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Way back in 5th grade I got 3rd place in the school science fair
Anime Fan Since
2002, when I first watched "Ballad of Fallen Angels"
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist, Love Hina, Gungrave, Dual, Samurai Champloo
To become strong enough to protect those around me
banjo, and blacksmithing
I've got a knack for blowing things up
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Friday, April 22, 2005
Ultra Big News you must read this!!!
Well I'm home, which means crappy internet, so I probably won't be going to everyone's sites. And I hadn't bothered posting, because nothing has friggin happened in the past couple of days. But anyway on to the big news. I just saw some new footage from the new Legend of Zelda game, it's the first I've seen of it since they had the little trailer out last year. Link was beating the crap out of some bird/people things and skeletons and he road a big hog. He also picked up a kitty, it all looked pretty. Ok so it wasn't as big as I made it out to be, but I'm bored so there. Cowboy quote time.
Cowboy quote of the day.
No tree is too big for a short dog to lift his leg on.
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
Well today was quite a productive day. I went to my first class, and then kept going to my other classes only to find out that they were cancelled. So instead of class I did lots of work. I finished up a bunch of lab work that the teachers have been piling on to us the past couple of weeks, and I started working on a project for another class. One of the finals for the labs that I help teach was today, but I've got one more tommorrow, but I'm so glad that these are gonna be over. I hate going to them all of the time.
Oh yeah, my mom called this evening and told me that I got a call from Lowes, so I'm gonna call them tommorrow, but the way she talked they want me pretty bad (that sounds dirty) so maybe I'll have a job soon. My roommate was pissed, cause he's been looking for a job for months, and I get an offer the day after I apply.
I really need to get back to the gym, my arms are turning to goo. I'll be sooo glad when school is out. But for now we can only rely on cowboy quotes.
Cowboy quote of the day
"Most folks are like barb-wire fences, they have there good points"
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Have I ever told you about my pseudonym?
Max McCool, that tends to be my fake name when I feel my real name isn't up to the job. The Max came from, Max Powers, Homer once changed his name to that (he got it off of a hair-dryer) and Finn McCool, from Irish folklore. Well enough of that on to todays events.
I skipped my first class this morning, cause I was busy filling out applications for jobs. I don't think I missed much, a friend said that they talked about the three branches of the government, and considering that this class is "coastal environments" that is a little wierd. But my maps class was hell. We went through fifteen pages of notes, everyone was about dead, then the teacher gets done with her powerpoint presentation, and we start packing and she goes "now we're gonna start GIS info" If it would have been an anime everyone would have been in the floor with their feet in the air. We were all going WTF!!! It was terrible. I was thinking about diving out the window. Oh and I forgot something for my lab this evening, so I come running back to my apartment to get, and I'm running back and I see this girl, who I've met a few times, and she is friggin hot, so I don't want her to realize that I'm a jackass so I slow to a walk and go "hey how's it going?" then I take off running again. Later in the lab I realized that was an exact scene from Tommy Boy and I just busted out laughing. Oh well I'm outta here, its cowboy quote time anyway.
Cowboy quote of the day
"I ain't ever seen a wild critter feeling sorry for itself"
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
If I could think of a subject, I'd be done by now...
I'm glad to see that I was missed in my hiatus. Because I'm just concieted like that. But really thanks for all of the praise for returning, you people are just awesome.
Well as usual today was fun. My crazy teacher got mad at me, because I keep asking questions that he can't answer, I hear "Dammit Kevin, you keep asking these deep questions that I don't want to think about the physics that would be required for me to make an answer." Everyone laughed, we have way to much fun in that class.
It looks like I'm gonna have to get a job pretty soon, at least I need to. I'm deffinately gonna have to have a new computer before next year, this one hates me, cause it's a basterd. And I also want to make a few upgrades to the explorer, not to mention all of my anime needs. So I'm gonna need money, and lots of it, maybe I should rob a liquor store, or start a pyramid scheme. Oh well cowboy quote time.
Cowboy quote of the day.
Generally speaking fancy titles and night shirts are a waste of time.
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Monday, April 18, 2005
Oh so sleepy...
Well I disappeared again, sorry about that. I just never really got around to updating anything last week. There are now only two weeks of actual school left, then finals. So as of the first Thursday in May, I'm done for a few months, and I am sooo looking forward to it.
I got all sorts of new mangas the other day. I also got the 2nd Samurai Champloo dvd, haven't had time to watch it though. Along the manga line I got Bleach 6, One Piece 2, Beet the vandal buster 4, Eyeshield 21(it's about football, not soccer)and the new Naruto. I've been thinking about making some kunai knives, there shape is pretty simple, but I've never tried to make throwing knives before, I bet the whole balance thing will be a nightmare, but it should be fun. So thats probably what I'm going to do this weekend. Hmm... I guess that's all from me, no cowboy quote today, my brain is too tired to remember one, and my book is at home, sorry, maybe tommorrow. Oh well g'night.
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Friday, April 8, 2005
Well I ain't just whistlin' dixie
Welp today was different, everybody wanted me to go get drunk with them tonight, they don't seem to understand, I don't drink anymore, and if they get me drunk it'll probably be an unhealthy thing for them.
Oh well, guess what, when I was leaving out for my lab this evening, the skies once again fell, but this time I sat around for like fifteen minutes, the rain slacked up some, so I broke out the umberella, and stayed fairly dry. Then on the way back from lab, it had kind of cleared up a little and there were some birds playing by the sidewalk, but I noticed one of them didn't fly away, he had gotten tangled up in a string, so I pulled out my knife and cut him loose, poor little basterd, he hadn't flown off when I walked away, so I'll tell you if there is a dead bird there when I walk by tommorow. Oh well I reckon that's all from me for today, yall take it easy.
Cowboy quote of the day
"When you find yourself thinking that you are someone of influence, try ordering someone elses dog around."
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
*drip drip drip*
Well today was fun, except for the whole nearly drowning thing. It rained here like all day, it was really stormy, and random things kept getting fried by lightning. Ok so I get up to go to class this morning, I shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, all that good stuff. So I start to leave my apartment, which is right next to the school so I ususally walk to school. Anyway I walk out of the apartment and it just starts pouring rain, or as josh said the heavens fell upon starkville. So I'm like well I can drive to class and be thirty minutes late (parking) or I can walk in the rain. And like a moron I walked, I was so soaked by the time I got to class, I had put on a hooded sweatshirt before I left, so I get to the class and just pull the shirt off and leave it in the floor out in the hall. And I'm in class for like forty minutes and the teacher lets us leave, by this point there is a massive puddle around my chair, I come back to my apartment, and go out on the balcony and basically strip, I left shoes, shirt, and shorts out there, I didn't even care that I was standing out in public for all the world to see, in a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. That all happened at eight so when my ten o'clock class comes around I drove to it, and surprise surprise, my coat is in the explorer. At that point I realized that I was a complete moron. But I've been dry for the rest of the day. So it's all good.
Hey, I even saw my advisor, and got my classes set up. And I'm only gonna have one lab next semester, which is freaking awesome (I've got five this semester). So this is my schedule.
8:00 Physics
9:00 GeoChem
10:00 Japanese I
9:30 Water Resources
11:00 Seds Dep II
The only reason I'm taking japanese is because you can take it three days a week, as opposed to four days like all of the other foriegn languages.
Oh well cowboy quote time (I apologize elves I know how much it must have hurt missing the daily quote ^_^)
Cowboy quote of the day
"There's no place around the campfire for a quitters blanket"
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Aw poopie
I can't believe I forgot the cowboy quote yesterday, I'm sure everyone is crushed. I'll put in an extra to make up for it. Oh well...
Hey guess what, I went and saw Sin City tonight, and that movie was so friggin... violent/awesome. It was great. And of everyone in the movie I think Elijah Wood was my favorite, but I may have to sue, cause I think they based his character on me, his name is kevin, and he lives on a farm, also there was the thing about him enjoying killing people, and eating them, but I've never eaten anyone, I swear. I'm glad everyone liked the pic from yesterday, I knew it would be fun.
Oh yeah I've got a problem, we were susposed to start registering for classes last week, but I can't find my stupid advisor, and we have to see our advisors so we can get out pin numbers to register via internet. But it turns out that his office has been moved so I've spent the past week looking for it, and I find it today, but he's not there,I am gonna wind up in basket weaveing for begginers or something. Anyway time for the cowboy quotes.
Cowboy quote of the day 1
"The biggest liar that you will have to deal with on a day to day basis, probably watches you shave your face in the mirror ever morning."
Cowboy quote of the day 2
"Never ask a barber if he thinks you need a haircut."
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Once again I stand atop the broken bodies of my enemies.
Well maybe not. Sorry I haven't been on in the past few days. It's just that I've become real apathetic, probably because school is getting so close to being over that I just can't care about anything. Man this week is going to be sooooo boring. All of my friends are busy, I have no anime or video games down here, which pretty much means nothing to do. Oh, but while I'm thinking about it friday, my crazy teacher pulled some pranks on us and shows us this great pic (see below). But then he gives everyone in the class some of those goofy groucho marx glasses, with the mustache and eyebrows and everything, it was great. A friend took a picture of me with them on I'll get him to send me a copy and put it up.

I've decided that when I get my own house, I'm gonna have high sinks, cause the bathroom sinks here in my current apartment are about crotch high, so when I wash my hands I get all kinds of splash back which looks like I had some sort of freak pissing accident. I'm probably the only person who notices, but I blame the architects who designed this place. Oh and in apartment news I now have an apartment for next year, I'm moving in with Drew, cause his roommate moved out, and my roommate is an ass.
Hmm well I guess that's all in my life. Sorry about the long post, I'll try and get around to everyones sites later.
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Friday, April 1, 2005
Holy Schnikeys
Woo hoo, according to my otaku it is now april fools day. Homer will only be here for this day. I was gonna change my avatar to homer too,but that never transitions as smoothly so I just went back to sano. And as a sidenote, I do like pulling pranks, but I couldn't really think of how to pull any via internet (or could I), so you are all probably safe, from my wrath anyway. But no one else will be, I'm planning on spending my first couple of classes quoting animal house and tommy boy, hence the subject. Then I'll probably get bored with it.
Well today (thursday) was different. It seems like days ago that I was at home but it was just this morning. My classes ran a little more smoothly since the teachers knew what they were up against this time, but in my lab no one knew what to do since we got sent home early tuesday, but the TA gave us a lot of answers. And spring is deffinately here, I noticed that all of the vehicles have this sickly yellow look to them, and all of the mudholes are surrounded by it. And there are lots of people sneezing and doing all the allergy stuff. I jsut call them lightweights and move on. Don't get me wrong, I've got my fair share of allergies, its just that they tend to revolve around poison ivy, and bees. Oh and speaking of bees there's this one tree on campus that is freakin covered in bees and I have to walk right by it, and some idiot is usually parked so close to it that I have to brush up against it. Oh well it seems like I had so much to talk about, but I can't remember a thing of it now.
Cowboy quote of the day
"Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day."
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