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Way back in 5th grade I got 3rd place in the school science fair
Anime Fan Since
2002, when I first watched "Ballad of Fallen Angels"
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Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist, Love Hina, Gungrave, Dual, Samurai Champloo
To become strong enough to protect those around me
banjo, and blacksmithing
I've got a knack for blowing things up
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
Freedom (round 2)
Welp today was fun and quite productive, unless you count the fact that I haven’t studied for any of my three finals tomorrow. But I’m not worried, I'm nice and relaxed, maybe even a little too relaxed. I went and took my second final today, I was the first one done, it was so easy. But my seds test is first thing in the morning and it could be a little more problematic. Some of the other people in the class had a study session and they called me to come, I was like “well as soon as the simpsons are over I’ll head over.” When I got there Peter goes “Kevin did you just wake up?” Which I had, so I go “Well I have been doing a little sleeping, if that’s what you mean.” Then it turned into us all sitting around making jokes and telling drinking stories. So I came back from that and I ate some supper (dinner for you northerners) and I smelled something funny and looked around and I noticed that my roommate, who went home yesterday, left all kinds of rotting food that had been sitting in the fridge for a long freaking time, seriously there was a pot of chili that he had made the week before spring break. So since I’m moving out tomorrow and someone from the offices will be coming by to make sure I didn’t trash the place, I had to clean all of these old moldy foods. I swear if I see him again, I’m gonna break his nose. So because of me cleaning, I actually ended up cleaning dishes, I even used a dishwasher by myself for the first time in my 22 years. It turns out that there are instructions printed on the inside of the door, I was amazed. After that I wasn’t really in the mood for studying, so I kinda read through my notes while watching the last of the Mohicans. Then I got bored with that and packed everything up. And since I’ve been here alone all day I was just walking around in my boxers and a shirt, and not thinking I went out onto the balcony to see what was going on, so I hear some hooting and I looked over to see like seven girls sitting on another balcony, then I realized that I was still in my underwear, so I thanked them for the applause and quickly ran back inside.
But tomorrow is gonna be quite busy, I’ve got to, go turn in my keys and get the walkthrough on the apartment, then I have to go get my internet cut off and turn in the modem, and pack everything in to the explorer including my computer, tv, a box of junk, all of my clothes, and what food I haven’t eaten, not to mention the three finals and trying to study for them at least a little before the tests. But hey everything always seems to work out in the end, so I’ve got no problems. Welp anyway, I’m outta here, I may be a little sporadic over the next few weeks, because of the family curse, the one that has to do with us having dial-up at home.
Cowboy quote of the day
Two dry logs will burn a green one
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Freedom (round 1)
This is my first taste of freedom this week, my roommate moved out yesterday, so I've been sitting around in my boxers and a t-shirt all morning watching Starsky and Hutch, while studying for my final later today, its been real nice. I haven't felt great all morning though, been feeling kinda sickly, but since I've just got the one test it shouldn't be a problem.
Man I was so bored yesterday, I didn't have any exams so I sat around doing absolutly nothing, I felt like I should be going to class or something, but there was just nothing to do. I'm still pretty bored, thats probably why I'm rambling on here right now. Welp I guess I'm done, just one more day...
Cowboy quote of the day
Don't get mad at someone who knows more than you do, It ain't their fault.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
One down four to go.
Welp this is gonna be kinda short, cause all I did today was take my exam, which btw I blew out of the water. And better yet I only studied for like three hours last night. Its all because I watched Rocky last night, if you watch Rocky before exams you can't loose. Trust me it works. And since then I've been practically giddy all day, kinda ecstatic. Well I've got nothing going on tomorrow, just gonna sleep and clean a little. So I'm out but I'll leave you with some worthless advice. If you are ever in starkville eat here.

Its got good food and great music, I've spent many a thursday nights there. Welp I'm out people be good.
Cowboy quote of the day
Never lie unless you have to. And if you don't have a damn good lie stick to the truth.
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Monday, May 2, 2005
8 hours 47 minutes and 53 seconds
At that time I will be in my petrology exam, I really meant to study more for it, but I didn't really get around to it this weekend. And I did study a little earlier, but then the simpsons came on and I watched them and the new family guy, and american dad. So after that I was gonna study but rocky was on, so of course I had to watch rocky. Then I actually studied for like thirty minutes until robot chicken. Wow this is the most tv I've watched in a long time. But I've been out on the balcony studying for about forty-five minutes. But then some hot girl in shorty shorts came and started playing tennis, which caused a loss in concentration (curse you inner pervert) and that's why I'm in here on the computer wasting time posting. Oh well on to bigger better things now.
I've decided that since it is the end of the semester and I've got a few dollars saved up that I should buy a new anime, I'm thinking maybe evangelion, since I've heard that its really good, but I want a box set and I don't think their re-release of it is out yet. Any ideas from the gallery?
Here is my finals schedule.
Monday 8:00AM Petrology
Wednesday 3:00PM Maps and Remote Sensing
Thursday 8:00AM Seds, 12:00PM Environmental Geology, 3:00PM Coastal Environments.
Yeah Thursday is gonna be major bad hoodoo. Welp wish me luck on the finals, I'm gonna go see if the hot chick is gone now.
Cowboy quote of the day
Never smack a man who's chewing tobacco.
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Friday, April 29, 2005
I watched frog porn today
Ok technically I guess it was toad porn. We watched a video on the cane toad problem in austrailia, and the teacher warned us that there would be some graphic frog porn, the whole thing was a big joke, everyone was laughing through it.
Oh and in my hated maps class today, we were given some gps gizmos and sent to find certain landmarks, and there were four of us in my group and I put cheryl in charge cause my gps thingamabobber wasn't working right, and she managed to get us lost on campus. We were all just wandering in and out of traffic and through buildings it was pretty bad. She wouldn't let us complain because her reasoning was that she was the only female in the group so we should have had better sence of direction than her. But we ended up being like the first group done so it was no big deal.
And I've been cleaning my room out today. I'm carrying home everything that is not essential to me passing finals next week. And it looks freakin bare in here. No more posters, no more radio, and no more homer toy with mardi gras beads that I hung over him. Welp I guess I'm done ranting about nothing, so I'm outta here.
Cowboy quote of the day
When you give a lesson to meanness to a critter or a person, don't be surprised if they learn there lesson.
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Welp today was as uneventful as I wish everyday was. Nothing strange happened like with the bagpipes.
Well since I got so many questions about my story, I'll explain. It is about the rise and fall of a hero, from when he's a little boy up until he is like thirty or so, I don't remember his exact age, it goes over four storylines though. Anyway typical fiction you know life, death, love, and demons, and monsters of various kinds. I've finished the first two chapters and have come to an ending point for the third. So a tentative two more chapters and it will finish the first arc. E-mail me or pm me if you want to read it.
We had a big study group for our super take home test today. It went well we figured out that even though the test is long all of the stuff is straight from the notes, so it will be pretty easy. But we were in the union so everyone could get something to eat, and Krystal keeps yelling at people on the other side of the room, which wouldn't have been so bad if she hadn't been yelling directly into my ear at the time, so I may be deaf in my left ear now. Everyone repeat after me, stupid Krystal. Welp I guess that's all for today.
Cowboy quote of the day
Talk low, talk slow, and don't say too much.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
The weirdest thing happened today,I got out of lab about 6:15 this evening and the first thing I notice is... bagpipe music, and let me tell you that was completely unexpected. There was a guy in a parking lot across from me playing "Scotland the Brave." Now for a little personal history from me. I'm a huge braveheart fan, that movie is friggin awesome, me and a friend can basically quote the whole movie. Anyway, I've researched scottish warfare and whatnot for various projects/speeches in the past, and I remember reading something about how the scots used psychological warfare, with running into battle naked, and using the bagpipes to scare the enemy because they sound so creepy. Now back to the present. As I'm walking away listening to this music, the farther away I get the stranger it sounds, once I got so far that I could just barely hear it, it sounded like nothing I'd ever heard, just some strange eerie wailing in the distance, and people were looking around with this WTF look on their faces, I thought it was funny.
Ok I realize that was long and pointless but thats basically all that happened today, Oh yeah I started writing my story again, I'm sure most of you don't even know I ever started a story, maybe I can finish the third chapter soon. It just keeps getting longer, I'm already up to ten pages, and the only good ending spot a ways off.
Well I guess I'm done, I'll see you people later, I'm gonna write some more then go to bed, welp goodnight all.
Cowboy quote of the day
Coolness and a steady nerve will always beat simple quickness. Take your time and you'll only need to pull the trigger once.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Well today was quite...blurry, my mind wasn't working for most of the day. But I took like a four and a half hour nap earlier, and now I'm pretty dang good.
I've retired Chad for a while, at least the next couple of weeks, until then Gaara will be my inner personality, cause school is gonna suck I keep chanting "two more weeks, two more weeks".
We got a take home test today, it's eleven pages long, and the teacher authorized us to ask any teacher, any other student, any source what-so-ever. I'm pretty sure that means we're all screwed. But I'm just gonna laugh it all off, insanity is cool like that.
Oh and coolness happened today, I was attacked in the grocery store, a girl hit me in the arm then spun me around and realized that I wasn't who she thought I was, she turned blood red, I laughed and for a minute I thought she was about to cry. She apologized, then I told her it was my fault for being the wrong person, she laughed. Oh well I'm outta here.
Cowboy quote of the day
"Trust everybody in the game, but always cut the cards."
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Monday, April 25, 2005
I'm drooling because I'm too tired to close my mouth, not because of a hottie, although that would be nice. Anyway I got up at 6:30 this morning, which gave me about three and a half hours of sleep, to go feed hogs, me and daddy got back about 9:50, so I had ten minutes to get a shower dress and get to church, and I made it, but I left before preaching because I nearly fell asleep in Sunday school. So then I slept for a few hours but I'm still friggin tired. And I've got so much school crap to do, they've piled everything on here at the end, but they won't get me down. And I've been working on stuff all night, but at one point my jackass of a roommate, and his dumbass brother (those aren't there real names but they should be) come barging into my room arguing with each other about something, at this point I kindly asked them to leave, they ignored me, then I asked again and implied that if they didn't leave I would remove their livers, and I removed my knife from my pocket, they ran away, and I've had them locked out for the rest of the night. I only have to see my roommate for another two weeks, but I swear I'm gonna have to kill him before the time is up. I'm thinking piano wire, any sugestions from the crowd would be nice. Well my right hand is starting to shake from being too tired, so I'm gonna go now. Goodnight all. Oh and thanks for all of the kind words from yesterday, it makes me feel nice to know that people I've never met are concerned if I'm getting enough sleep or not.
Cowboy quote of the day
"Go after life as if its something thats gotta be roped in a hurry before it gets away"
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
Whew, what a day.
This is probably gonna be full of typos, so I apologize in advance. It's been a pretty busy day today. We were having water troubles at the pig houses today, and it turns out that there was a break in the line close to the well pump, so we ended up having to dig into it, and the break was extreme enough so that the pump couldn't get enough pressure to cut off, so it ran all the time. So the entire field was full of water, and it was just one big mucky mess out there. I spent most of the day covered in mud trying to get it fixed, but we got it done. Then we had a flat on the tractor, which ate up a lot more of my day. And it turns out that the truck drivers who deliver feed for the hogs are friggin lazy morons. We order the feed and put down exactly where it needs to go, but they don't care and they put it in any feed bin they feel like. So we've got five hundred hungry hogs that have no food, so I get to get up early and go down there and feed them. I should probably go to bed now, but I want to stay up and watch fullmetal alchemist. five hours of sleep is probably just as good as six, right. Oh but I did manage to hunt up some metal to make my knives with, but I didn't get to do anything with it, maybe next weekend though.
Well I;m tired, and I'm tired of complaining so I'll leave the rest of the incidents off for now, and I'm gonna quit.
Cowboy quote of the day.
Nobody ever drowned himself in his own sweat.
(that one was for me, thanks for listening, I'm out folks)
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