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myOtaku.com: KiKi 777352

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Anime $teph (09/05/06)

Hey thxx for adding me I'll do the same and thx I like your fanart as well:) Well cya ya around

Kogasgirl4ever (09/04/06)

hey like ur site um thanks for signing my gb love the gb it is cool ill add u

Miss Vanilla (09/03/06)

very kawaii bg ^^

I wish i had neko ears ^^

Fullmetal16 (09/03/06)

Hi Kiki this is james aka fullmetal so what is up come over and tell me

tsnade26 (09/01/06)

yo! thanks for signing my gb. i love the legendary sannin theme. jiraiya looks so cute as a kid. not that i would date him. lol. i'm ading you as a friend okyday? l8er g8er!

SaturnSakura (08/30/06)

Hey! Thanks for Signing my guestbook, and for the comment on my comix^^
I'm sorry I don't know how to use a scanner *tear* I don't have one so I draw all of mine on the computer!
Do you have any fan-art up... Ima go check!
Cya around, and gonna add you as a friend!
-Kaori Rae-

WinryChick (08/27/06)

Thanks so much for visiting my site. I love your BG. ^_^

Dark Neko Girl (08/27/06)

Hey i love your site mines ok i guess u should come by and comment on a few things and sign my gb. ttyl

aikasa (08/24/06)


nice site and fan art too^_^
be free to come by my site^_~
nice site^_^
I'm adding you to my friends list, hope you don't mind^_^'
cya around...

darkdragon1234 (08/23/06)

i lo ve your bg Naruto is my favorite show but i like saski

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