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myOtaku.com: kevmart83

Friday, July 1, 2005

   Still not much to talk about
Right now I'm eating a peppermint, one of those big sugary ones. I would offer some to you all, but you're all miles away, plus I'm greedy.

I tried to get to everyone's sites today, but my stupid internet was acting up so I didn't get very far, sorry.

Welp not much happened today, since no one was here but me, I got bored and mowed the yard. There's something about the mass murder of millions of blades of grass that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Other than that I haven't done much (of course that did take the better part of three hours and I'm still not quite done) I took some pictures of some stuff thinking I might put it up on here, but now I don't feel like messing with it. Eh well I'm outta here.

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