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Member Since
Librarian and hopeless romantic
Real Name
Graduated college. Woo Hoo!
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Genshiken, Ah my Goddess, Devil Hunter Yokho, Area 88, Macross (the original), Inuyasha, Star Ocean EX, You're Under Arrest, Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Tutu, pretty much anything with comedy and romance. I'm a girl, okay.
waiting for my prince charming because I'm tired of looking for him.
sewing, writing, drawing, crocheting, jewelry making, hating World of Warcraft with a passion
Does hating World of Warcraft count as a talent?
Hello Everyone!
You're probably all wondering why my name is Kiki-tink. It's a long story but to put it shortly, my friends and family think I look like Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service with my short hair and I'm a big Disney's Tinkerbell fan. I use to watch a ton of Anime when I was in junior high but I kinda stopped when I got to high school due to my crazy busy schedule with school and work. Now that I'm out of college and have a full time job, I can finally catch up on my much missed Anime viewing in my free time. Hopefully. Currently my favorite anime is Princess Tutu. Enjoy my page and have a good day! Oh, and no chain letters please. Thank you! ^_^
Monday, May 19, 2008
So Long For Now
Yep, it's true. It's just been so insane at work and home now-a-days that I can hardly keep up with e-mails and my other blog sites. So, I'm not going to be on Otaku for a while. Fear not, I am going to leave my site on and running so y'all can still use my e-cards and look at my fan art. I'll pop in every now and then as well, so I won't be completely gone. If you wanna keep in touch you can always reach me at my work e-mail which I have now avaiable at the left side of your screen where it says "Contact Me". Think of this as not a good bye, but more like a see you around. Hee hee. Later everyone!
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Thursday, March 27, 2008
Hey All!
Sorry for the late post, but things have been nuts here at work. People are getting into fights left and right among the staff. Yeah, good times. Hope we hire new people and soon. Oh poo, the boss is approaching. Gotta go now but I hope everyone is doing well. Laters!
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008
February Update!
Hey guys! How are ya? Sorry for the really late posts. Everysince a lot of the staff left at my work, I had to pick up a lot of shifts. Because of the bad fires last year, there is going to be a major cut in the state's education budget and my boss said at our last meeting because of this, we won't be able to hire new staff anytime soon. Bummer.
I had another bone marrow extraction last week and the results showed that the cancer is still in my system, but not as bad as it was a year ago. This is good everyone. My Uncle thinks 6 more months of treatment ought to do the trick. Lets hope he is right on this one.
As for my love life, my boyfriend Michael and I will be going on our 7 month anniversary on the 19 of this month. Let me tell you guys, he is awesome. He has been such a wonderful support through all my cancer treatments and he is just the most loveable guy ever. I am so glad my friend Resa forced me to go on a date with him 7 months ago. Ha ha.
Oh, Dad is doing great. He's fully back to normal eversince his surgery back in June. We had a bit of a fright in December when he caught a bad case of pnemonia, but he's good now.
Let's see, am I forgetting anything? Oh yeah!

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