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Friday, February 3, 2006
 The two-faced ocean. You can be very harsh when
mad, and very sweet when calm. You are very
kind to others most the time and can be
H-E-double hockey stick when ticked-off.
Things normally need to be in order for you
to tollerate it. You are not exactly social.
You just have a bit more than a few close
What does your inner soul look like? (version 3.0......anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
... hw agian./..
this is sad....
another one...
and another one... my favorite!
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
skools out!!!
whoo hoo!! half of texas is iced out!! n mai district isnt going to skool!! whoo hoo!!! well i feel bad for all the ppl out there goign to work n im just hoping they ll b ok cus theres haves been a crap load of accidents today!! so im really hoping everyones safe n ok! well todya hmmm i dont think im going to do nething much cus i need mai projects to do!! im hoping i dont b a lazy bum n not do nething! i really need to finish these projects... grrrr well i gtg yall ttyl ai!
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
another day..
hey watsup everyone!? well today was okie i guess... mai dad is jsut very pissy... grr./// but other than that... i got to meet an old freind of mines!! he is still the same old perv at b4... but he made mai day a lil bit brighteer... so im happy about that!! yay!! so hows yalls weekends? grr.. hw... sihg... how m i eva gonna pass.. o yeha... i finally got mai first seeks week report card from six weeks ago!! hehe yeah... for some reason they still mail mai skool stuff to mai uncles house... n all this other crap... n i dont live there!! grr... well yeah ttyl bai!! nite!!
PS... yay!! im not thining about the person nemore!!! im jsut hoping i wont b bo crazy like mai other friend... sigh... only time can tell...
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
hye! watsup?! srry///... i havent been on lately... too freaking busy!! it suks! so much hw! n everyone is like *slap* y the hell u take all pre ap?!?!? which r 5 classes!! grr heheh but its okie i guess... hoping itll b fine.. ish... thinking about dropping out next year..., im just hoping i dont die!! heheh well here it is!!
 You are Blue.
Overall you're a pretty content person. At peace with yourself, you don't tend to over react. Although at times you can be quite harsh and cold towards others.
What Color Best Represents Your Personality? brought to you by Quizilla
well thanks for dropping by!!!
PS... hmm... trying to forget about someone.... but it seems that i cant forget.... sigh** =(
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
mai week....
hey! watsup yall!>? well cristi and vi had planned a surpise birthdya party for me on friday last week! and then on sunday i went ova to mai friends house n all of a sudden they had a birthdya cake for me! heheh it was good!! and then that nite we were at mai house n mai dad was planning a bbq and didnt tell me until real late satuday/.... but the bbq neva worked out cus the weather and all... so we decided to have chinese takeout and pizza!1 hhe n mai some of mai friends came ova n we had fun... we messed around put cream all ova eachother.. i got mai mom!! .... n the cake was good of course!! heheh n im really srry to ppl who werent able to make it!!!!! r that i didnt say nething!! so so so srry!!!!! didnt mean to... plus some family was there...and so it was crowded! well yesterday i went to the football game!! it was fun! i was with megan and sheyda and elizabeth was there!! this week has gone by so fast... even with all the crapy hw! n this week was spirit week so we dressed up aot! it wa real fun to get all dressed up... amazingly i didnt trip down the stairs wearign mai heels! hehe dang more tests and labs to do next week... and im just hoping i dont get to lazy!1 well i gtg.... ttyl bai!!
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
yay!! finally !! srry about not posting for a long time!!! i didnt mean too!!1 hehe... well i was busy with plans with freinds from Pflugerville high!! i finally got to see them again n together too@! well if yall dont kno... but i go to connally high so we dont get to see eachother as much,... n there was supose to b this girl namede corina thats supose to be there n shes from hendrickson! but she couldnt make it! but its okie tho... it was fun at the mall tho .. we took pics n stuff in this picture booth n i wnana post them up later but i need to find a scanner ./.. grrr... but neways... on friday,.. it was a good day! i guess... besides the whole pep rally thing... i got a schedule change so im taking art with eliza... thank god i at least kno him! i didnt kno he was relaly nice! n then im in 4th period with mr garcia... heard he was mean... but iono yet so im just gonna keep an open mind about it.. im soo happy about that class cus some of mai freinds r in theere!!! like megan n lily!! n some other ppls!! but i feel bad for leaving whitley n nhi all alone in mai former science class!! sniff..sniff.. soo srry!! well i gtg... tytl ... and thanks...
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
hey yall!! for the firwst time i dont got alot of hw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soosososososos happy rite now!well skool is starting to get better except that i dont see megan n lily no more!!!!!!but i do try n go outside but theres alwasy somin holding me bak,.... teachers!~! they likek scare me!1
they were like guarding ppl n everyting! so it kinda suks! but ill try mai best to go outside tho! to see them! i hope it yall like ur presents! even tho one of them says booby on it!! so yeha ttyl bai!!
PS!! Diego says hi to lily!@!!!!!! yall kno wat this means!! wink wink** jkjkjk...
PSS... johnny is complaining about yall!! hehehe
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
skool again.....
hey!! mai first week of skool is finally ova!! but i wish mai weekend would last foreva~~ but too bad... i think skool is gonna be so complicated now that the classes are way harder... but i guess i cnat procrastinate as much... well at least i get to see some of mai freinds agian! but i dotn see some ppl tho... sniff...sniff... but ill see wat i cna to to see them agian! well ttyl bai!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
skool tommorrow ... skool tommorrow.... i dont wnat to go bak~!!!
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