Tatsubei Yagyu (07/28/05)
Wow... I like your colors! If you're going to visit, you should atleast sign my book. ;)
Goddess Leviathan (07/28/05)
Thanks for message me, but you're suppose to sign in my guestbook first.... But I'll add you as my friend, anyway... ^^
kakashi n (07/26/05)
hello kikkiohs back nice page i'm addin u as a friend
Teardrops (07/23/05)
nice site. yah know that little clip of stewy? IT'S HILARIOUS! i saw that ep yesterday aw man. *ahem* i think its cool ur a blackbelt 2 btw.
Naota (07/22/05)
Thanks for signing my guestbook.You have a cool site.Im gonna add you as a friend.See ya!:)
SailorTime (07/20/05)
Hey, I just realized you had commented on my guestbook, like forever and a half ago. I tend to neglect the websites i'm apart of for long periods of time and then randomly come back to them. heh.
Anyway, thanks for the comment. ^_^
AnimeGuy 101 (07/20/05)
I like your site and thanks for pming me im addin u as friend and I like ur BG
somegirl (07/20/05)
whoo! SESSIEHOMARU PARTY AT MY HOUSE! (that's what i call him lol^^) why dont they just call him big fluffy or something it would totaly make sence^^ well that is enough hope to see you areound^^
AnimeGrl 101 (07/20/05)
hey i like your site.....the background is very cool. well ill see ya around ^_^
WatersRequiem (07/19/05)
Sup nice Inuyasha site! Hope u don't mind, but i'll add ya as a friend!