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Way back in 5th grade I got 3rd place in the school science fair
Anime Fan Since
2002, when I first watched "Ballad of Fallen Angels"
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist, Love Hina, Gungrave, Dual, Samurai Champloo
To become strong enough to protect those around me
banjo, and blacksmithing
I've got a knack for blowing things up
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, September 2, 2005
Another one down
Welp today I woke up with the theory of it being a new month and therefore everything would get better, at least maybe school would start easing up. Well I walk out to throw out the trash and realize that I have a flat tire. So instead of going to my first class I changed tires. But I still had fun today.
I still didn't go do the x-ray thing though the teacher keeps backing out which if you knew him really isn't a surprise. He said maybe tomorrow but probably not.
Anywho that's about all from me oh and I've had quite the meaningful conversation with sitarose today all about polar bears, man gell, and an evil frog. And my roommate has decided that we should sell our bodies so we can afford gas, and Sita has volunteered to become my pimp.
I originally had a pic of me from the wedding this summer, but it was friggin huge so I'm gonna resize it and put it up later.
Welp I'm out peoples.
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
Short Post
This is a short post mostly because I've done nothing all day. My teacher said he didn't have motivation to do the x-ray stuff today, so I've been sitting here at my apartment since like 9:30 this morning.
Well Katrina is still trying to pick a fight. This time she's got everyone so paniced that they've all gone out and bought up as much gas as possible and a lot of the gas stations have run out of gas. Plus gas has already gone up between fifteen and twenty cents around here. Anywho that's all for today, thanks for everyone who said they were glad I made it through. We'll see you people later.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
No class
I was completely wrong they did cancel all of my classes today. (So I suspose "no classes" would be a better subject), but I do have them tomorrow (wednesday.) I heard that there were a lot of limbs down around town and some busted windows and such. But from here you can't see anything wrong. Of course what with all of my classes being cancelled, it has now been about thirty seven hours since I've left my apartment. And I called home and was told there were some trees down, but nothing close enough to do any damage, and the power went out for quite a while.
Anyway enough storm stuff, now I really don't want to go to class tomorrow, I've only got physics and I'm susposed to start working in the x-ray lab, which means I'm getting irradiated woo hoo!
Oh and I still haven't found any new anime, but I've kinda stopped looking. Ooh and I saw some naruto commercials today, I was pretty psyched.
Welp I'm out sorry for the long post, I just haven't had much human contact today, I think I've talked to four people all day. (I'm so lonely) Ok see you all later.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Katrina round 2
TKO Katrina is down for the count. And truthfully it wasn't that bad at all. I haven't been out yet but I doubt there was a lot of damage around here. Heck we didn't even lose power last night, but the cable did go out and since we have cable internet, that's why I didn't update last night. Welp thanks for all of your concern, I made it through easily, and seeing as how its barely raining right now, I don't think they'll be cancelling the rest of my classes. Eh well I'm out of here I'll see everyone later.
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Monday, August 29, 2005
Katrina Round 1
Contrary to what some of you may believe I have not been killed by the hurricane. Well as of right now it is 3:15pm here, and we're getting a little whippy wind and some rain. The hurricane is susposed to be coming through this area later tonight and into tomorrow. The cable is out right now and I'm kinda bored so I decided to update. Lets see they cancelled class until midday tomorrow. Hopefully they'll just up and cancel the whole day. Other than hurricane news, I went canoeing saturday, and I'll give a full update on that tonight, if we've got power, and internet. And I'll give round two of katrina vs: the city of starkville. Anyway I'm outta here.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Grinning SOB
Well I've got my classes fixed up now, I added physical hydrogeology instead of french, cause it was easier than getting my physics class moved and all. And I've got three classes in a row on tuesday thursdays, but only one on monday wednesday friday. So thats cool.
Oh yeah I'm still sticking it to the man by parking where I'm not susposed to, that'll teach the people in power.
Oh and I got a great quote from one of my teachers today...
"Beer can get you through times of no money better than money can get you through times of no beer."
These are the kinds of teachers I have, crazy basterds.
Anywho I'm thinking of getting a new (cheap) anime, so any suggestions would be welcome, just throw stuff at me. I'm gonna point out the word cheap again, cause I spent forty eight dollars on gas today.
Welp I'm out of here folks, ya'll have a good one.
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
the little purple freaked out guy
Well another worthless day. I decided that since I was going to drop japanese anyway, I wouldn't go to class, and since I had a lab to go with it today, I got two absences for the price of one, a pretty good achievement if I do say so myself.
Anyway other than that, I didn't do a whole lot, I went out to eat with my roommate and some of his friends, and it turns out that one of them is Jerry Lee Lewis' (Great balls of fire) son. So I felt kinda privelaged, not really though. I told you it was a pretty boring day.
Ooh and I finally got around to getting a sticker and it turns out that another parking area filled up, so I'm susposed to park at the far north of the school, its to a point that I don't even care. I'm planning on parking in the same dang spot I've always parked until they start throwing down with the tickets.
Anyway take it easy ladies and gentlemen, I shall now make my egress.
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Ok first off, I'm getting the hell out of Jap I... if I can. My plan is, if possible, to move my physics class to nine o'clock and get a french class at eight. But that means I'll have have an eight o'clock class four days a week, which I don't want. Other than that not much school news. Except that I just finished my physics homework. Who gives homework on the first day back, the bum.
Ok other than that stuff my weekend was pretty uneventful, in fact I really can't think of anything worth talking about so I'll give a speech about a manga that I read.
It's called Eyeshield 21, it's about football (not soccer.) It is freaking awesome, the characters are all so cool, and the artwork is equally as impressive. And if you don't know a lot about football it gives pretty simplistic overviews of most rules. But the only problem is that I think I'm the only one reading it, I hope they'll keep publishing the translated version otherwise I would be sad.
Anywho, I'm out of here folks, we'll see you around.
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Once again, I'm laughing the laugh of the damned
Well today was fun,except for all the parts that sucked. Man how I loathed those parts. Where to start.
Ok my first class this morning, Water Resources, wasn't that bad, just the general first day stuff, except for the fact that he's already given us homework. It's some in depth assignment that we will apparently get one of every week. But I can dig it, I mostly just didn't want to start up with classes.
Then class number two rolled around, Principles of Sediments and Stratigraphy "Seds" II, where we found out that we will only have three grades the entire semester, a mid-term, a final, and a term paper. And the two tests are both essay tests with between two and four essays per test. I think we're gonna get raped in that class.
Let us see... what else. Oh yeah I saw my teacher about the job and he said, he had to straighten out a couple of things but I could start next week at about seven dollars an hour and I get to wear a radiation badge showing that I've been certified (mentally), even if I haven't.
Tomorrow I've got physics at 8:00 am. It's gonna blow. Then I've got Japanese at 10:00. so I've got an entire hour to cross campus, which leads me into my major rant of the night...
Ok they have decided to change up the parking around here, they now have assigned parking areas, and I've been parking in this huge parking lot right at the bottom of a big hill from my main building. But these brilliant college leaders have deamed that as residential parking. And the only remaining parking area is clear on the other side of campus, next to all of the sports areas. My roommate is attempting to forge one, which I think is great, I'm planning on stealing one because it's getting that desperate. Well I guess that's all of the school news.

The big circle is where hilbun my main building is but the parking is on the left side of the map.
Anyway, I guess that's all sorry about the big rant, I'm just a little fired up about it all right now. Well take it easy people, I'm now fleeing the scene.
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Back at School
Welp once again I have disappeared, but I warned you about that. Anyway what to say, well I'm back in school well actually I start back tomorrow (Thursday) and it's not looking so good, I've got a class that didn't make so I'll have to replace it with something. And I was wanting to get out of Japanese I (my foriegn language) but I never got around to it. So I'll have to stick it out for four semesters. Well anyway I'll give an update on the rest of the crap tomorrow.
Let's see I moved into my apartment yesterday, but I've only got a bed since it was all I could fit in the truck. And my roommate Drew wasn't here yesterday, and apparently none of my friends were either, cause I sure couldn't find them. But today my Drew got back from mexico. Oh yeah and I've got a new computer, it's a gateway laptop with some fancy things that I don't really understand.
Anyway I'll keep you all updated, and I'll try and get around to some of your sites now. We'll see ya'll around.
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