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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Ultimate despair
Woo Hoo, guess what people refund checks are in, which means I'm sitting on a nice $900. So I'm gonna blow some money this weekend.
I've got so much crap due tomorrow (tuesday), but for the most part its done. I've been invited to go "celebrate" tomorrow, I don't really want to go, cause hanging out with a bunch of drunks isn't as much fun as it used to be. But I'll probably go just to not have to think about classes. But after tomorrow all I have to do is an outline for my research paper by friday and I'm set for the week. I hope school work slacks up soon.
Oh well I've got more to talk about, but I can't really think of it right now, so I'm going to bed. Goodnight all.
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Monday, September 19, 2005
Sunday night
Welp I've got physics class in the morning, and I didn't go friday cause there were alarm clock related difficulties. And Saturday I found out that I made a big 53 on the test last week, so I'm not real thrilled on going in the morning. But hey what 'ye gonna do.
Hmm as for my weekend I watched Constantine friday and I wasn't real thrilled with it, but my woman wanted to see it so I gave in. I'm too nice. And nothing of news from last night, now I'm back in starkville(school) been hanging out with kim and drew all night, doing well nothing really. Anywho, I was gonna show some Samurai 7 stuff but I don't feel like it right now, kinda tired, going to bed, we'll see you folks tomorrow.
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Friday, September 16, 2005
Hey, how's it going?
Well today was pretty cool, I suspose. My class where I decided to make a stand against the teacher with the a-hole problem, well he ended up throwing out that problem for a different reason from my solution. So I guess that's pretty cool. But the rest of the day was kinda drab. But I didn't have any homework tonight so I've just been sitting around.
I think I'm gonna be trimming down my friends list, but if you're reading this then you have no need to worry, which kinda makes me wonder why I'm even telling you.
Has anyone watched any samurai 7? I want to get it, but I've told myself no more buying anime unless I get the whole series at once. Because the last two I've started buying ,Gungrave and Samurai Champloo, they started showing them on tv and I quit buying them, so I've got two half filled box sets with no reason to finish buying them. But I still want to get samurai 7.
Hmm I guess that's all from me, bye bye you bums.
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
Gah Kevin Smash!!!
Well I learned how to use the x-ray machine today, but I found out that I've got to be pretty dumb/unlucky to get irradiated, so no super powers... yet.
Oh and my physics test, it kicked my ass. Woo Hoo, wait that's not right. It really did suck though, there was really only one kind of problem that I didn't get, and it just so happens that it was like five of the eight problems we had. So yeah, I'm boned.
And since that all happened between eight and nine this morning, it left me slightly tweaked all day, you know kind of sociopathic. I really didn't care what I did. Like this morning I just kept wandering into random school buildings and I went in and sat in on some random classes I had no idea on what they were.
Oh and I've got this one teacher that gives us projects every week but he always throws some little thing in that will completely screw everyone over and then he will commence to bitch us out about how dumb we are. But this week I wrote out this big thing about how I couldn't answer the problem due to the fact that the info I had was wrong. So he's probably going to chew me out the whole class period tomorrow. But it'll be worth it.
Meh sorry for so many complaints today, but the whole day just kinda pulled some major wind. Welp I'm out folks I hope all of yours went better.
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
*007 theme*
The Silurian of the Michigan Basin: Environmental and Lithostratigraphic Problems
In case you are wondering (which I'm sure you are) that's the topic for my research paper. I'm not entirely sure what all of those words mean. And as I found out today, the abstract is due next week. Plus the rest of my teachers are just dumping pooper loads of homework on us, me and my roommate were just discussing how we don't get to do anything now. Take for example last week when we played so many different sports, well we wanted to go play tennis and we've got early sunday free. So school sucks.
But on a much brighter note! I've got new shows to watch, and for a change they aren't anime. I watched Prison Break last night, it's pretty dang cool, and tonight I watched Supernatural. It's been so long since I've watched any network shows other than Conan.
I've got my physics test in the morning which means, well I don't really know what it means. I've worked over most of the homework problems today, and I'm getting kinda anxious about it. Anywho I guess I'm done for the day, so I'll see everyone tomorrow.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Hey guess what all, I'm feeling practically great today, I went to bed early last night ( well at least slightly before midnight anyway) and I woke up to go to class this morning feeling all refreshed and what-not. So thanks for all of the "hope you get better soon"-esque words. I'm sure that's why I'm feeling better. Screw modern medicine!
Lets see, Wednesday I've got my first physics test, so I've been trying to study all night, but I've been getting distracted. So I'm gonna buckle down tomorrow. But I've got class all day and physics lab eh crap I'm rambling, now on to bigger news.
*drum roll*
They're starting a boxing club at the school. WOO HOO. I saw an advertisement on a school based channel, and got the guys e-mail address. So I contacted him and he was all like... eh crap I'm rambling again. But seriously I'm pumped.
Oh and I like the fact that when I mentioned me learning the x-ray machina the other day everyone assumed I would get super powers. I personally am hoping for Incredible Hulk like powers. Argh Kevin Smash!!! You no make fun of Kevin's ill fitting purple capris pants. Ooh and I could say " you wouldn't like me when I'm angry!"
Welp that's all from the Mississippi front, we'll see you folks later.
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Monday, September 12, 2005
Amana whoo!
Yo! How's it going folks? Me, I'm feeling kinda crappy. And I have for the past few days. You know sore throat, generally fatigued, headaches, aching joints, that kind of stuff. My roommate feels the same way, his girlfriend thinks we have mono, maybe I can skip out of some classes if I do. But it's probably just sinuses I think.
Anyway, kind of a crappy weekend, nothing bad really went down, but it was highly uneventful. And anywho, I guess that's all, I was susposed to do some physics homework, but I kinda never got around to it. And with that I'm out folks.
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Friday, September 9, 2005
I'm back folks
My internet has been down for like the past few days. So I've got an excuse for not commenting on your sites lately. But Drew, my roommate, had a friend of his to come look at it and it turns out all we had to do was unplug our router for a minute. Yeah I know we're not very computer savy.
Well I started working in the x-ray lab yesterday. So far I've been scraping mud out of a tube, and shaking up some muddy water. I haven't been shown how to use the x-ray machine yet, maybe tomorrow though.
Oh and me and Drew have been killing it this week, we went running monday, yesterday we played tennis. And today we played basketball, soccer and ran a mile. We are all kinds of proud right now.
Hey and if anyone said something to me on msn messenger and I didn't reply, then sorry, I accidentally closed a window before I noticed who was talking or what they had said. Anywho I'm out folks. Smiles
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Good news everyone!!! I missed my lab today! Oh wait that doesn't sound like good news. Actually I kinda skipped my lab, because this was the first time we were going to meet and I thought it was susposed to be at two but the class was full and everyone was working so I didn't go in, and when I got back to my apartment I looked and saw that it started at three. So I'm three weeks into this semester and I've blown off two very major classes, I am so gonna die.
But on a better note, in my physical hydrogeology class the teacher kept talking about out term papers, and I was like "Oh Crap, I've got another term paper" but it turns out its just for grad students, so SCORE!!! I don't have to do it. Ok onto more pressing things, incriminating photos.
Some of the ones that of my girlfriend when she was being uncooperative.
![Image hosted by PicsPlace.to](http://img5.picsplace.to/img5/3/thumbs/CIMG0060.JPG)
![Image hosted by PicsPlace.to](http://img5.picsplace.to/img5/3/thumbs/CIMG0064_000.JPG)
![Image hosted by PicsPlace.to](http://img5.picsplace.to/img5/3/thumbs/CIMG0068_000.JPG)
And the coup de gras
![Image hosted by PicsPlace.to](http://img5.picsplace.to/img5/3/thumbs/CIMG0085_000.JPG)
But she also got some of me
![Image hosted by PicsPlace.to](http://img5.picsplace.to/img5/3/thumbs/CIMG0087.JPG)
![Image hosted by PicsPlace.to](http://img5.picsplace.to/img5/3/thumbs/CIMG0082.JPG)
There's a heck of a lot more but I won't show them they're mostly of other people actually posing for pics.
Anywho I'm outta here. And I don't feel like proofing any typos so it can't be held against me.
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Impending para un bende!!!
Gah I'm so tired of school, I mean just thinking of class is sending waves of repulsivness through me. I need to punch something, and I'm hungry. Other than that I'm pretty good.
Well this weekend was lots of fun, saturday night there were some issues that came up when I started playing with my digicam. My girlfriend started playing with it and I sat still for some pics, then I got the camera back and she wouldn't let me take a picture of her, so I had to get sneaky and once some other friends showed up we all ganged up against her. So now I have lots of strange pics. And I said that I was gonna put up the wedding pic so here you go, it's kinda gritty, but I don't care. I may put up some of the wierd pics later this week.
![Image hosted by PicsPlace.to](http://img5.picsplace.to/img5/3/thumbs/5114840-R1-012-4A_000.jpg)
Welp there it is, I'm the one on the left, obviously, the conwill is next to me and then conwill's wife (its what I call her) and Charity, my girlfriend)
I think I had lots more to talk about, but right now I'm kinda tired, so I'm gonna call it a night see you.
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