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nurano clan(sand village)
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I was 11
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Friday, May 28, 2004
 you are the HYPER EXPRESSION. Yay! Bubbles, hearts, fairies! You just wanna have fun!
What is your Anime Expression? brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are... winter! Hm... ^_^ with cold hands, but with warm heart!
What season are you? [for girls... with anime pics!] brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are... winter! Hm... ^_^ with cold hands, but with warm heart!
What season are you? [for girls... with anime pics!] brought to you by Quizilla
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 Dude...Princess of the Wild? Cool! BD You have a bit of a high temper, but you are calm when you need to be. Know one will boss you around, but do be Kind to them! .....not? BD
What (misc) anime princess are you? (with anime pics as results ;D ) brought to you by Quizilla
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Which Final Fantasy X-2 character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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 Your element is Fire: Strong, hot tempered, powerful, and passionate. Well now lets see, being fire you are quite strong and powerful, people look up to you greatly and often seek your protection. You have the ability to gain many friends and you are always one people can count on to do what you say you will do. You are extremely loyal be it friends or family you'll stick up for them and you are never willing to put them in a position that could hurt them. You know what roll you play in life, leader, and you intend to let people know it. Not everyone is capable of leadership but you certainly have the willpower and flare to do it. You have quite a temper if it shows itself, one that can often lead you into trouble. Once your mind is made up there is no changing it but no one said that was a bad thing.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are Everybody's Fool! You are easily aggrivated, and tend to have an envy streak. And if someone steals your boyfriend/girlfriend? I DON'T wanna be around when that problem is adressed!
What Evanescence Song Represents You? brought to you by Quizilla
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You are the vampire that controls the soul. You are dark and lonely, you long for love and friendship. You hide yourself in the shadows afraid that people may hate you, and you are afraid to be hurt. If you don't take a chance and show your true colours, reavle to people the real you, then you will always be alone, only you can help yourself.Please rate this quiz!!!
What Element Would You Rule Over If You Were A Vampire? brought to you by Quizilla
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 Your A Dragon! Whether your the fire, electric, or ice dragon, you are very powerful and wise. Fire Dragons usually live in caves, elctric dragons live in valleys, and ice dragons live in mountain tops. A dragon represents wisdom, magic, love, grace, power, intelligence, determinotion, hounesty, and freedom. You tend to be a little explosive when your angry, so aa dragon can cuase lightning storms, blizzards, or heatwaves. Dragons are solitorey creatures, or lay live together, just not near humans. Whichever dragon you are, you certaintly are a rare mythical creature.
What Mythical Beast are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
 You are most like Zakuro! You are cool, popular and talented. You are also a bit mean and snobbish, but that is hidden beneath your beauty. you are the oldest of the group.
~~*~WHAT TOKYO MEW MEW CHARACTER IS MOST LIKE YOU~~~* brought to you by Quizilla
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