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Saturday, September 17, 2005

Its the Weekend!! Thank God!!! IM so happy. The alegebra test will b on Tuesday and the science test was rather easy! i think i got a decent grade. Oh my progress report is as follows lol: ABAAAB I need to bring up those B's by the time i get my report card. Also: IM changing my Look to Cloud from Final Fantasy 7!!! Wooo!! But, expect to see this look again cuz i luve it. The angel is so Kawaii. ^0^
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Thursday, September 15, 2005

I updated my site. U can give me hugs and i was accepted in Otaku's Angels. ^-^ Muhaha. I had a nice day today. Im hungry tho >< and no one cooked. I cant cook, everything i cook, including toast, gets burned lol. Anyhow i get progress reports tomorrow...!! I hope i did good. Oh, Next week I think my sites theme shall be kingdom hearts, and i shall also Put Simple and Clean as the music. Not sure yet. Im pretty sad cause tomorrow will b my last day as a Morning Anouncement News Anchor lol. But im happy because tomorrow is Friday! Not that i have any plans but its the weekend. Another thing im happy about: I signed up for this thing called a Fall Renewal at my Church and its a 2 night at Sea World Resort. All of my friends from church will b there im Super happy! Its at the end of the month tho. I cant wait. Bad News: Science Test Tomorrow, Good News: It may b easy. ^-^
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

   Todays a Good Day... I guess
Not as bad as yesterday lol. I dont have that much homework. I just got to start my project and keep reading. Ooo good news: The quiz was fairly easy and I get to stay in Algebra. The Teacher said that u have to maintain a B average and I just got my grade today and guess what: B! lol must bring it up tho, I really want, no scratch that, need an A. Other then Algebra im doing good. ^-^ Hmm.. their is more I would like to update on but im forgetful right now maybe later. Also, almost forgot: I'm a Jr.Thespian! lol
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ugh... Im SO TIRED! I just got back from an open house at skool and they had their nerve to give me homework. I havent done it yet. >< must get to it. Algebra is very hard and takes up most of my time. Drama class starts out my day fun. Also i have a project i really should be working on, and I have lots of tests coming up. !!!! I almost forgot, well i did forget, I have a frigin quiz in algebra tomorrow and im not ready, I sware she throws things to us in random and last minute. And on top of that I have 2 tests on Friday and a Test next week and God knows how many more will pop up at last minute. ;_; IM so stressed.... Ok let me go over this again:
-I Got Homework i havent done and should be doing
-I Got a project I really should get started on because its due soon, very soon
-I have to Read my book in order to get it done on time
-I have a quiz in Algebra tomorrow and a Test in Algebra on Friday
-I gots an Exam in Science on Friday
-There are some extra credit things i want to do and get done
-I am getting Practice Records next week to record when i practice my violin and i must practice everyday even on weekend and for at least 30minutes, as if i have that kind of time
~there are some other things i cant remember at the moment but my life is sorta stredding in 2 right now and on top of that my Social life isnt doing that well. i miss my friends from my recent schools very much and some of my friends from one school wants me to go back and some of my friends from my other school want me to go back to their school, so im being pulled two ways and im about to break! >.<

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Monday, September 12, 2005

there's a book fair at my school. They have manga books really cute covers but i wanted a ruroni kenshin one. I dont remember what ones they had. They also had some Wanna B Manga i was laughin my butt off and i told the lady. She was laughing too and agreed with me. Im thinkin of writing a story or making a manga comic of my own, not sure yet... Ill just keep doodling i suppose. Also 4 the Randomness part: Our school is doing this Awards program in Language Arts. Its suppose to make u become a better reader but it is so stupid, the teacher tells us the sound of a vowel and we repeat her lol and then the name. Its retarded. It better b worth it tho....
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   Im Back! From School..
lol. IM back so exausting. Me being a Straight A student for 4 years keep getting Bs and Cs especially in Algebra. Ugh i hate it. But i want the credit for High School. I know i can do it. Anyhow, IM in some clubs and keep siging up in other ones. I'm in Red Violin's Orchestra cause as u know and if u didnt ur slow or didnt read my talents, I play the Violin! Im still waiting for a reply from the ppls of The Otaku Angels. Question: someone help me, How do i add the banners to my site like i c ppl do? Im new here so... uh yea. But dont worry ill get the hang of it and u can stop callin me a noob. ^-^
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Sunday, September 11, 2005

   At 9:11 on 9-11
Woh, its 9:11 now on 9-11 i just found that odd. Anyhow, This thing is like becoming a journal to me. I'm gonna go to sleep so i may wake up tomorrow. I have to read a 524 page book and im a slow reader only on page 173 and i have been reading for weeks. For those who are wondering what this book is it is Dragon Rider by Cornellia Funke. I recomend it so far. It's awesome. I read Inkheart by Cornellia and it is my favorite book ever, I defenently recomend it. 500 and something pages but each page is juicy and awesome. It's the best book I have ever read. Well I must finish Dragon Rider by some time in October. Anyhow, I'll try to keep u readers updated on my exciting life >Sarcasim< And u stalkers: Back Off! or any other crazed, perved, or just plain stupid ppl lol.
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   My Fav Games
I love Kindom Hearts (KH) And all the Final Fantasy games with all the hotties in em lol. Cloud, Leon, and Riku are my Favorites. If u need any help in KH1 dont hesitate to ask, I beat the game 5 times already with the secret ending. I know almost everything about it. Dont ask me about KHCOM tho sry, me personaly im a HUGE OBESSED KH FAN but i dont like KHCOM. Oh I just cant wait 4 KH2 and Advent Children come out. This month!! YAY!!!! Another game that im addicted to is: Rose Online. This Game is Awesome! I love it. Again, dont hesitate to ask me questions about it, i dont know everything but i may b able to help ^^ O for u ppl that play Rose and dont know why it doesnt work, dont worry, if u didnt get the memo it's Beta Season. The game will b back up on Sept.21. xD Thats enough of games i guess 4 now at least... lol. Oh 1 last thing: I LOVE ANIMALS! >< Random...
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   A Moment of Silence
Im from the US as u probably could tell and I just want to say: A moment of silence for the tragedy of Sept.11 and the recent Hurricane Katrina that brought destruction. >A quick prayer and time of rememberance plz<
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I'm new just set this site up. I really like The Otaku. My friend introduced me to it. ^^ Im having a great weekend just havent finished my homework and I have skool tomorrow. Oh im on the News Cast as well as my friend, V. Its a lot of fun.
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