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Black Belt, Airman 1st Class in CAP
Anime Fan Since
5 years
Favorite Anime
Wolf's Rain ,D N Angel (Dark is sooo hot), and Fullmetal Alchamist
airforce fighter piolit
Caveing, Karate,Civil Air patrol, Harp, Civil War reenactment
Doing semi dangerous stupid things that have convinced my frewinds that I will die before i hit 21
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
o.o EEEK!!!!!!! is that really me?
??Which colour of Death is yours?? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
New Hobby !?
Hey U guys!!!! i'm thinking of joining a local caving group. It sounds like a lot of fun, i mean you get to explore caves that have never been seen by humans (well at least recient humans anyways)plus it's great exercise.It will definitally satisfy my lately restlessness to do something new and adventurous!!
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Shina has a new site!!!
Hey everybody!!! just posting to tell U guys that my friend Shina21 has a new site. her new user name is Ashantia, so if U guys have the time I would highly recommend checking out her new site. well talk to you guys later. Bye!!!!!!
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *calms down* O.O oh your serious
 -Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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hi everybody how's your guyses day. well i got back from this awsome trip to san diego. it was really cool we got to go to the beach and play in the beach for a while. (it may not seem like much to those people that live around the beach, but for somebody like me who lives in the desert it is like the coolest thing ever) anyways we got to all sorts of other stuff. well talk to you guys later bye!!!!!!! ^^
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
Matches!!!! ,but cute pic
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HI EVERYBODY!!!! well I have nothing else to say so....... bye!
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 You are a Vengeful Warrior. Someone or something that was very close was hurt and now you want revenge. You will let no one stop you.
What kind of Warrior are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, March 18, 2005
I'm really bored so I thought that I would annoy you guys with another post. well nothing really has been going on except for a Civil War reeinactment that I took a part of last weekend. It was a lot of fun and I got to use one of those old style muskets. the only problem is that even though that they are only blanks they are really loud, and they're even more lound when you are in the front row and the back row is shooting just over your sholder >.< I think i canstill hear the ringing.
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Board breaking
yesterday I went to a board breaking seminar at my Karate school. It was really cool , and I actually got to break a board (it took me a while but I did it). I just have one thing to say about breaking boards and that is OWWWWWWW!!!!! we had to break the board by smacking the wood with our palm, and let me tell you IT HURT! It felt kind of weird because your smaking the board and you feel pain and more pain and more pain ,until the board dissapears ,and it all the sudden is laying on the floor in twwo halves. Anyways i'm going to try to keep breaking boards until I'm strong enough to break a brick.
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