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my own little world
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wouldn't you like to know
passing kindergarten
Anime Fan Since
age 3
Favorite Anime
InuYasha, Fullmetal Alchemist,DNAngel,Gundam,Naruto
learn Japanese
drawing, playing RPGs, t.v.
Hey everyone my name is Michaeru in Japanese and i am a HUGE InuYasha and FMA fan. Feel free to add me to your friends list, just tell me your going to first.
Your also welcome to sign my guestbook and pm me!
1 No Chain Letters!
2 No flaming keep your comments to yourself
3 you can give me suggestions but i wouldnt neccesarily use them
4 if you visit my site please sign my guestbook

Monday, March 31, 2008
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Friday, January 6, 2006
My Eggs and Creatures

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Sunday, August 21, 2005
Chapter 3
sorry ive had major writer sblock this ones short
"I came to finish what we had started before you dissapeared into the well. Oh and whos the
girl. What is it with you and humans you are way too soft. I think ill kill her first for you to watch."
Sesshomaru luged at kagome but was knocked backwards with a huge sword.
"So little brother you learned to weild the tetsaiga. That sword will be mine little brother. And
there is nothing you will be a ble to do to stop me. We'll finish this battle another time." Seshomaru
said just then a cloud formed beneath his feet and he started to rise and dissapear into the sunset.
Inuyasha was helpless. He could do the nothing but watch his brother leave. But then he
something on his neck. "Myouga!" and inuyasha smacked the flea who fell off and down to the ground.
"Eh. Sorry master. And I see you got the Tetsaiga to transform."
"Yes i did but Im not sure how."
"I'll tell you but first lets go to the villiage and find shelter for the night."
"Fine." Inuyasha grunted, "Come kagome we're going to the villiage and staying in Kaedes
hut for the night. Well leave first thing in the morning." Inuyasha said.
So the three of them left off to the village to find a place to stay for the night.When they
finally arrived at Kaedes hut myouga began to explain the mystery of the Tetsaiga.
"You see. Your father made this sword from one one his fangs for his second born son for
protection. he also made another sword for his eldest born son. They are the tetsaiga and the
Tensaiga.the oldest son is the stronger of the two sons so he gets the Tensaiga. The Tensaiga is
unique bcause it cant hurt but only heal. Your father did this so that Your older brother coulnt hurt
you. For you he made the Tetsaiga.This swors is only useful when protecting a human. That is
why you were aable to bring forth its true form today. Because you were protecting..."
"Kagome." inuyasha finishes
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Take the quiz: "How into Inuyasha are you?"
You Love It! Good for you! You happily look forward to seeing it everynight and enjoy having conversations about it. Your awsome for getting this!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
 Your element is Fire: Strong, hot tempered, powerful, and passionate. Well now lets see, being fire you are quite strong and powerful, people look up to you greatly and often seek your protection. You have the ability to gain many friends and you are always one people can count on to do what you say you will do. You are extremely loyal be it friends or family you'll stick up for them and you are never willing to put them in a position that could hurt them. You know what roll you play in life, leader, and you intend to let people know it. Not everyone is capable of leadership but you certainly have the willpower and flare to do it. You have quite a temper if it shows itself, one that can often lead you into trouble. Once your mind is made up there is no changing it but no one said that was a bad thing.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
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 Your personality is best represented by the Japanese dagger, called a Tanto. A person who wields a Tanto knows better than anyone that you cant judge on appearance alone. You have the unique ability to see the full potential in people and objects long before anyone else has a clue. You are clever and are probably underestimated a lot by others, but YOU know who you are and exactly what you are capable of.
What sort of Weapon best Represents your Personality? (anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Chapter 2
Kagome found herself at the bottom of the well.
"Hey why did you follow me." Inuyasha says as kagome climbs out of the well. "i want you
to know im not going to baby sit you. If your here your gonna have tpo take care of yourself.
"Hey Inuyasha whats that necklace around your neck?" Kagpme said staring at him with a
puzzled expression.
" Oh this thing? Kaede put it on me when i tried to kill a monk named Michaeru. She says that
eventually some one will come along and subdue me just by saying sit boy." Inuyasha said with a
sarcastic tone in his voice.
" And all theyll have to do is say is sit boy?" and as Kagome said that inuyasha came flying
off the branch he was sitting on and face planted into the ground. "Oops sorry Inuyasha i didnt try it i
"I should kill Kaede for this that old hag." Inuyasha grumbled
"Hey Inuyasha who is Kaede?" Kagome asked
"She is the younger to the woman i love, Kikyo, who was killed 50 years ago by Naraku. Dont
ask who he is because Im not even sure who he is." as inuyasha said this Kagome could see the tears
running down his cheek. "But im going to bring her back using the power of the shikon jewel. And better
yet im going to bring her back so that she'll live as long as i do. I dont want to lose her again."
"Inuyasha Im sorry I didnt know. What happened to Naraku?"Kagome asked
"He's still out there toying with peoples emotions. I swear ill kill him.
"Wait why does Naraku sound familiar. Does he by any chance wear a baboon skin? If he
does that means he is the one that killed my father. He killed my father when i was 4 then got away.
There have been a bunch of sightings of him but he has never been caught."
"Then he is the one that killed your father because he does wear the fur of a baboon." Inuyasha
"May I come with you on your hunt for Naraku."she asked
"Yeah sure but you have to help me bring kikyo back too." he said "if you come you do have
to pull your own weight."
Kagome told inuyasha she had to go home for some things and Inuyasha agreed to wait for her.
While at home Kagome explained everything to her family. her grandpa would keep calling in sick
for kagome whenever she was gone and her mom told her she has to come home at least once a
month to visit with the family. Her mom also said that the first time she did come home she would
have to bring Inuyasha home to have dinner with them so her mom could meet him.
When Kagome returned to the past Inuyasha was still waiting.
"Finally your back what took you so long?" inuyasha said with irratation in his voice. Lets
go now."
As he turned around to walk away someone came out ot the trees.
"Sesshomaru why are you back. Inuyasha barked.
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Chapter 1
i did decide to start my fic with encouragement from a friend. tell me what you think via comment or pm
"See you after school dear!" Kagome's mom yelled as kagome ran out the door.
As Kagome was running past the old family shrine she heard a noise come from the well inside.
"What could that be she thought to herself as she aproached the shrine and went inside for
a look. "Hello is anyone there she said as she stared down the well."Hellooooo." Still no answer.
She leaned farther and farther over until she sliped and felt herself falling down the well. But
to her surprise she didnt land on the ground like she was expect, but instead she landed on a boy.
She looked a him. She couldnt speak or move she could just look at him. He was wearing a red kiori
and had long silver hair unlike anything she had ever seen before. She was still staring at him when
she saw something that made her jump. He had two ears that resemle dog ears. Just when she
started thinking who he could be he moved.
"Ow, my head what happened and ........ who are you?" the boy said.
"My name is kagome and i dont know what happened. but who are you and can you help
me get out of here?"
"Fine climb onto my back." he said
So kagome climbed onto his back and he leaped 30 feet up and out of the well. Kagome
climbed off his back and loked at him. He was looking around with alook of horror on his face.
"Hey maybe you have amnesia. What year is it?" Kagome asked
"I have a name you know its inuyasha. and its 550."
"OH.......MY.........GOSH! You dont have amnesia your from the past. The well must be a
time link between our two eras!"
Before she could say anymore inuyasha was heading down the stairs of the shrine and into
the well.
"WAIT!!!!!!!!! Im coming with you! She yelled as she too ran into the shrine and into the well.
"Here I come!!!!!" she screamed as she jumped into the well not knowing what would be waiting for her
.. on the other end.
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