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myOtaku.com: kevmart83

Friday, September 9, 2005

   I'm back folks
My internet has been down for like the past few days. So I've got an excuse for not commenting on your sites lately. But Drew, my roommate, had a friend of his to come look at it and it turns out all we had to do was unplug our router for a minute. Yeah I know we're not very computer savy.

Well I started working in the x-ray lab yesterday. So far I've been scraping mud out of a tube, and shaking up some muddy water. I haven't been shown how to use the x-ray machine yet, maybe tomorrow though.

Oh and me and Drew have been killing it this week, we went running monday, yesterday we played tennis. And today we played basketball, soccer and ran a mile. We are all kinds of proud right now.

Hey and if anyone said something to me on msn messenger and I didn't reply, then sorry, I accidentally closed a window before I noticed who was talking or what they had said. Anywho I'm out folks. Smiles

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