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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
^_^ Hey everyone!! I just got on to post i took my drivers test today and i passed!!! WOOT WOOT! ^_^ Yes thats right i can now be on the road!! Im so happy! okay well that all i wanted to say and American Idol is about to come on!
lol Ja ne!
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Monday, February 14, 2005
I hope you all had a great Vantines Day! ^_^ i know i did!!
I woke up this morning to find chocolates and a kawaii card from my loving daddy. Then when i was making breakfast my neighbor brought over some flowers for me, my mom, and my sister. ^^- very sweet.
At school i got candy and cards from all my friends and some flowers too! (and two animes cds! XD my friends love me ) ^__^ EEEEE!! i feel so loved!
I have to go to piano soon but thats okay cus im gonna give my teacher some candy too. ^_^ oh i love Valentines day! it always makes me feel good. Many people hate it and i dont know why.
I made sure everyone in my classes felt loved. I brought chocolates for my close friends and these little fun dip cards and some blow pops for other people in my classes to make sure they all got something too! I ever bought a spot in the school paper today for Kamikaze Breeze XD I put to her love the other two corners of the triangle (inside joke).
Well i gotta now! ^_^ i hope everyone has a great Valentines Day! cus i know i did!! Ja Ne!

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Thursday, February 10, 2005
Whats up peeps?!
Nothin much here...
I'm really bored yet im so hyper! it sucks! and whats worse i have to go back to school in a little bit for the Open House! >P My rents normally dont go to these things but i get a lot of point in Biology if one of my rents go.
Ummmm... nothing really else to say.
^_^ oh wait! im thinking about writting a short Valentines Day fic! but im not sure yet! if i do im gonna post it up here. lol so you all may get a Valentines Day treat!
Well i gotta go now! ¬_¬ back to school! ugh!! ^_^ till next time everyone!
Ja Ne!
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
^_^ Hey Peeps!!
How does everyone like the video i put up?? I hope you do cus i made it! My friend Amande-dono showed me how to put the videos i made on my site! ^_^ She is such a sweetie!!
This isn't my best video but i like it a lot cus its about Yuki and his past. ^_^ But i have other videos too, im gonna leave this one up for a while but what would you guys like to see next?
- Pretear
- Kare Kano
- X/1999
- Decadence of Darkness
- another Gravi one
- different anime i didnt name?
^_^ just wondering, im thinking about putting up my Pretear video next just cus i think that is one of the best ones i ever made and i really like the song i did too.
lol make sure to tell me what you think of the video! ^_^ till next time! Ja Ne!
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Monday, February 7, 2005
Whats up peeps?
i signed up for the classes i will be taking next year today. I have signed up for
- Honors English 11
- Geometry
- Honors Anatomy
- Honors U.S. History II
- Spanish I
- Spanish II
- Alegbra
- Marching Band
and for the three classes i wouldnt mind taking if i cant get into one of those i put
- Mass Media/ Journalism
- Public Speaking
- Symphonic Band
@__@ yeah i'm doublnig up on math and my 12th grade year im gonna double up on science.. Scray yes but i want to be ready for collage. Im still thinking of taking A.P History instead of just honors. Then dropping Spanish II cus im not going for an honors deploma. @__@ i know i may be taking A.P. English my 12th grade year.... oh what have i gotten myseld into??
Well i got to go people i have piano soon! ja!
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Saturday, February 5, 2005
It's Saturday night and i don't have a thing planned!! how sad is this?! yeah its only 6:30 right now but still.... i can already tell its going to be a boring night.
My friends were over earlier today but they all cleared out and went home. Now i'm listening to my dad yell at me about a Biology project... ugh... he is acting like i told him im not gonna do it. ¬_¬ i've already started on it i just wanted to take a break.
Has anyone noticed that Tokyopop's titles are starting to be released like evey three months instead of the every other mounth? ><; it's not fair! yeah they have a lot more titles now but come on! My last Kindaichi manga was left on this huge cliff hanger and i have to wait three months! 12 weeks! before i find out what happens! its not fair!! ::sigh:: oh well...
Okay thats pretty much all for right now, i think im gonna go make a few phone calls and try to find me something to do tonight.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Whats up peeps?!
Nothin much here. ^_^ i got a blueberry icee!! mmmm... very good. its cold as hell outside but i'm still drink icees XD!
I got a new manga today. It called From Far Away. I'm not sure how good it is. I was thinking of getting the Pretear mangas but ive seen all the anime and it was the same with the Gravitation mangas. So yeah it looked cool. I hope it is.
Well thats about it.. .wow short post. oh well.. ^_^ Ja ne!
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Monday, January 31, 2005
Hel - lo!
Whats up peeps!?
lol not much going around right now, i have a biology project due soon and my partner will not help at all! She said she just wanted to take a zero instead of going through all of the trouble. i kind of dont blame her but i dont want a zero! >
I have piano tonight and its soo cool i'm learning how to play Gravitation songs!! ^_^ I learned how to play a slow version of Super Drive last week, and im gonna learn In The Moonlight today (you know the song Shu-chan sings for Yuki in the OVA). lol i finished all the songs in my other music book and the music store here doesnt have the next one in stock yet so i get to learn other stuff while i wait for the next book.
XD for those who are thinking my piano teacher is real cool, well he doesn't even know its from an anime. I bring in the sheet music and he helps me through it. I hope this new one will be easier than Super Drive.. x.x; the bass in that song... ugh...
^_^ I'm think about getting one of the Gravi CDs. i have all the DVDs so i guess it would be only right to have the CDs too. But i know if i get one my parents will only let me have one and there are like four i think. ^_^ If anyone has listened to them or has them could you tell me which one is better? Thankies!
Okay i must go now! ja ne!
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Hel - lo!
Whats up peeps!?
lol not much going around right now, i have a biology project due soon and my partner will not help at all! She said she just wanted to take a zero instead of going through all of the trouble. i kind of dont blame her but i dont want a zero! >
I have piano tonight and its soo cool i'm learning how to play Gravitation songs!! ^_^ I learned how to play a slow version of Super Drive last week, and im gonna learn In The Moonlight today (you know the song Shu-chan sings for Yuki in the OVA). lol i finished all the songs in my other music book and the music store here doesnt have the next one in stock yet so i get to learn other stuff while i wait for the next book.
XD for those who are thinking my piano teacher is real cool, well he doesn't even know its from an anime. I bring in the sheet music and he helps me through it. I hope this new one will be easier than Super Drive.. x.x; the bass in that song... ugh...
^_^ I'm think about getting one of the Gravi CDs. i have all the DVDs so i guess it would be only right to have the CDs too. But i know if i get one my parents will only let me have one and there are like four i think. ^_^ If anyone has listened to them or has them could you tell me which one is better? Thankies!
Okay i must go now! ja ne!
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Friday, January 28, 2005
Moulin Rouge!
OMG!!! Okay for you guys who don't know I'm going to Paris and London over the summer with a group from school. But anyway, i just learned today one of the streets we will be going down in Paris has the Moulin Rouge on it! ^_^ Yes! THE Moulin Rouge!!! I know some of you are like "ummm... why is a sixteen year old girl happy about a strip club?" Well this is THE strip club. One of the first ever built, not only that it made such a shock to the public in France back in the day that it inspired a move. Yes the wonderful musical named none other than Moulin Rouge. Haha! ^_^ I asked if we would be aloud to go in. I don't wanna see the girl naked but i wanna see them in their costums before the show. That would be cool. and if not that i would love a picture of the Moulin Rouge and even a buisness card.. ^_^ that would be cool. lol well anyway just though i would share that with everyone! Ja!
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