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myOtaku.com: kikofreako

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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somegirl (05/21/06)

hey! i love your site! the bg's awsome^^ lol i love your avi too! well ttyl! later

saijinto (04/26/06)

Do you like Gaara,cause he's your avvi.I find Gaara rocks,he's so calm(except for in a recent comic i posted)And definetly cool.Anyway see ya around,later^_^

shamankid21 (03/23/06)

your avi is based on the kingdom hearts manga...wich i read!!! cool site! keep it up alright!!
by the way, im going to add you as a friend.

royal cherri (03/01/06)

i luv your sitey!
Kindom Hearts Rock!
like your username!
^^ ♥
i'll add yu as a friend


batlerino (01/23/06)

hello my name is matt i relly like ur site oh can i add u as a friend please!!

RKluverX (01/03/06)

Haloo there. I love your icon. x3 *is a new Kingdom Hearts fan* I've heard alot about you from Saroku, and figured it was time for a visit. ^_^x I hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend. ^.^x


JD Person (08/14/05)

wow, you haven't got a lot of hits yet.
well i thought your site was really cool.
i love your avi.
i always hated when people told me that but i'm not you.
the dancin gir is awesome also.
well rock on.
and stop by or pm me sometime if you can.

Veda (06/30/05)

i like your avatar.and your background.

TravelingDisciple (06/23/05)

Thank you for commenting me so generously!!!! it is much appreciated. also i'm happy that you are also a christian...like me!! feel free to visit my site as well as sign might guestbook!!! ^^;; i'll add you as a friend too ok
God bless^_~

sugar high nut (05/29/05)

Hiya! i like ur site. i also like ur avatar. can i add u as a friend? drop by my site sometime. ^_^


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