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Monday, January 3, 2005
So how is everyone doing today?? im okay. ^_^ still have a week left of winter break! o.o; its kind of weird that everyone else is going back today ecept the school in my town it seems. Oh well... Oh i'm going to go get my passport today!! ^_^ I cant wait i know that all im going to do if fill out some paper work and get my picture taken but still, its really starting to feel less like a dream and more like its real. I can't believe my rents are going to let me go to Paris and London for two weeks! Pretty much by myself too!! Yes its with a few kids from my school and some teachers but still... my dad is the type who freaks out when i walk across the street. I'm going to take lots of pictures when i go and post some up here to show everyone! ^_^ i don't go until June but i still cant wait! Well im off to find something to do! ja matta ne!!
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
New Theme!
Hiya peeps! ^_^ as you can all tell i put up a new theme! I hope everyone likes this one cus i think it may stay up for a while. ^^- i like it anyway. Does anyone know how to put an mp3 up with out having to upload it on something like geocitites first?? if not thats okay can you just explain how to upload it and everything so i can at least know how to do it that way? thanks! ^^- just PM and tell me if you can! Oh and to the people i promised the fanfic too... i am soooo sorry for not getting it to you when i promised. i slacked a lot over the holidays! i havent even picked it up once sense school ended! not to worry i picked it up this morning and the juices are flowing once again! i just stopped to play around with myo a bit. Well im off to write more of that fanfic before i get killed by random people. lol remember everyone! if you know anything about the mp3s please PM me!! i wanna put up the real version of Duvet for everyone! ^_^ ja!
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
^_^ Happy New Year everyone! ^_^ i hope you all had a great new years eve! i did! i went a party ^^- i rode dirt bikes, four wheelers, we had a bon fire and lots of other things. it was fun. ^^; i didnt get home until about 1:30. then i ended up watching the X movie and staying up even later! So god knows what time i even went to sleep. lol. ^_^ i was kind of sad this morning cus my friend Riruri-chan had to go back home over staying with us for a week but im feeling better now. ^^ i read this cool manga called Theif and Detective. i like it a lot. Well i need to go help my dad take down the christmas tree before he kills himself. lol ja ne!
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
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nothing really...
lol well i don't really have much to say but i thought maybe i should post something. XD umm... i have pudding! Banana pudding! its yummy... ummm... oh i got a new Manga the other day its called Selfish Love i heard it was really good so i cant wait to read it! ^_^ i also got the final volume in Alice 19th! yay!!! lol my friend has already read it and i havent! its not really fair sense its mine but i dont really care. lol well im going to go eat more pudding! ja ne!
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
lol i put up one of those hug things cus i got bored! ^^- So lets see if i am loved!! Would everyone pretty please give me a hug or two? i would really love it! ^_^ thanks! im off to do random things now! ja matta ne!
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Monday, December 27, 2004
^_^ how is everyone today? I'm doin okay. ^_^ im sooo happy i dont go back to school till the 10th! lol i dont know what i would do if i went back before then. Does anyone know how many Gravitaion dvds there are? someone told me four but i got the 4th one for christmas and i know there has to be more after that. So yeah if anyone knows please tell me, i wanna know how much money im about to spend XD
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
okay its about 12;30 right now and im not sure if im gonna get to get online tomorrow so i thought i may as well go ahead and put up the next pic! ^__^ so anyway, The number one slot in Kerurie-dono's fav Christmas pic is...... ::drum roll:: A Card Captor christmas! i love this pic so much! its very kawaii and it shows how much Li and Sakura care for each other. If i get on tomorrow i may post a few more kawaii pics, the runners up! But right now im getting ready to go to bed! ^^- i can't wait to open my presents! lol. Well anyway here is the number one pic from Kerurie-dono's Christmas collections. Hope you enjoy because i know i will! ja matta ne everyone and Merry Christmas!

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Friday, December 24, 2004
Happy Christmas Eve!!!
^__^ Today is Christmas Eve as im sure you all know! ^_^ Ah.. i love this almost better than CHristmas. My mom is baking, my dad is humming christmas songs that are stuck in his head, my brother breaks out in random songs that gets stuck in my dads head, yeah everyone is just in a good mood. lol. Well anyway on to the Christmas pic! The number two slot in Kerurie-dono's fav Christmas pics are.... ::drums roll:: ^_^ A Christmas with Dee and Ryo!!! lol ^_^ i don't know why i like this pic i just do. Well i hope everyone enjoys it because i know i will! ^^- ja matta ne!

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Thursday, December 23, 2004
Only Two More Days till Christmas!
^_^ yes im well aware that everyone knows this but im just now getting into a real christmas mood. It hadn't felt like christmas was coming until today but i still can't believe how close it is. Well anyway on with the next Christmas pic! ^_^ for the number 3 slot in Kerurie-dono's fav christmas pics is... ::drum roll:: ^_^ A Knux and Rouge christmas! ^^- come on how many of that saw the "i love you Sonic" blinkie didnt see a Sonic pic coming sooner or later? lol well anyway heres the pic! Enjoy! ^_^ i know i will!

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