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Way back in 5th grade I got 3rd place in the school science fair
Anime Fan Since
2002, when I first watched "Ballad of Fallen Angels"
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist, Love Hina, Gungrave, Dual, Samurai Champloo
To become strong enough to protect those around me
banjo, and blacksmithing
I've got a knack for blowing things up
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Very interesting
I came up with a new theory today, and it goes something like this. If I don't blow enough stuff up on the 4th of July, then stuff will inevitably explode around me on the 5th of July. It was so wierd today, stuff kept breaking all day long. Most of it broke violently. This morning a piece of machinery went kaput, but it was kinda calm. Then around twelve, a pipe exploded for no reason. I got to fight a wall of water from that one. And later we were working on the first thing that broke, and I was tightening a piece down and it exploded into about eighty pieces. I heard them hitting all over the shop. And all of that happened during a thunderstorm. All in all, today was quite eventfull, and pretty exciting.
Oh yeah, I now have a goal for the summer. I'm gonna train to be able to run ten miles by the end of summer. The other day a friend of mine mentioned that she was running ten miles a day, and I got to thinking, I should be able to run that far. Really I can only run about a mile and a half, maybe two. So I've got some work to do. And since it was stormy today, I didn't get to go running. Really what all of this boils down to, I suspose, is that I'm trying to catch up to an eighteen year old girl. Because I'm physically inferior. But it sounds bad when I put it that way. So I'm calling it a goal.
Oh well folks, I'm gonna fled... *shifty eyes* for now...
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Well that kinda sucked
Yeah that pretty much sums it up. Tonight kinda sucked. It wasn't bad per se, but for a forth celebration we sure didn't do much. I did quite a bit of cooking, but no one ate much, heck all I ate was a hot dog. Then we went and shot off a handfull of firecrackers. But we did make a sparkler bomb, which consisted of a bunch of sparklers tightly wrapped in duct tape, with one extending from the middle for a fuse, and that was pretty cool. Now my hands smell like celery, cause I made marinara sauce. And we watched some monty python, which was pretty cool also. Eh well enough complaining.
I hope everyone else had good ones. Meh, I'm tired of typing (wow I started complaining again real quick, didn't I), I'm gonna flee now.
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Monday, July 4, 2005
Ok its not that early, but I only had like five hours of sleep, and lately I've been getting the full eight. Oh well maybe I can sneak in a nap before this evening.
Welp happy fourth everyone. Any of you non-canandians have any plans? And do you canadians have plans that just happen to be falling on the fourth? We're having a small cookout here like we do every year, but the problem is that everyone is leaving, so there will only be like five people here. All because we're not having a firecracker war. Those used to be so much fun, but we got a little too good at it, people were getting hurt. But it was fun while it lasted.
Eh well, I just wanted to put this up there, I'll give a recap tonight, cause I know we'll blow something up, it just may not be each other. Eh I'm out.
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Friday, July 1, 2005
Still not much to talk about
Right now I'm eating a peppermint, one of those big sugary ones. I would offer some to you all, but you're all miles away, plus I'm greedy.
I tried to get to everyone's sites today, but my stupid internet was acting up so I didn't get very far, sorry.
Welp not much happened today, since no one was here but me, I got bored and mowed the yard. There's something about the mass murder of millions of blades of grass that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Other than that I haven't done much (of course that did take the better part of three hours and I'm still not quite done) I took some pictures of some stuff thinking I might put it up on here, but now I don't feel like messing with it. Eh well I'm outta here.
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Not much to say tonight really. I'm kinda tired, my arms are hurting again, and I'm a little bored.
So far I think I've managed to blind both of the cats with my camera. And earlier today me and my dad put up some new light fixtures in the garage, and nothing bad happened like say, electrocution.
Well tomorrow I get the house to myself, my parents are going on a trip, and I get to be home alone all day. Party anyone?
Eh well I'm outta here.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
WooHoo New Toy!!!
I got a new digital camera for my birthday, which was actually back in march. I told my parents that was what I wanted, so they told me to go buy the one I wanted and put it on my credit card and they would pay for it. Here it is three months later and I realized that I hadn't gotten it yet. So me and my parents went out to eat and stopped by circuit city on the way home, and picked one up. So you'll probably get to see random pictures of crap as I'm figuring this thing out. Like this one.

That's all of the crap that sits on my computer table.
Here's the pic that I promised from last night, at least I think I promised it.

Eh well, enough putting up pics, its time for a question.
What's your favorite movie?
Mine is either Rocky or Braveheart.
Welp I'm out take care everyone.
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
And so begins another week
Muscles refusing to cooperate... Typing making arms... pain...
It would seem that I have forgotten just how tiring all of my exercising is. But now that I've gotten back into it, I remember all too well. (Did you notice that the last three words of that sentence ended in double letters?)
Sorry about not getting around to everyone's sites again, I think it's pretty safe to say that I'm probably not gonna be on on weekends. But if I get time I'll try and get by, and you still get me five days a week, that's a good thing... right?
Ok another wierd question
Paper or plastic? Why?
Meh I'm gonna escape before that question makes you hate me. And remind me and I'll put up a funny pic tomorrow night.
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
Sideburns are cool! I've had sideburns since like 9th grade, and sometimes I have them longer, sometimes shorter. And after all these years I still haven't figured out how to keep them even, they're always just a little bit off, its enough to drive one batty. I mean, you trim one and its a little farther up than the other so you trim it and then it is too far up. This keeps happening until you don't have sideburns. Gah!!!
Well that was a mini-rant on sideburns, I hope you enjoyed it. On to more recent matters.
Tonight we played life, I don't know why, but conwill brought up the idea, and no one objected. I was dead last, but it was lots of fun. And charity, the girl with the sunburn (check earlier post), sayed I could hug her tonight, I declined and claimed that it wasn't my style.
Eh well I don't have any existential questions tonight, my brain can't handle them. I'm gonna fled now.
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Friday, June 24, 2005
Alright no more emotionally charged posts, and back to my sporadic mind numbing nonsense.
Welp I got rid of the creepy conan background, and replaced it with the wallpaper that I originally had on here way back in january.
Oh and before I forget, look up at the button (points upward) that sitarose made for me, ain't it grand. I want to thank her one last time. So thanks!
Hmmm anything happen today? Ooh I finally got around to lifting again, I've been running again for about a week, but today was the first day that I've lifted in months, and my legs feel like wet noodles. Oh also I saw a friend of mine today who went to the beach yesterday, and today she's burnt to a crisp, I kept threatening to hug her. Well I guess thats all, question time.
What lies within the farthest reaches of ones mind?
Sorry about that one.
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
For Leesa
I live in a little bitty community called dorsey (actually I live in a subcommunity of that called greenwood), it consists of maybe a hundred people, and its not on any map that you'll find. Its one of these places that nothing ever happens, everyone knows everyone else, all that sort of stuff. But on June 23, 2000 my mother woke me up at about 6:30 am to tell me that a friend of mine had gone missing the night before. It turns out that she had been kidnapped and murdered. I had known her since kindergarten, she was a good kid she never did anything wrong, I don't think I ever heard her cuss. We were all susposed to be going into our senior year of highschool. But she was killed by a marine. A marine who was trained to kill by the government, and that's what he did. That one event is really what has led me up to this point in my life, its why I'm constantly wanting to become stronger, and its why I don't trust anyone. And when it happened I swore that I wouldn't let anyone close to me get hurt again, because I couldn't stand seeing so many of my friends so sad. And I've since realized that it was a futile effort, since I've had four more friends die since then, all of them in car wrecks. And I've decided that if I can ever protect just one person then no matter what happens my life would have been worth it.
Welp I'm done boring you all, I don't really know why I even bothered telling you. Cause in the end it doesn't even matter. Welp I'm gonna fled now.
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