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myOtaku.com: Kiiro Sunshine

Saturday, August 12, 2006

   Mating Lizards!!!! @.@
I have two Green Anoles and my cousin that I live with has one. Well, I just happened to get one male(Grim) and one female(Cammi), then the other lizard is a female(Jade). Well Cammi is anti social and doesn't like to be out of her cage or with any of the other two lizards. Grim and Jade are the most active...They want to escape constantly. Well......Jade and Grim we put into the same cage and gave Cammi her own...we have two different cages. One big for two lizards and one small for one. So we put Cammi in the small one and the next day I look over and Grim is fanning his little red neck flap thing(they do that to attract females for mating) and turning almost lime green(also to attract the females) and Jade is turning green and bowing her head like the females do to say that yes, they are ready to mate and make baby eggs. Ha! I saw that and was like. "Oh hell no!!! There be no little baby lizards running around here." At least not until it's been a made decision with my aunt and uncle that they are okay with more lizards and having them be babys. Grim that damn little fucker tried to bite me because I got him out of the cage and Cammi and Jade are in the big one. So now he is in his own cage and Grim and Jade will sleep in the same corners in the different cages. It looks so cute but it's kinda sad.
We all still haven't decided what we should do yet, so I would really appreciate it if we got some adivce and such. Anyone who wants to put in thier two cents, go ahead.

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