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Washington State
Member Since
Anime Fan Since
the first time I saw anime so probably since I was two.
Favorite Anime
right now, Inuyasha and Wolfs Rain, One Piece, Gundam Wing
I want to be a dolphin therapist, and work with mentally retarted and physically disabled children through swimming with dolphins
horse back riding, reading, writing, singing, anime watching
I'm a good singer, and a good writer
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
YAY she's my fave
You are most like Mars overall!
Find out Which
Senshi you are.
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hehehe, somehow I knew I'de get her
You are Kagome!
Find out Which
Inuyasha Character you are.
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Not quite but I think he's kewl so I'll take it.
You are most like Heero!
Find out Which
Gundam boy you are.
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mmmm, yeah I guess this could be right
You are most like Melfina!
Find out Which
Outlaw Star character you are.
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I like this result
You should wield the Shikon no Tama!
Find out Which
weapon from Inu Yasha should you wield.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
she's pretty
 Element Earth. You are very kind and gentle. You love all kinds of animals and plants. Your power amplifier are the stars, your protective stone is the Green Quartz. You like the New Moon and your special power is to talk to any animal or plant.
Which element (or double element) control your mind and heart?(with anime girls pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
My pet
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In school and bored
Like the subject says I'm in school, Japanese online class to be exact, and my homework for the next two weeks is finished. I'm a bit upset becouse no one has visited my site in two day's. I'm not sure how to get my site more popular either, I'm really not good a free hand drawing so I don't want to enter any fanart. I don't know. Anyways, not much going on with me. Just tired and bored. lol guess I already said that. I"m gonna get going now, only 28 minutes of class left. seeya
Kieri Norou
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Monday, October 18, 2004
Hey there
Well the test I told you about, yeah that went really badly, even though I did study study study for it. Oh well, I'll make it up somehow. I can't figuer out how to get more than one picture on this site, if anyone knows please tell me, I'll apreciate it. I'm Mad becouse now only one of my computer works, and both my foreing exchange student, Ruth, and I have to use the comp to do our homework. So I only get so much time to do it. If anyone has any cool ideas on what I should do to my page please tell me. Also if someone knows how to get a backround picture on I'de appreciate that too. Let's see, well I can already tell that this week is going to be bad. First, today my friend and I got in an argument. She had been acting negative all day and when I asked her why, she started complaining about another one of my friends, and well I don't like it when people talk bad about other people, so I told her to just forget about it and drop the subject and now she's mad at me, So yeah it's the start to a 'great' week, can't ya tell. lol anyways, if ya can help me with the site I'll appreciate it
Kieri Norou
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
Nothing much going on
I decided to make a site here, and it's working out pretty well. I didn't really do anything exciting today, I'm tired now though cuz it's 12 21 am, tomorow or should I say latter today I have to study for three tests I have on Monday, wish me luck.
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