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myOtaku.com: kevmart83

Saturday, June 11, 2005

   Ha ha puny mortals...
Behold my wrath

Ok now that my wrath has been beheld, I'll continue. There's nothing quite like chemical burns to end the day. I was using some industrial strength disenfectant today and it got all splashy and arrogant and decided to make itself at home on my skin, but no major problems. I liked everyones answers to yesterdays questions. I liked the fact that everyone seems to be in science or art, and one music. Oh yeah before I forget, I hit five hundred hits today, I didn't realize that I was that close.

Ok Q&A time again. By the way I'm glad you asked all of these hard exostential questions early in the day, so I'd have time to think about them.

What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Borrowing a line from Mike Meyers, I think most guys would say their personality, but I'm gonna have to say breast size. Seriously though, probably their smile. I like a girl with a good smile.

You're on a deserted island.... list the top five things you would like to have with you in order of importance. 1)music 2)grizzly bear 3)knife to fend off grizzly bear 4)toilet 5)toilet paper.

What's your favorite anime of all time, and why? Cowboy Bebop or Trust & Betrayal: Directors Cut. Both because they just seem to be a little bit classier, everything's flashy and fun, but still fairly realistic. Also the music in bebop is just awesome.

Huh, I just realized that I only had three questions, but they were really nice ones. But now its my turn.

How do you plan on dying? I'm not saying that you're planning your own death, but more how do you see your death unfolding? I figure that I'll be dead before I'm thirty, if not twenty five. Also its probably gonna be fiery and bloody, and lots of people will probably be going with me. Just a thought, who knows for sure. Welp have fun everyone, we'll see you around.

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