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Washington State
Member Since
Anime Fan Since
the first time I saw anime so probably since I was two.
Favorite Anime
right now, Inuyasha and Wolfs Rain, One Piece, Gundam Wing
I want to be a dolphin therapist, and work with mentally retarted and physically disabled children through swimming with dolphins
horse back riding, reading, writing, singing, anime watching
I'm a good singer, and a good writer
Well, lets see not much to say about me. Obviously, I like anime, but I also love animals, singing, and writing, they are my three passions in life.
I am now officially done with my first year of college, it went really well, I'm very pleased with myself.
My favorite anime's right now are Inuyasha and Wolfs Rain, though I don't particularly like how Wolfs Rain ended.
I think that about does it for me, if you have any questions just ask.
see ya later
Kieri Norou
Friday, May 12, 2006
I'm back again
I can't believe how long it's been since I was last on here, I am now officially out of College... I leave for the Airport in 50 minutes. It'll be really great to be home. I'll have to post more stuff about my first year of College later, when I'm not worried about missing my flight.
Anyways, I'm glad I got back into theOtaku, I forgot how much fun it can be... I'll have to change things around a bit, though I still really like my background... ooohh, lots of stuff to do. OK well that's going to be it for now.
I promise to not be gone a whole year next time.
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Friday, November 19, 2004
Happy but Sad.....
I'm Hyper, I'm sorry I havn't updated in a while, but It's been chaotic. LOL and now today I'm heading out with my family to New Zealand. YAYA. But first tonight, we get to see the broadway musical Les Miserables, in Spokane. YAYA. I'm really sad though, becouse I'm going to miss Rave Master, Charmed, Yuyuhakusho, Inuyasha, and Degrassi, and a whole bunch more. If anyone sees any of these, could you please keep me informed. Please Please, We're gonna miss two weeks of shows. :,c( It's so sad. BOO HOOO HOOOOO.
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
Hey all
I have a question, so if anyone can answer please do. I've been trying to change the backround on my site again, but this time no matter what I do it won't change. Is there some kind of trick to it? I mean it was working before and now it's not, maibe there's something I pushed that I wasn't suppose to. Does anyone have a possible solution?
Thanks tons
Kieri Norou
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Friday, November 5, 2004
Lots to do and no time to do it
SAT's are Tomorow, I've been trying to relax but there's so much going on, I realy don't think it's possible right now. I have Japanese Midterms, along with 3 asignments, Tons of English, were reading Homers Book of Iliad. That kind of reading just isn't interesting to me. And tomorow, We are putting on a Baby shower for my cousin, and then, oooohhhh just to much, good news is no school till Tuesday, however, Japanese has to be in by Monday, well actually I was supposed to have it in Today, luckaly no points are taken off for late work in my Online class. *Sigh* anyways yeah. This new backround was a picture sent to my by my BFP if you wanna know what that means just ask, or guess, it's always fun to find out what other people have to say. LOL Anyways seeya.
Kieri Norou
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
lots of music today
I'm in school now, to be more precise, Japanese. I'll be taking the midterm on friday. I"m not to woried about it anymore. My teacher e-mailed me everything that would be on it.
Todays a real rainy and cloudy day, I don't mind the rain but I prefer the sun to the clouds. I have voice lessons today in Canada today at 3:30. I should leave right after school but my choir teacher wants me to stop by after school and help this group of freshman with a piece they will be doing in our concert in 8 days.
BRRRRR I'm cold I can't wait till I go to Hawaii and work with the dolphins lol
Anyways I got to get back to work I'll chat with you guys tommorow. Seeya
Kieri Norou
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Featured Quiz Result:
I think the dove is pretty good
for me, It describes me pretty
 Your soul is bound to the First Totem, Ares: The Dove.
Ares appears as a pearl dove. She embodies love, peace, balance, and devotion. She is associated with the color pearl, the season of transition, and the element of love. Her downfall is idolization.
You are most compatible with Wolves and White Stags.
Which Animal Spirit Totem Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I've never even heard of the
song, but the description
matches me perfectly
Bright Eyes - Bowl of Oranges
Compassion and understanding rule your life - seeing other people makes you happy, and at the same time, you grasp the fact that life can't be great all the time. After all, how would we ever appreciate the sun if we never see the rain? You have a subtle optimism that keeps your head up in even the most dismal times, which gives strength to those who witness it. Life can never get the best of you, because you've got the strength inside you to conquer anything.
What's Your Theme Song? brought to you by Quizilla
this was a kewl quize I
enjoyed it. It's right too, I've
always been the element of
the wind.