Birthday • 1990-02-01 Gender •
Male Location • Massachusetts Member Since • 2005-10-12 Occupation • Unemployed and loving it Real Name • Indiana Jones (Not lying. Parents are crazy. Don't make fun of me!)
Achievements • Was on schools match wits. Saved the Queen from ninjas. Anime Fan Since • I saw pokemon Favorite Anime • Fullmetal Alchemist ( you can only have one favorite!! That's why it's a favorite! Its unique!) Goals • To break the limits of awesomeness Hobbies • Magic (the card game) and Anime!! And Ketchup. Talents • Eating Ketchup, Navigating, rumrunning ketchup alchemist
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
The Sadistic Sandman, Sir Crocodile
A while ago I wrote a post saying I would like to eat the suna suna fruit if I had the choice. Why would I do this? It's all because of the villain of the Alabasta arc, Sir Crocodile.
Let me start out by saying that Crocodile rocks (he, Crocodile rock...) He is nearly invincible, and can take out entire crews without even breaking a sweat. The fruit gives him the ability to turn into and control sand. He can also suck the moisture out of things, like the ground and Luffy's arm. His only weakness is that if he is wet, he cannot change into sand. So far, he is the only villain in the series to beat luffy without getting hurt. (Correct me if I'm wrong!) He does fight Luffy again, and is beaten by Gomu Gomu no storm.
Crocodile is one of the shichibukai, and as such, work with the government. But, being as smart as he is, he runs Baroque Works right under their noses.
All in all, Crocodile is awesome. He owns in Grand Battle, and he is ridiculously strong to this day. It's only a matter of time before he figures a way out of jail...
Bye bye, and never smile at a crocodile!
P.S. The suna suna is a logia fruit, where as Luffy's is paramecia and an animal fruit (like chopper's) is zoan. Maybe more deatils on that in another post! Comments (5) |
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Do you doubt the integrity of a man whos muscles can do this?
Yep, another day. It's the last day of vacation! Wah! I don't want to go back to school! Yeah, Darkhammer87 came over yesterday, and I whupped him in a match of magic. (he won the second one though) it only took about six turns! Ha!
Yes, so I really didn't do that much this week. It was nice, because I slept till noon almost every day. If I don't get my 19+ hours of sleep, I'm as ornery as a wet cat. I'm hoping to go somewhere with my friends today, but it's kinda flurrying, so I'm not sure.
Fullmetal last night was awesome! Archer's back! And so are the Tringham brothers! Woot! Roy is gonna kick the fuhrer down to the curb!
Oh, and the Sean Connery word of the week is, Austin Koske.
You can't change the american white supremisist power system with cheese! The Hell I Can't!!
That's from the Boondocks. Hilarious.
Anyway, I like this video. The music is awesome, and everyone loves Lee and Tenten! The Temari Tenten fight is pretty cool. And does anyone know the artist of this song?
Spiders just don't know how to say thank you.
*that title is a line from a book I just finished called Empire of the Ants. It's really good, pick it up and be humbled*
Hi everybody! This is a really quick time between posts for me, but thats because it's vacation! I don't have to worry about work! Yeah! I'm going to do another one of my character analysis, since my Rock Lee one caused somewhat of a stir. This time, I'm talking about the sorta cuddly, kinda cute, roly-poly homunculus Gluttony.
Gluttony is wacked. All of the homunculus are screwy in the head, but I think gluttony is the worst( except maybe Wrath. SERIOUS mommy issues)
All he thinks about is eating eating eating. And lust. But, *SPOILER!!!!* she's dead now. *END SPOILER!!!!* I really have no idea how he's going to react to that. Maybe eat Wrath? Eat everybody? Wouldn't that be a hilariously horrible ending to the series?
Ed: Okay, all the homunculus are gone, except one, Al. ...Al? OMFG!!!!!*munch*
Yeah, I'd laugh and cry. Well that's really all I have to say. Enjoy those crazy villains! Oh, and I'm adding a new installment to my posts. The Sean Connery word of the week. Just say the word witht a sean connery accent, and you'll chuckle. It feels good. This weeks word is, Largely.
What is this, new devilry?
This new devilry is pre-cal. Oh, whoops...
Sorry about that. I'm a little distracted, thats all. I had a 68 in pre-cal. 60-fecken-8! Needless to say, thats the worst grade I've ever gotten. But, good news! I turned in two papers (i was sick on Monday) and it got boosted to an 86! Reversal! What now, gateway educational system?
GES: We kill you! *the school forms up into a massive robot, kinda like voltron*
Me: Oh dear.
GES: KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEE!!!!!!!!*thats the sound of rapid fire missles. Guided by evil BEAVERS!!!!*
Me: KA....
FIN Comments (3) |
Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Breaking the Habit, Tonight!
*I'll paint it on the walls! Blah blah etc.*
Yep. It's Febuary (NOT February) Vacation is still far away, and I still hate my school and 60% of the people in it. Why are people such ASSES sometimes? Wait, you're not here to listen to me complain, you're here to laugh! On to the pointless ramblings, away!
...well, so much for that. I have nothing to ramble about! How shocking! Terrifying even! Is it the apocalypse? RUN! By the way, Apocalypse is the best Magic set ever. Its got Spiritmonger, and Vindicate. Come on!
Seriously, I'm just going to ask you questions now.
1) If you could have a devil fruit, which one would it be? (For me, suna suna)
2) Who, in your opinion, is the best anime villan of all time? (I choose Naraku!)
Happy Birthday to me!
It's my birthday! Whoo! I am so happy! I had a great day at school (although pre-cal was draining) I just want to thank Erin, Natalie, Lilly and Caleb(Not to mention my English 2 class)for remembering! All you people on the otaku, you ROCK! Have an awesome day! Comments (7) |
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
It's my new alignment ability. FOWL LANGUAGE!!!!!
Hi everybody! I just finished reading The Hound of the Baskervilles (awesome book by the way, pick it up) and I'm in the mood for a bit of sleuthing! Come Watson! We're on the case!
So, the first mystery, and one that relates to a good friend of mine. Is Rock Lee hiding a small guinea pig in that massive brow of his? There have been multiple eyewitness accounts, and a blurry photo has been procured from the film of Mrs. Darsha Wallingford, who while vacationing in Konohagakure, spotted something unusual. "I saw something fuzzy out of the corner of my eye, and took out my camera as quickly as I could," She later recalls. After intense scrutiny, I have concluded there are no small animals in his eyebrows (though there is a lot of dandruff)
The seconed mystery! Can Brock of Pokemon fame open his eyes? No one in recent memory has seen his pupils. This has led many people to believe brock has no eyes at all, and walks around by echo-location. Well, that's false. The truth is, Brock is a zombie.
Last mystery! WTF is up with Evangelion's ending? Well, thankfully I know the answer. It's...*starts hacking and coughing* Oh no! the dreaded *cough* Asuka curse! Guuaargh!*dies*
Thank god I was able to install my psyche into this clone at the last minute. Unfortunatly, I don't remember what that ending was about.
Thats all, and don't forget not to go onto the moor alone at night!
P.S. The Asuka curse happens when someone figures out the ending of evangelion. They die, so no one can know the dark secret...
Snow snow snow!!!!
I do apologize for the last two posts. I should never let friends near the computer. I did post the cereal one, but I have no clue what I was doing. Stupid sugar highs.
Anyway, it snowed today. No school either. This is not a good thing, because now if we have one more snow day, we lose days off of our april vacation. And we have to stay in school until sometime around June 30th (except for my sister. Stupid seniors.)
Seeing as it snowed, I had to snowblow the driveway. My driveway is an icy uphill gauntlet of unadulterated terror. This is how the epic adventure went.
Me: All right driveway, prepare to be blown! *eww*
*Start blower, slip, fall into rotors, and scream. Loudly*
Now I have an automail arm! Just Kidding. I did slip a few times, and something blew up, but it wasn't that terrible.
I am not actually writing this...
no, seriosly, this is Dr. Von Sexy-Pants IV. Yeah, there are four of us, *cry more n00b, AND LEARN TO PLAY* o rly? ya rly! no wai! numa numa! *jewsh mother voice* thats teeeeerrrrrrribbbbbbblllllleeeeee! ever notice how sanji sounds like a 5-year-old new yorker with severe nazal congestion? we need to unite otaku frauds! we must kill the american voice actor who plays sanji! strike! except you furry lovers, you people are weird and i will slay you, with fiery wrath! PH33R /\/\7 1337 5k1llz! LEARN TO PLAY! Comments (1) |