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myOtaku.com: KHAnimeGrl

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The Ending to Fruits Basket
Hey its me, if u stubbled upon my site you might have known me from my previous site ((KHAnimeGrl)) I have been very inactive i know. I had abandoned my site i suppose due to my buisness and all lol. XD i've also only been using the computer to use Maple Story. ^_^ Anyway.... Guess whos bak...bak..bak.. bak again....Angies bak....tell a friend! XD

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Thursday, November 3, 2005

   i did it again....
i abandoned my site.... i have been so busy. I had a rough day today to top it off. And i havae 3 tests tomorrow i havent studied for. Im not in the mood.... ;__; on top of that my friend is like so depressed and all my other friends at my old schools want me back, especially by best friend because she needs me to keep the peace. Sometimes im a really good peace keeper. I hate how im so nice sometimes its good sometimes its bad and i always act not nice and strict when its bad -__-' hmph wut ever... im just sick and tired of all this crap going around.

I feel like drawing or writing a depressing story. I know, i know, my life doesnt sound as rough as some other ppl, but wut i wrote isnt even the half of it. There is more, but just too much and im not gonna start getting depressed by it. Depression is bad, really bad. And i have God on my side and Jesus is watching over me so i shouldnt get depressed i should look for the good in my life. I feel a little better thinking that way....

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Thursday, October 27, 2005

   IM BACK............
Ello everyone... im back! and i have a lot to tell but not right now bcause i have homework to do and i really have to practice for this thing i have in Drama this saturday. There is so much to tell.
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Monday, October 3, 2005

   Woh i havent posted yet...
I have been coming but havent been posting so yea lol. Anyhow i dont think many ppl stop by my site and read bout my boring life. Well, Nothing exciting has been happening except the fact that I have sold 6 Entertainment Books for this fundraiser we are doing in Drama and the other fact that my friend V has Mike's Phone Number and has been calling him. He left a voice mail on her phone and i heard his voice. Wow Mike your voice is so deep! lol. Your 3 years older then V right? Anyhow, V i think he's too old 4 u and you two dont even know eacher. Besides I dont believe in all this internet dating stuff.

Today in History, We did this Colonial Americans play thing and we got to pick our part out of a bin and i had to be Pokahontas's mother. Guess what else: I really wanted a big important part but instead: I did not even see The Friken Potahontas's mother in the script. First: I had no lines, Second: I did not have any thing to do. So i pretty much just stould there standing the whole time. So boring. I wish next time i can get a good part and then i can show em what Drama's all about, cause they did not act at all. History is not Drama but when it comes to that I wish it was. "There are no Small parts, Just small actors" i kept saying that to myself but my part was not small it was TINY! It didnt exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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