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Aoife (pronounced eefa for those who are not farmiliar with Irish names)
Beat a sixteen year old rugby player at arm wrestling. HA, sucker, i wooped his ass!!!!!!!! And yet I still can't beat POODLE POWER. She may be smaller than me, but she is WAY stronger than she looks!!
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The time before Pokemon began.....epic, no?
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To write a novel, maybe do a bit of screen acting
Basketball, scouts, writing fiction, movies (nothing soppy, rock on lotr an the Matrix!)
Drama, singing, writing, being hyper, triping up (while error laughs)
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
Hi guys,
just got home from spending the week with my cousin, kiss my ass bunny. i haven't done anything with this site in ages. So, I went and changed my avitar and posted this message. Myself and kiss my ass bunny, and one of our best friends, bakuras babe, watched cinderella story several THOUSAND times. Am I wrong, or is Chad Michael Murray THE HOTEST guy to ever walk this earth?!?!?!?!?!? I mean, HELLO FINER!!! Anyways, that's not really the point of this message. The point is that I will be leaving for summer camp next sunday and will be pretty much incomunicado as far as this site is concerned. My main worry is this. Every year at my summer camp, we have two themed discos. I am fairly tall, with brown hair and eyes. What movie character could I go as, bearing in mind that I will only have a few hours to put a costume together and a pretty low shopping budget. it would really help if I got some ideas now, so that I can have a costume ready before I go.
Love Kes
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Zip Racer - Episode 6
Nina and Kiki were curled up on Kiki’s bed, while Dax paced the room. It had been to hours since Jinx had been taken. Dax had called his parents to tell them what happened, and naturally they became very distraught ad called the police. “Why would anyone want to kidnap her?” Said Nina, tears streaking her eye shadow and sending blue mascara trickling down her cheeks. “I mean, we know her better than anyone, and I can’t think of any reason at all.” Dax sighed. “I think I know a lot of things you don’t.”
Nina looked offended. “Just because you’re her brother…” “Yes because I’m her brother. There are so many things you don’t know about her. Stuff that only family knows.” Kiki sighed. “Well, it seems as good a time as any to tell us, if it can help us figure out what’s going on.” Dax hoisted himself onto the desk to face the girls. “You guys don’t know anything about Jinx’s real life before she came here. She wasn’t born in Dana Rita like she’s told everyone. Jinx isn’t even her real name.” Nina and Kiki were instantly confused. “Jinx and her dad are in the witness protection program.” Kiki raised her eyebrows and Nina’s mouth fell open. “You guys were always wondering how she learned to transform right? Well here it is.
“Four years ago Jinx, or Haley as she was known back then, was selected to take part in some experiments on the human mind. They were trying to see if humans could learn to use more of their brains, as we only use about ten percent. Haley had a sharp, clear intelligent mind and was perfect for their tests. They were simple enough at first. First they assessed exactly what percentage of her mind Haley used, then worked on various stimulants. But after dozens of tests there was still no change. So, they decided to try a different method. At least, that’s what she was told.
“They called in various experts in hypnosis and other forms of mind therapy. Haley went along with all of this, but noticed that she was seeing less and less of the scientists. It didn't worry her, but she did notice it. One day, another man was sent in to work with her. He wasn’t another certified expert, but a man who had learned to control and calm his mind. He was also rumoured to extraordinary powers. He was sometimes called a magician. He never shared his secrets with anyone; he simply claimed that the magic came from within him.
“Haley was sceptical, but followed his instructions. They meditated for hours, and he instructed her in ways of calming her mind, so that she could unlock its secrets.
After days of this there were no important results. Haley was able to clear her mind very easily, and while it was perfect for relaxing, it didn't really seem like a great accomplishment. One afternoon, the instructions from the magician changed. He told her to pick an animal to her liking and imagine herself in its body. She didn't see this as difficult, and so did as she was told. When she opened her eyes, she was sitting on the ground as the little black cat we have often seen her change into.” He paused for a moment to let all of this extraordinary information sink in. Nina and Kiki were just sitting there in a stunned silence, waiting for what was coming next.
“Haley was thrilled with herself. Unusually, there was no scientist standing by, so she ran through the halls, as a cat, to find one. She found a lab suspiciously hidden behind a false wall in the research department. Once inside, she discovered something horrific. The scientists were going in another direction all right, but not one the Haley was involved in. The scientists had been conducting direct experiments on the human mind. They had killed their test subjects, murdered dozens of innocent teenagers, and physically examined and experimented on their brains.” Kiki’s eyes widened with shock and Nina’s face turned slightly green. Dax ran a hand through his hair, tired and frustrated.
“Haley saw all of this and, without realizing it, transformed back into herself. They saw her and knew that they had to keep her quiet. Luckily, they didn’t see her transform, and simply thought that she had walked in without their noticing. She ran and hid in the bushes in the car park, where she transformed again and escaped. She went straight to the police, but was too late. By the time they sent a squad to investigate, the lad had already been cleared of any evidence of the experiments.
“They believed her story though, as many of the kids enlisted as subjects had been reported missing. But without the vital evidence, they had no hope of making a case. For the safety of Haley and her family, they were moved to Dana Rita and given new identities. Haley Martin became Jinx Clavin, and started her new life. That’s where my mom first met her dad. “
Several minutes of stunned silence greeted the end of his story. Kiki’s head was spinning. Jinx was one of her best friends, and now Dax was telling her that she didn’t even know her real name? It was too much to take in.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
He's real cute!!
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 GIR // GIR is one of the most hilarious people on the show. He's a robot and is SUPPOSED to be helping Zim. His quote is "Can I be a moongoose dog?"
Which Invader Zim character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Zip Racer - Episode 5
The sun had long set when the four came out of the café. Over several glasses of coke and a considerable amount of ice cream Dax told them just about everything about the new people and things he encountered in the city. The enormous Zip Stadium that seated thousands, the huge buildings that almost blocked out the sky, and the thickwit drivers who didn’t seem to realize that just because their cars could travel through space, it didn’t mean that they could charge around at two hundred miles an hour. Kiki, who had only ever seen one pro race, had dragged every little detail about the races out of him.
The group headed down the street, back towards the zip track. The huge iron gate had been hauled across the entrance, and was casting criss-cross shadows across the ground under the white stadium lights. They sat down in the dust, their backs against the stadium wall. They looked out on the desert, a muddle of various shades of blue in the starlight. “This is one of the things I missed.” Said Dax. “In the city, you can’t see the stars because of all the lights. You’d think that the sky was orange at night, there are so many street lamps. There’s just no peace there.” Kiki sat up. “If it’s peace you want, then what do you say to heading down to the oasis?”
What they called the oasis was a small pool under a waterfall at the base of Mount Liza, which was just a little way out into the desert. The mountain it was under was positioned in such a way that the pool was always in the shade, except for a short time directly after sunrise and just before sunset. It was a great place to spend time during the middle of the day, when the sun was viciously hot. Dax smiled. “Definitely.”
They all got up and began to run towards the mountain, transforming as they went. Dax was first to change, turning into the silver wolf that had been sitting on Kiki’s bed hours before. Kiki was right behind him, a small auburn fox with her sharp purple eyes. Nina and Jinx followed, a black cat with Jinx’s yellow eyes and a little King Charles puppy with Nina’s pink ones. They ran together towards the mountain, looking like the strangest mix of animals they had ever seen.
Their quick legs had them at the base of the mountain in minutes. They needed their animal forms to get to the oasis, as it involved squeezing through a hole in a pile of fallen rocks that no human, save a baby, could fit through. At the top it was too steep to climb over, so they had no choice. Kiki, Nina and Jinx slid through easily, their tiny forms the perfect fit for the hole. As always, Dax struggled slightly getting through, as he was a bit bigger than the girls. He shook the dust from his fur after he pushed through. “I don’t remember it being that much of a squeeze.” He laughed, human again. “You must have gained wait.” Sniggered Jinx. Dax put on a look of mock indignation. “Well either that or the hole’s getting smaller.” Laughed Nina.
Kiki was already in the water, jeans and jacket left on the bank. Nina and Jinx followed suit while Dax pulled off his shirt. As always, Kiki went slightly pink. He really was hot. The girls knew full well why she was smiling, and splashed her to snap her out of it. They laughed as jumped and fell backwards into the water. She resurfaced, gasping for breath. To make things worse, Dax chose that moment to dive in, splashing all three of them. Hysterical laughter began and continued for about five minutes before the girls finally calmed down again.
They spent about half an hour in the water, just messing around and talking, like they always did. Eventually they climbed out and waited a while for the heat of the warm night to dry them off. Jinx yawned and stretched very much in the way she would when she was a cat. Kiki lay with her head on Dax’s stomach, looking up at the stars. After while the heat dried them off, and they transformed to scramble back through the hole.
They turned back into themselves just outside the glow of the town’s lights. Their abilities were a secret, as they had never met anyone who could do what they could. They thought it best to keep it that way, for everybody’s sake. It had been Jinx who had taught them how. Kiki had been going out with Dax before he and Jinx became family, and the girls had hit it off instantly. Jinx had never told them how she had learned to transform. She said that she stumbled upon her ability while meditating, but none of them really believed that.
“Well, we better head home.” Said Jinx to her brother. “Mom and Dad will be looking forward to seeing you.” He smiled. He kissed Kiki goodnight and headed down the street with his sister. Suddenly, a pair of headlights came hurtling around the corner, attached to a car that was going far too fast. It came to a sharp halt in mid air right next to Dax and Jinx. Two dark figures leapt from the back and each grabbed Jinx by the arms, hauling her, screaming and thrashing, back up the ramp and into the car. Nina and Kiki ran forwards to see Dax sprawled on the ground, blood trickling down over his forehead. He was still conscious though, and he was soon back on his feet, but there was nobody left to fight. The door of the car was already closed and the engine revving. The three chased it down the street until they couldn’t see it anymore, Dax continuing to run until there was obviously no hope of following. The girls collapsed onto the ground, swearing and clutching the stitches in their sides. They were all thinking the same thing. Who were they, and what did they want with Jinx?
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Hey guys,
just feelin a bit bored and thought i'd post somethin. so how are ye all doing? I was wondering the other day, which final fantasy game is the best? I will hopefully be getting a playstation for my birthday, and seeing as i would like to get other games too, i was wondering which one i should get. Can anyone help me??
Thanx a mill,
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Cool, no?
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