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^_^ my house!
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student at NHS!
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just call me Kerurie ^_~
ummm... i don't know.. i passed my first year of high school with all A's
Anime Fan Since
before i can remember o.o;;;
Favorite Anime
Card Captors, Lain, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Chobits, Fushigi Yugi, Gravitation, Ceres, X, DNAngel, Sonic Underground, Sonic X, Inuyasha, Angelic Layer, Ranma 1/2, and sooo many others!
to finish high school with out a break down
reading, writing, playing my guitar, piano, and random other things
o.o; i dont know...piano i guess
| Kerurie-dono
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Hi Hi!
How is everyone doing today?!
I'm okay myself but it did nothing but storm all morning. It has finally stiooed and its about 2:30 now. x.x; and the people on the tc said it may start up again.
I swear i think im like Kyo-kun from Fruits Basket. I dont want to do anything but lay around today. Ugh... the rain makes me sooo sleepy! i woke up my normal time only to hear the rain and fall back asleep. So i ended up sleeping late today. ah well...
^_^ Has anyone see Full Moon wo Sagashite?! lol My friend Amande-dono let me barrow her dvds and im almost done with them. It gets really sad towards the end of it. But i wont say anymore in case i may spoil it for someone.
Oh for anyone reading my fic Sadame Ch. 2 is now posted! ^_^ Please go check it out on any of these sites:
^_^ Sadame by Kerurie-dono! It's a Seto/Jou fic so i hope everyone likes it!
Now i leave you with this pic to celbrate that i finally got the second chapter done! lol ja!

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Friday, March 18, 2005
Guess what readers of my fanfiction!? I finished Ch. 2 of Sadame today! I just sent it to my betta so soon it will be posted up. ^_~ be looking for it!
Today was my first full day off for spring break! woot! lol all i did today was finish up that chapter... i guess now im gonna have to go call my friends and bug them now or something. lol.
Well i'm off to find something for me to do. Till next time peeps Ja!
I leave this pic for all you Yuki fans! Enjoy!

SO KAWAII!! ^_^ I LOVE YUKI!! He is so sexy....
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
So how was everyone's day today? Mine was pretty dull...
I went to school from 8 to 9:30 for a reveiw for a mid term. Left and went out to eat with my mom. Came back at 1:30 and took a midterm exam and then came home. boring boring boring.
I think i just feel this way cus its dark and rainy out. A good day to sleep. Oh well.
^_^ i get to leave at 9:30 tomorrow and them i'm out for spring break! woot woot!
Umm... Yeah thats all i gotta say for now.. XD Till next time peeps!

SO KAWAII NE?!?!?!? ^_^!!!
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Monday, March 14, 2005
Yo Yo Yo!!!
lol What's up the peeps of the O?!?!
If you can't tell i'm hyper. I have no clue why either. o-o; oh well. ^_^
Has anyone seen the english dub of D.N.Angel? My mom said she would get the dvd for me if i wanted it but i don't know if i would rather have that one or maybe a differnt anime. I just don't wanna get the D.N.Angel one if the voices sound stupid.
Anyway... i must be off.. piano awaits me!! XD i hope i dont scare my teacher.
And thus i leave you children of the O with this pic of Daisuke and Dark. Enjoy! ^_^

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Thursday, March 10, 2005
Hey guys just on to tell everyone to take this quiz!! XD Me and Amande-dono made it! XD We were really bored at the time. It's a Gravitation sleep over! all you Gravi fans have to take!!!
XD Till next time! Ja!
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Sorry i haven't posted in a few days. We are in the middle of exams right now! x.x; not the little midterms either we are talking pass high school or not exams. I've already take Math, English, and reading this week. Tomorrow i take History and Friday we take Science. ugh...
Ummmm.... o.o; i really don't have anything else to say right now. uhhh... ^_^ Enjoy the new vid ::points up:: it's up there!
Uhhh...ummmm... yeah thats about it. XD PM if you need anything!
Now i leave you with the sexiness of Cloud! XD Enjoy ladies... and some men...

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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Kerurie in the house! what what!
XD lol as you can tell im in a good mood today. I had a real bad day yesterday.
It started at like 4 in the moring where my sister's stupid friend woke me up cus she can't be quit if her life counted on it. And i was just in the worst mood for the rest of the day. My poor friends I got mad at everyone for really stupid reasons.
Oh well i told them i was in a good mood today and they said thank god cus they didn't like how they couldn't even look at me with out me getting mad. XD i told them i was sorry and they forgave me.
Has anyone heard of the manga Loveless?? I wanna read the scans! it looks so kawaii!! ^_^ Even though i have a stack of ::counts on her fingers:: 8 mangas of mine and my friends that i need to read before i have a revolt on my hands.
XD ah well i guess i'll find the scans later, but till then i need to go read some of those mangas!
Till Next time everyone!
Ja Matta ne! ^_^
P.S. If you haven't noticed i started putting up a different pic everytime i post... today's pic is....
::drum roll:: Pretear! ^_^

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Saturday, February 26, 2005
So whats up peeps on this lovely Saturday afternoon??
lol nothing much here. I was invited to a party tonight but im not sure if i want to go to this one. All my friends arnt sure if they wanna go or not either. Im about to go out and hope i get hyper and then ill wanna go to the party XD but i guess if i really hate it i can always come home.
Oh Gravi fans does anyone know which CD is the best?? Cus i want to get one but im not sure which one i should get. i was thinking maybe the Best collection one. Oh well ill figure it out.
Oh im gotta go now peeps! Food is calling! ^_^ i may update again later! till next time!
<~~~ Doesnt he rock?!?! XD
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
Nothing really happend much today but for some reason i'm in a good mood. I've been in one all day. ^_^ i like days like this, your in a good mood for no reason.
Does anyone know what the second dvd to Tokyo Babylon looks like?? im gonna order it for my friend but i know they are all on backorder so i was gonna do it a little early and just hold it till her bday. I think its the blue one but im not sure.
Well thats about it. Oh im gonna change my site soon and im thinking of putting up a new vid too! ^_^ make sure you guys look for it!!!
Till next time! Ja! ^_^

^^- Amiboshi and Suboshi are so kawaii!! ne?
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Lol whats up peeps!?
It's party time! well not till 7... but im going to a party tonight! Cant wait. Im so hyper today and i dont know why! XD but im hopin this energy will go away whenever i got to this thing.
Oh i got three new mangas! ^_^ i got the 10th Ceres, the 6th DNangel and the 6th C.C.
well thats all i have to say really right now. im gonna go call some of my friends and see if any of them wanna do something till the party! i dont think i can just sit around any longer!
Till next time!
Ja ne!
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