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myOtaku.com: KiKi 777352

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Wolf4ever (10/29/06)

thanks for signing my gb and ill addu as a friend to and thank you for commenting on my site

~When you love someone they will stay in here *points to heart*~

chaos207 (10/26/06)

hey i really like your site. the bg is awsome. so im going to add you as a friend if thats ok with you. well come by my site sometime if you want. cya later

wolf unari343 (10/26/06)

thank u 4 signing my gb and i also added u as a friends. i hope 2 ttyl^_^


edisshort (10/21/06)

Hi! =^_^= Your site is so cool!Please stop by my site when you get a chance. Im redoing my so its not as exciting as before

igneouspiritfeonx (10/19/06)

Thanks so much for everything ^.~
You have a nice site!
I like the cursor LOL!!!
Your background too though ;)
So pretty!

sasukes assasin (10/19/06)

helo friend nice site^^
jena: hey kiki waz up

Kaiz Dark Angel05 (10/14/06)

yo wud up dawg!! MADISON COUNTY REPRESENT!!thanks for coming to sign my guestbook ^^ i really appreiciate it. I like the little bunnies in your background. yup ^^ *nods* i'll add you back as a friend and i hope you come back around sometime.

WeSt SiDe!!

CheekiSquirrel (10/12/06)

Umm... thanks for signing my gb. I love your site! I shuffled through your portfolio, your pics are so cute! Just had to say that! ^^* TTFN

Agent Pierce (10/11/06)

Greetings,Nice site I'm gonna add you to my friends list. I hope we can become good friends ^^ PM me anytime ya want to,even to just talk about random things.


kimmyp890 (10/06/06)

coll site i luv it i'm gona ada u k add me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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