You feel hate. Pure evil has consumed your mind,
for you are far beyond the state of anger.
You've actually gained control of your emotions
and vent them through hatred. There is probably
still a small thread of sorrow in your emotions
which you have learned to ignore. This thread
could turn into chains that bring numbness upon
your soul if ignored to long though. People are
nothing more than insignificant, pathetic
excuses for existence in your eyes. This makes
it easy to throw your words and whips at them.
Almost everything that leaves your mouth stings
the people around you. Chances are you have no
friends, just the people who feel the same way
as you do, but they just ignore you and the
others. You need to regain your faith in others
before it's too late. But most importantly, you
need to regain faith in yourself. You had lost
trust, and dependace on your other feelings a
long time ago which caused you to feel the
hatred pulse through you. It was an escape from
everything. So you locked away your emotions.
You need to find help. Just don't try to burn
anything down.
Element: Darkness
Color: Black
Quote: A man cannot hate another man unless he
hates himself first.
Expression: Narrowed eyes and a smirk.
Symbol: A shadow/war/dead person
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