ketchup alchemist
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Friday, December 8, 2006
Thanks Weather God!
Well, whomever is up there controlling the weather, they saw last week's post. It got cold, and it got cold fast. Right now I believe it is 10-ish right now (in fahrenheit for you Celsius folks). It has only snowed a little, but I can live without that for a while. As long as it's here by Christmas!
Today in Physics I had a chance meeting with an old acquiantance of mine, Mr. Exploding Beaker. My teacher Mr. Shea plugged up a beaker with a thermometer/cork combo, and put it on a hot plate. It was full of water mind you, and he said that the vaporization condensation equilibrium law (or something like that) would keep the beaker from exploding and the top from popping off. Physics decided to say a big "screw you" to Mr. Shea, and the thermometer blasted off, smashed into the ceiling, broke, fell back down, broke the beaker, and spilled nearly boiling water everywhere. I was somewhere in the range of 2 feet from this. Luckily, my lightning quick reflexes and damningly good looks helped me avoid the situation by leaping into the seat next to me. No one was hurt, and all the glass was subsequently picked up. Very cool!
Can't say much else is going on. I've got to do a persuasive essay in English, and I was thinking about doing my topic on cell phone ettiquette. Any other good ideas?
See you all later!
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Thursday, November 30, 2006 full sentences...
Tech crew, will you ever let me take a break and rest my oh so weary legs?
Tech Crew: No! Get back to work you fat, lazy little good for nothing!
As you can see, I'm very, very busy with tech crew right now. We are currently teching for six mini plays (about 10 minutes each), but the kids who wrote these plays obviously have no idea how much work has to go into making cues, so there are around 15 sound cues and 30-40 light cues per play.It's a huge drag, and we aren't even close to being finished. But, we have to be done by tomorrow, so I guess we'll all suck it up and crank into high gear (Gear...SECOND!).
At least the actors and outside crew are much cooler this year. Our stage director is so cool!She just breaks into random songs during our short breaks. And the sound guy and light girl (sounds like a superhero team, doesn't it?) are also good company.
And now to Jim with the weather!
Jim: Thanks Ketchup. Well it looks like it's about 60 degrees fahrenheit out right now, which is so totally ridiculous that I just don't know what to think. It's supposed to be freezing out right now! How are folks supposed to get into the holiday spirit if nothings frozen over and there's no snow?! If this "nice" weather keeps up, I fear that I may just go insane. Back to you Ketchup.
Me: Thank you Jim.
Oh, and I'm going to miss the Avatar season finale tomorrow, which makes me a sad panda. I hope I can catch the rerun on Saturday.
See you all around when I can!
P.S. One Piece 436 is a weird chapter. Very weird.
P.P.S. I need to go to bed...
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Ze Gutentag Hopclop
Huzzah and three cheers for half days! Getting out of school at 11 rocks. I wish everyday was a half day...
Well, looks like Thanksgiving is looming its large, turkey like head around the next corner. I really like Thanksgiving (3rd favorite holiday) so this fact pleases me. Good food and good family is a great combonation.
Speaking of holidays, I declare November 21st to be Kuro-Ari day, because he saved my ass last night on multiple occasions during some intense battles. We'll never forget you buddy.
Until next time, may this image scar you.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody.
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Friday, November 10, 2006
Now where did I put that red shell?
Guess who just got their license today? If you guessed George Lucas, you are incorrect. If you guessed me, congratulations! Here's a cookie.
Yep, so now I can drive. It's a pretty cool feeling, the ability to just up and leave if I felt like it (but I wouldn't, my parents rock!). The test was quite easy, and I got a nice cop. i didn't think I did so swell backing up, but it was okay enough I suppose.
Not much else to report. I did beat my sister as Pichu (one of my worst characters) when she was Roy (her best character) so that was pretty awesome.
Oh, and if you haven't read One Piece chapter 434 yet, do yourself a huge favor and get to it. It's quite a chapter.
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Friday, November 3, 2006
Bark at the Moon
Hey guys! How ya doin? I'm doing all right I suppose.
Well, our house got egged the other night. Really, there are a million better ways to use eggs, like in a cake or something. Goddamn delinquent neighbors. Our pumpkins did survive though.
Our English class just finished watching The Crucible today, and that ending was pretty good. It's a fine movie, for those who haven't seen it. I suggest it to those who have some free time. The play is a teensy bit better, but not by much.
Not much else to say I guess. I don't have any homework this weekend other than to finish up a pendulum experiment in physics. And it's a three day weekend! Parent teacher conferences on Monday! Yes!
See you around!
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Monday, October 30, 2006
I'm his friend Jesus!
So, what's been happening lately folks? Oh wait, you've actually been posting, so I know! Sorry about not posting in about a month. I've just been retardedly lazy.
So, tomorrow is Halloween. I'm dressing up as Jafar for school. And no, there's no prize or award for dressing up. I'm just doing it for the hell of it.
*sigh* Not much else to say. I have to type up an essay for English (blah) and I have a little physics. Otherwise, I'm not doing anything right now. My sister is hovering though, and it's kinda annoying.
I just realized I've got a Cars tissue box! All is right with the world.
Oh, and I had the latin version of Oh Come all ye Faithful stuck in my head all day. It was kinda cool, but kinda annoying...
See you around!
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Friday, September 29, 2006
Bellamy likes Candy

How is everyone? Well, the first month of school is over. Yeah! Time flies when you zone out and stare at the wall.
Well, I can't say I've has any wacky misadventures lately, but I did score two out of the three goals in gym field hockey! I was useful!
I'm stacked up for parties this month. I've got my grandmas party tomorrow, and two parties for friends. At least this means I get to bake! People in my class have been going bananas for my dough truffles. I wonder if i'll lose a finger to their hunger...
Anyway, sorry for not posting lately. Apathy and homework make a very time consuming combonation. See you!
P.S. Time Spiral comes out in a week! Woot!
P.P.S. I made that Bellamy pic. Boredom makes you do weird crap.
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Monday, September 18, 2006
Rounding up the evil
Just gonna finish off this here poll, and then you guys can respond! Huzzah!
5. Sir Crocodile

I've already explained before why Crocodile is so great, so just look at the pic. By the way, this is probably my favorite Croc art. Ever.
4. Freddy Krueger

Freddy is damn scary. A villain who can kill you in your dreams? Te one place you should be safe? That's enough to make even the most hardened man stay awake at night.
3. The Joker

Ah, the Joker. He's the top comic book villain in he's just so darn crazy. You never know where he's coming from, or where he's going. Joker is the perfect nemesis for Batman. Batman is all serious and brooding, while Joker is just having a good time, laughing his ass off and killing some innocents. Crazy clowns...
2. Darth Vader

All I have to say is, would you like to be trapped in a dark room with him? I think not.
1. Hannibal Lector

Anthony Hopkins put on a fantastic role as Hannibal in The Silence of the Lambs. He is just so damn terrifying...and Lector has the classic liver line, so he wins.
That's all folks!
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
A very Villainous Post
Hello there! I decided that it's been too long since I did a good old fashioned poll, so here we go! my top ten favorite villains of all time. Now with pictures. Warning, long post.
10. Oddjob

Okay, we all really love Oddjob, at least on the inside. He has a deadly derby! The only villain who kills with a hat. Classic.
9. Puppetmon

Puppetmon was pretty damn cool. And I loved his voice! Puppetmon was also pretty dangerous. He successfully drove the digidestined apart, and was quite a capable fighter. Say it with me now! Puppetmon!
8. Sauron

Okay, just look at how badass he is. And he's still badass when he's a flaming eyeball. It's sometimes good to have a villain who is evil manifest.
7. Davy Jones

The only villain on the list I'd love to eat. Davy Jones just kicks ass. He's got a squid beard. SQUID BEARD! Everyone can dig that. And he's even got a soft him.
6. Jaws

Jaws is a great suspense villain. Yes, I know his other name is Bruce, but Jaws is so much more menacing. Jaws inspired the great quote, "I think we need a bigger boat" so he automatically makes it to the list.
I'll make the rest of the list tomorrow, since I'm kinda tired. See you there!
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
A bit 'o practice, and a bit'o school
That's just a test to see if my sis is telling the truth on how links work.
So, I'm back to school now. Here's a thourough run down of my schedule!
1st block: Gym/Band
Gym is just gym. I've got no quarrel with it. Doesn't matter what time of day it is, it almost always feels the same. Band has been drastically altered on the other hand. It has been split between two blocks, 1st and 4th. The 1st block band has 11 people. As someone in my class said, "That's not a band, it's a jam session!" And I'm the only percussionist. That means I have to cover as much as possible, which frankly, sucks. I was playing 3 instruments at once today! Crazy...
Block 2: Physics.
I'm actually enjoying physics. It's a nice, small class, and I've got a couple friends in it. Sciences are always fun.
Block 3: American History
Good lord, this class is boring. The teacher is a really nice guy, but the subject drags like a crippled mule. I am often on the verge of sleep half the time. And it's a whole year's class...nuts.
Block 4: English 3
It's deja vu! Seriously, the teacher is the same English teacher from last year, and 98% of the class is the same. I'm not sure yet if this is a bad or good thing...I can figure it out as I go.
Thank you guys for the condolences earlier! See you around!
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