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Thursday, June 1, 2006

   my my, only 5 more days until the predicted doom day (6-6-06)
well well, since its like almost the "end of the world" if anything does happen, ^^ uhh...idk XD anyways, if the world DOES end, THERE STILL GOTTA BE A STARBUCKS SHOP NOT DESTROYED, >___> <__< god damn it,now i want coffee, >_<
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

   hiya peeps, sup sup
HIYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! been a while, how was ya memorial vacation,? mine was alright, boring but alright ^^,anyways, finally i got a myspace, heres the linky


if u cant find me, well to bad,muhahaha, JK JK, anyways, seriously if u do got a myspace, gimme ur name ^^, i mean ur display name or whatever

= =''

coffee is my drug, get over with it

O_O soo random today, my mom still actin like a bitch, yea yea, anyways, gotta go, Lynn the stalking teacher is like >_> buggin me, c ya

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

   skip day and my day
http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f321/nghtwalkercain/ff7renorude.jpg MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! anyways, O_O tell me peeps, about ur skip day, as for me - -''i cant skip, im tooo chicken >_< i got caught once, detention, not a pretty site, anyways, >_> tell me how yals skippy days r, heck i might skip my last class, since theres nothing else to do

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Witch DNAngel guy represents you? by DrunkPanda
current mood:
Do you like Dark or Diaske better?
You got:
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Which DNAngel guy loves you???? by momiji_shigure
do you like toes?
here the babykins is..
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Generate your Anime Style by Jena-su
Hair:Short and brightly coloured.
Clothes:Dark and sexy. With randomly placed belts. Lots and lots of belts...
Powers:Dark magic
Special Features:Cat ears and tail
Sidekick:Large dragon.
Attitude:Mysterious as all hell.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Blind date with a hot anime guy ^.^ by Originality
Lucky Number
Favorite color
Date ===
Where the date isThe Mall
First thing date says to you"Sorry I'm late"
Last thing date says to you"See ya later, cutie ^_~"
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

now!!! REVENGE IS MINE and umm *clears throat*peace and the balence of harmony is at due, so, how was yal weekends? ^^
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Saturday, May 20, 2006

   i need more help dudes!
alright, please, my friend told me that if you downloaded a certain amount of downloads onto ur computer, then the governemt will investigate, tell me people, is this possible????
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Friday, May 19, 2006

   haha the weekend is here!!
anyways, from yesterdays post about my mp3 problem, i decided to reinstall the program, limewire and my mp3 input thingy, and since my mom is dumb as fuck, she cant unerstand shit, so anyways, i will hide all the links, and the icons, hehehe, and i shall get my downloads!!! and save them to my flash drive ^^
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Thursday, May 18, 2006

   my crazy day

hiya yal, the last couple days was crazy and like wtf is going on!! heres the story, one, i got a new mp3 (yay) and my mom was so happy about it my mom told her workers at work (wtf) and they said, the government is gonna get her if she doesnt get rid of the software (heres the funny thing,i actually belived her, and so) my mom called me at school,told me about this, actually believed her, and well, i got rid of my programs (limewire where i get my downloads, and my mp3s input program) and now, im bored, with only 40 fuckin downloads on my mp3 - -'' and by the way, i got Zen nano plus creative mp3, so, now im suck here, bored, and fuckin pissed, please, and my mom wants PROOF that limewire doesnt get payment downloads, please, i need yal opinions, comment anything,please!! my anime life is at stake!

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

....everyone isnt comeing to my site,i have been posting, signing guestbooks, O_O im not a retard, god, >_> come to my fucking site or die,><
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Monday, May 15, 2006

   well well

anyways, my site, lovin it, pround, and 300 hits ^^ only 200 more and i will get like 500 O_O keep comin in u guys, ppllleeeaaasssee ^^, well my weekend is alright, i had to take my nieces to see the lion king, yes yes, the broadway show - -'' alright alright, it was alright but still...it was alright, anyways, well, im tired, im at school, poor chin is sick (poor thing) gotta go, bell rung, c ya!!

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