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Member Since
Way back in 5th grade I got 3rd place in the school science fair
Anime Fan Since
2002, when I first watched "Ballad of Fallen Angels"
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist, Love Hina, Gungrave, Dual, Samurai Champloo
To become strong enough to protect those around me
banjo, and blacksmithing
I've got a knack for blowing things up
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Ok the test is in an hour and a half. I don't ususally get worked up about tests, and I don't really know why I'm worried about this one. I still haven't studied much but I should be able to learn everything I need to know about "Maps and Remote Sensing" in an hour and a half...right? I'll give an update on how it goes later.
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Monday, January 31, 2005
Ok tonight I'm gonna study, I swear. Although I was gonna start studying at 7:00 and it's ten now, and I still haven't started. But I'm gonna go exercise and that is the best time to study. On another note I started reading "War and Peace" today. It has 963 pages and I'm on page thirteen. So by next year I should be about half way through. Why do I do this to myself? I just want to be able to say I've read it, but it's freaking huge, I may wuss out. Pray for me people.
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
hahahahahahahahahaZ(woops typo)hahahahaha
Alright everyone my spectacular insanity, that seems to appear everytime I get bored, is making it's rounds again. I'm susposed to be studying for a test tuesday, but it ain't happening. I'm probably gonna end up playing Harvest Moon on the GBA, which is kinda ironic the Harvest Moon series is one of my favorites even though I've lived on a farm my whole life. But if the spectacular insanity has anything to do with it I'm probably gonna go start annoying my roommate, because that's lots of fun. Wow in retrospect that was a pretty random post. Ooh the Simpsons are on, that means I'm set for the next thirty minutes. We'll see ya'll later.
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Good News Everybody
Man what a week and it's only wednesday. Monday people seemed to be going out of there way just to try and piss me off. I was fired up, every little thing seemed to be going wrong. I think maybe I should have picked a fight, I would have felt better after that I think.Then yesterday everything turned around when I found out that I'm eligible to go on an internship this summer. I could go practically anywhere in the country, and they pay for my housing and give me 500 dollars a month to live on. I'm thinking about going to Alaska, but I'd have to drive there. Driving from Mississippi to Alaska could be tiresome. I could also go to North Carolina, Arizona, Montana, New Mexico, Texas, and a couple of others that I ignored. So I should be having fun this summer. Today pretty much rocked because my first two classes were cancelled, so I didn't even have to show up at school until 12:00. Tommorrow should be good because I've only got one class and I have to go teach an earth science lab, but it's easy. So even as bad as Monday was this week seems to be a winner.
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
Now this is me
 Your are Hajime Saito, arguably the strongest member of the Shinsengumi! You were the third captain of the troop and lived long after the Shinsengumi was disbanded. You were kinda strange though, and you did die from drinking too much. "One sake, two sake, three sake..." *floor*
Which Shinsengumi Character are YOU? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
apparently this is me
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Another day
I went and saw "Assault on Precinct 13" last night it was pretty good. People getting shot, people dying. Pretty much what I expected. I think I may go see if Bleach vol 5 is out yet. That's a great manga (hence the background). If you're not reading it you should. It's got comedy, action, and great characters. Oh yeah it's also got style coming out the wazoo. Also thanks for the ideas on updates, they are much appreciated, and keep them coming. Oh well I'm on my way.
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
The people have spoken
Well like the subject says the people have spoken, and they want more stuff on my site so if you have any ideas, then feel free to share, but be forewarned if you give me an idea I like I may have to ask for help on how to get it done, because me and computers have been hating each other for many years now. On to personal news, I now have a job although it's not much of a job I'll make about thirty dollars a week which should fill my random expenses like dvd's and mangas and what not. Anywho I think I'm going to wander around the site now, so until next time...
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Monday, January 10, 2005
I have arrived
This is my first post so if you get to read it today then a monkey will grant you a wish. Anyway, school started back today and I was quite depressed about it this morning. But I'm happy now because I'm out for the day, but I do have the feeling that they are expecting me back tommorrow, but I'll cross that bridge when I burn it(or something like that)
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