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Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 09/11/05:
Is there such as thing? lol. This quiz was cool.

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Anime Rose Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 09/11/05:
Personally I loved this quiz. And Blue Angel is great caz blue is my favorite color.

Blue~You are the blue angel. You are creative,
spiritual and wise. Your soul emplys eternity
meaning your soul will last forever. You are a
wise beyond your years and know so much that
others do not. You yourself do not realise just
how wise you are. You make a great deal of
difference to people's lives. Your colour
represents the sky and water. You could be the
angel of either of these. You are a very
calming person that people can easily relate to
you and feel comfortable around but when you
get angry (which takes a great deal of hard
work to accomplish) you give off an auror of
security and authority that people tremble
under. Your innocent face hides the fact you
can take control of any situation and have a
strong head on your shoulders. People should
know better than to challenge your great mind
and strength of soul. Which is unbeatable. Your
personality is quite neutral and you are
versatile and can fit in with your surroundings
making you easy to befriend and get to know.

Your angel wings are large and white, ending
at the tips with purple that shimmers like the
stars. Like your mind it is very beautiful and
enchanting. You are extremely creative and can be found
writing, drawing, reading anything artistic and
creative. You usually like to wear clothes that
flow and wrap around you, comfortable but
elegant and usually of different shades of blue
and made from long and light materials.

Your angelic soul can be found in the
disney film of cinderella which represents
imagination, creativity, artistic talent,
literature, education, cleverness, elegance and
the stars.

What colour Angel are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 09/11/05:
Well i like windy and cold days but if there was a rain one i would want that. I love the rain or snow... Water would have been nice too.

You are the element of wind.

With the strong
emphasis of thought you are the dreamers of the
world and the hopeful. You are constantly
thinking but usually do very little to act upon
your thoughts. You communicate and express
ideas with mental agility but have very little
faith in your own ideas. You are probably more
concerned with theory than with application.,
constantly thinking, but not always following
through as well as others. Rational and
logical, you analyze situations fully, thinking
them through and planning carefully before you
act. While you may ponder and vacillate, you
rarely make foolish mistakes. Detached and not
overly emotional, you are almost always
objective and fair-minded. You are
people-oriented, but more inclined toward the
group than the individual. You are a very
calming and caring person, quiet and mature,
but you do seem very distant at times, you have
great potential and beauty but don't tend to
show it, you tend to hide away yourself
although you have great character. Your always
there for someone in need but you should try
helping yourself too, you have a great air of
mystery about you because you keep yourself to
yourself. You can be very confused at times and
people find it very hard to understand you but
you are overall a lovely person.You are the
type of person who goes along life willingly,
taking each day as it comes and never really
sharing your own feelings about it all.

what element do you possess? (girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 09/11/05:
I do dream a lot, in my sleep and during class. Yup this matches lol.

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Personality Do You Have?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.