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Saturday, December 3, 2005
 Angel of Life
What Anime Angel Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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I'm really bored. My friend was going to invite me over to see a movie and go X-mas shopping but then I found out that the movie was really late and we were having a familydinner thing so I ended up doing nothing. Well this mourning I had to move all my stuff into the basement bc my parents want to redo my room. It sooooo freaking cold down there, but I have my cats that sleep next to me and a heater so its ok.
I read this article that the worlds ugliest do died. THAT DOG WAS HIDEOUS!!!!! I can't imagine how they identifyed it as a dog.
Well have a nice weekend =^.^=
QOTD: do you know one thing you are getting for Christmas?
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Thursday, December 1, 2005
Yay me!!
I fell special cause I got chosen to be in the honor choir and only 10 kids from each school get chosen so I'm real happy bout it =^.^= plus being in a special onsamble (don't kno how its spelled)makes life even cooler. But I'm kinda bummed bc one of my friends tried out and didn't make it :(
I was bored so I played around with my site music and stuff. Wat do you think?
Well...thats it really so just have a great weekend and day =^.^=
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Sry bout that
Well the world is better and life is cool. I mean that literally by the way...its snowing here. You kno wats wierd about it? *pause* When it started snowing we were singing "let it snow" it choir 0.0
Well wat it like where u ppl r?
 You are the Latte!!! You are very poetic and also mysterious...dun dun dun
What Type of Starbucks drink are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Aww...you are the plant of love! You are the mistletoe! You are a loving, romantic person who likes to do what is best for the one or ones you care about mostly. You are very affectionate and enjoy being close to people. You believe that love brings you together, which is a wonderful thing. You are most likely going to have a very nice and marvelous season. Your inventive mind could come up with anything interesting to do. Merry Christmas =)
What Christmas Figure Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
Tears cannot begin the pain
I just heard that my friend Dai is Bipolar and now I'm really wryed. I've had a friend already who was very, VERY close to killing himself and I don't want it to happen to her. I hate it when my friends are sad because it afects me aswell. Why does the world have to hurt so much? Y.Y
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
My head is spinning cause I started to hang out with these other ppl at school and now my old friends think I hate them and I think one of them hates me and both sides don't wan to be friends with the other and WAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! if anyone has advice please tell me.
On a happyer note its quizes time...
 your sailor moon!you cry alot when your in trouble but tuxedo mask is their to help you!!
what sailer moon scout are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're a loner. But instead of being depressed, your happy and content with your life. You spend a lot of time with your family and there's a sort of innocence about you. Most people think you're cute.
What kind of school girl are you? (cute pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your perfect match is Inu-Yasha!
Which InuYasha Character Should You Date? brought to you by Quizilla
Always...always I get this result
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Friday, November 4, 2005
yea wats up and all that stuff. Guess wat? *pause* my friend Samantha is over and she used to live in my house then moved and my family bought it. And I know the bg is early and the music is well....but I had fun with it so XD.
Random ? of the day: Wat do u want for christmas?
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
sry my computer has been stupid and has been giving me trouble with myotaku so I'll try to catch up with u all >.<
QOTD:Which Anime guy do u like the mostest?
 You were killed during a mission or while trying to protect someone and you died with honor. you never regretted what you did and you are a very brave and strong individual. You know what is right and you are willing to stand up for it. Even if it means death.
How did you die in your past life? (for everyone) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
Man I watched this show on real ghost hauntings and I'M CREEPED OUT!!!!
Question of the Day: Do you beleive in ghosts?
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
Yes!!!!! =^.^= (stop laughing Yasha)
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