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myOtaku.com: KHAnimeGrl

Monday, October 3, 2005

   Woh i havent posted yet...
I have been coming but havent been posting so yea lol. Anyhow i dont think many ppl stop by my site and read bout my boring life. Well, Nothing exciting has been happening except the fact that I have sold 6 Entertainment Books for this fundraiser we are doing in Drama and the other fact that my friend V has Mike's Phone Number and has been calling him. He left a voice mail on her phone and i heard his voice. Wow Mike your voice is so deep! lol. Your 3 years older then V right? Anyhow, V i think he's too old 4 u and you two dont even know eacher. Besides I dont believe in all this internet dating stuff.

Today in History, We did this Colonial Americans play thing and we got to pick our part out of a bin and i had to be Pokahontas's mother. Guess what else: I really wanted a big important part but instead: I did not even see The Friken Potahontas's mother in the script. First: I had no lines, Second: I did not have any thing to do. So i pretty much just stould there standing the whole time. So boring. I wish next time i can get a good part and then i can show em what Drama's all about, cause they did not act at all. History is not Drama but when it comes to that I wish it was. "There are no Small parts, Just small actors" i kept saying that to myself but my part was not small it was TINY! It didnt exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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