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Favorite Anime
D.Gray Man, Lovely Complex, Loveless, Boys Next Door, Kobato, HnG, X1999, Death Note, CG, Tsubasa, Naruto, Bleach, HxH, OP, Nana......
The dog's name is Pikachaa.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Banner was made by a friend
After today, Im gonna go to my auntie's house. My family will celebrate a New Year's celebration there. Yeehaw!!!
Thank you very much for everything, everyone!!!
Thank you everyone for the lovely Christmas and Birthday wishes. Im so happy that you guyz have come and given me wonderful gifts. Thank you, thank you, thank you very much. I just can't thank enough for all of that. Im so happy.
I wish everyone will have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2010 as same as enjoying the last days of 2009.
My BD's cards by Ritona-chan:

Fan art from rokachet

Wallpapers: My BD's presents from yann0, Luna-chan, grueny-chan, and cherry-chan.
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Saturday, December 19, 2009
Two new wallpapers
Dear puppy, Pikachaa
It's time for break today; break at school and I want to take a break at theOtaku also, hehe (just kidding). I planned to make two wallpapers today; these wallpapers will be someone's birthday presents; one is late birthday present n one is one time. Yes, almost done with them, just a little bit unsure that I should post them today or tomorrow since the house's internet is kinda suck. XD
I sure will take all my two wallpapers here when Im done uploading them at theO. Today is pretty much a nice day; nothing's bad, nothing's sad. Just waiting for another luck's coming to my life. hhehehe. BTW, Im making a new Christmas' song playlist and I will take it here very soon. -'__'-
MyO today looks different than the other day since I've change the Inner background color and the menu color to yellow and light yellow. Yellow represents luck anyway. ^^
Yeh, I stop here. What a little, short post, but I thank so much for reading.
Edit: Im done and have posted the two wallpapers today. :X

This one is for Sakuracherry.

This one is for Yamaro.
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Thursday, December 17, 2009
Ho Ho Ho
Ha Ha Ha
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My Gift ^o^
OMG, I couldn't believe it. Today I just got 2 dedications from my friends. One from Luna-chan and one from Kelsey-chan. I'm so glad. Is it just because I am so lucky today? WoW.
Here is my gift from Kelsey-chan. She's just dedicated this one to me as a gift. What a beautiful, well-made e-card she has just given to me. I just love it. Awww....
Wooooww, how lucky I am!!! I got an e-card from Kelsey-chan on the Lucky week. It means a lot to me :X
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Celebrating A Lucky week
Dear my friends,
Here I come. Today Im celebrating a week of luck which I was inspired by Luna-chan. Im celebrating a week of TykixLavi or LavixTyki here from the fourteenth to the twentieth of December. Anymore information you would want to know more about or interested in, plz come here to take a look and ask.
Such a beautiful and romantic 'TykixLavi' piccy bellow.
Banner was made by Luna-chan
Awwwwwwwww, I deserved a wallie for celebrating the lucky week from Luna-chan. Im sooooo glad XD

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Hi there viewers,
Have some music first before we get to the right points :D lalalalala
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