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myOtaku.com: Kijotora

Saturday, August 20, 2005

today was tiring as all get out, but fun. I feel asleep at 2 am then got up at seven and went on a hike, the swam. And I found out I have to find a talent and preform a solo O.o I think I might sing this celtic song but I always get really nervous about this sort of thing. Any sudjestions of wat I could do would help a whole lot! tks
YAY!!!!! maybe not a pet though...
youkai.. cute ears!!
Inu-Yasha!! Those ears of his are just SOOO

Which inu-yasha character would be the perfect pet for you?
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Mint Tea
Mint Tea...
You are Mint Tea!
Naturally sweet you have a happy-go-lucky attitude.
The world is full of fun and wonder! Although
you can be naive at times and quite aloof to
your surroundings you know how to have good
clean fun! Most people see you as cute and very
gentle by nature and it is most likely true.
You have a great outlook on life and you try
not to let things get to you. Go you!

What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-}
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I probly won't go out with anyone but its an ok result
You like the goth and dark type. You like the guys
who are different and don't care who knows.

(anime pics) What kinda guy would you go out with?
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