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• 2006-01-18
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• To live each day so that there are no regrets.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Figured I'd stop by since it's been a bit. Well, a bit more than a bit I suppose really.
I've learned that this place is something of a haven filled with a number of precious memories. People, although some gone, have done a number of things to change me. Who knows, maybe because they've changed me I've changed them and in doing so we'll be remembered in each others memories for as long as that should exist.
In the end, cherish what occurs here. Cherish all that you have in your life that's worth smiling over. Trust me when I say that the people in your life who are truly worth having probably don't hear it enough and they may be grateful to the kind words which you may speak. It's not often enough that we find those kinds of friends who will stand beside you in comfortable silence, who can hear out your worst fears and then hold you without any need to reassure you, and while things may be falling apart around you they remain constant figures willing to stand beside you.
I simply say that you should be willing to cherish the people around you that deserve it. Love them as you as they have shown you the same.
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