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myOtaku.com: kikofreako

Friday, May 20, 2005

   Star Wars!
I just got back from Star Wars Episode III. I'm not a huge S.W. fan myself, but my dad is, so I've followed the storyline. The movie is, actually, better than the fist two, in my opinion.

One of the things I was worried about was the violence (I am such a wimp!). But there really wasn't anything. For parents that are unsure, I would say it's OK for kids- at least my nine year old brother anyway- he's never been allowed to watch PG-13 movies before.

The other thing was the reality of Anikan's turn to the Dark side. I was impressed- the transition was completely believeable, and had you completely sucked in, from the moment it's first debated to when Anikan pledges loyalty to the Chancellor.

The effects were good- as you would expect in a Star Wars movie. The lightsabre (I know I didn't spell that right) battles were as engrossing and suspenseful as ever, with a final setting in a planet of lava the setting for the final battle was like the cherry on top.

All in all, I give this movie four stars out of five. Check it out if you get the chance.


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