You're the captive / slave! Your background may
vary somewhat depending upon the story...you
could have been an innocent girl captured
during raids or a fight, a caught rebel, or a
person taken prisoner due to some knowledge or
power you possess that could further strengthen
the cause of the evil forces. None of these
have very good outcomes, so when the hero and
friends break into the fort or prison area and
accidentally stumble upon you (or perhaps they
were assigned to free you) you gladly join
their party in exchange for escaping with them.
Due to your time in confinement, you are very
fearful and shy at first, afraid of what's to
come in the future or of whom you can trust,
you may open up a little to your companions,
but it seems as if its going to take some time
to break away the shackles on your heart as
well. Depending on your background you may or
may not have a special talent that can prove
useful on the battlefield, however you tend to
stay loyal to the party no matter what out of a
desire to repay them for their kindness. You
really are a sweet person, and there will come
a time on your journey when you will show
everyone a courage that seems impossible for
you to actually have.
What Female Fantasy Archetype Are You? (For girls-->Results are anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla