Birthday 1991-09-28 Gender
Female Location On the plains...with my sword...thinking...about life....... Member Since 2005-07-14 Occupation an annoyence to kagami, and an otaku, plus the annoying one in the group ^-^ Real Name Kominichi Taruscara keybladekeeper
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
ipod inspiration
somehow in the last couple days, someing made me become addicted to ipod shadowing,O_O stange isnt it? Comments (0) |
Thursday, May 4, 2006
well, me tired - -''
god damn allergy fuckin tired...gotta go, leave one.. Comments (2) |
heres my old layout of my intro
One keyblade adds goodness and light the other brings darkness and chaos what side will u be chosen of?...And the one u will choose shall bring either peace or chaos to the worlds so choose wisly...anyways im Taru!!!, can u please SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!, if u do, Ill add u and Ill be your friend =^-^=
HIYA, LOVE THE BACKROUND, woot woot, DONT ASK WHY THE FUCK WOULD I USE IPOD AND SORA AND A THEME?!?! NOW...people...i have more pictures...but i will COMPLETLY CHANGE MY SITE, and u will have more posts, and all my pwetty pictures will be in my intro =^_^= i would like to decicate this backround to the people who bought the guide to the game and still cant beat the game, we still love u (this goes towards directly to lenny, u poor loser ^_^ i still love ya anyways cuz!!!) ^^ (oh and i would like to give credit to neofox from deviantart ^^ lovein the backround ^^ WOOT HYPERNESS MUHAHAHAHA
some fucker stole meh flash drive!!
some dude stole my fuckin flash drive, and i have been really pissed for the last 3 days eversince friday, fuckin pissed and sad *cries* my precious 256 silver lexar flash drive with a little blue light T_T i miss the shiny blue light!!! T_T *cries and sucks on thumb* anyways c ya ^^ bye bye, leave a comment - -'' Comments (0) |
Tuesday, April 4, 2006
heres my banners...i need help for linkin the damn pics to my site!!! or gettin the damn URL code for it >< Comments (0) |
hahahaha!!!! sexy guys for backrounds!!!
hahaha!! ayakagami!!! im using hot guys for my backround whether u like it or not!!! hehehehe!!!! revenge is mine!!!!!!, now, *clmas down* anyways,me life is funny now, mmee soo bored, and im trying toi fuckin link my damn banner to my site!!! omfg!! people people, u will get my banenr soon, just gimme time!!!!
sup sup sup yal, im takin a little breather on myotaku for a while, cause my computer is acting like a bitch, so anyways if any of u who wanna contact me, contact me at Nekokittngirl on AIM,email or YIM me at Animegirl4456, and whoevea got runescape, name is Keyblade374, for gaiaonline, Shadowgirl4456, and last but not least, and i know that this is a stupid thing, but i do HAVE a neopets account, and i think my name is Keybladekeeper149? i dont know, i'll get back to yal soon, since my home coomputer is acting up, i'll still get on from school,but ill be fine Comments (1) |